with greater love, comes greater suffering

with greater love, comes greater suffering


Chapter 7

Yuri had notice for the past few days, that Yoona had been ignoring her. She’s finally fed up for being ignored and decided to talk to Yoona. One day, she came to sit with Yoona on her biology class.


‘Hey Yoona _______’


Yoona stood up and walked to another desk. A hand grabbed her arm and she was struggling to break free. It was Yuri.


‘Yoona, I want to talk to you, please meet me in the Auditorium today at lunchtime.’

Yoona turned around and looked her Yuri in the eyes.


‘She’s serious about this.’ Yoona thought for the moment and nodded


Yuri finally let go of her arm and went back to her seat. Yoona went back to her own seat, separating herself from the dark – skinned girl.




It is lunchtime now and Yuri is sitting in the Auditorium waiting for Yoona’s appearance.


‘She wouldn’t be that mad at me, would she?’ Yuri thought for the moment as she looked at the clock that was hung in the Auditorium. It’s already been ten minutes and Yoona is still missing.


Finally, Yuri heard footsteps. She immediately turned around and saw Yoona standing in front of her, looking impatient and annoyed.


‘What do you want to talk to me?’ She asked as she walked into the big empty room


‘I just wanna say that I am sorry for scolding you a few days ago.’


‘That’s all? Well then, I need to go to the library and study for my test, bye.’ Yoona said as she turned away and walked out of the room.


‘Oh no, you’ve done something terribly wrong, Kwon Yuri.’ Yuri thought




Yoona was unexpectedly tired today after thinking over and over of what happened today in the Auditorium. Instead of taking the public bus home today, she decided to take the cab home.


‘Good thing mom’s not home.’ She thought as she opened the door of the cab and got in it.


The driver got into an intersection of the road and stopped because the traffic lights turned red. Yoona stared up the sky.


‘Should I forgive Yuri?’ she wondered


Just then, a truck, coming out from nowhere, came rushing through ad hit the car that Yoona was on. The speed of the truck was fast that it forces the cab to flip over, knocking both passenger and driver unconscious.


Yoona was knocked unconscious while people panicked outside of the car.


‘Yuri…’ she muttered before closing her eyes, knowing that there is no Yuri to save her this time


On the other side of the town, a girl named Kwon Yuri woke up from her nap.


‘Why do I have a bad feeling about the world again?’




Yuri the TV to watch the news. She never watches any news, but this time, she had a really bad feeling about someone close to her being in danger.


‘This is the Korean news broadcast. An accident occurred this afternoon in an intersection of a road, where a truck hit a cab. Both passenger and driver of the cab were seriously injured but the driver of the truck was nowhere in sight. The injured people were sent to the nearest hospital for treatment. Thank You, end of report.’


Just then, there was a girl lying down on one of the white beds and Yuri knew that this was one of the injured people. The girl was unconscious and also covered in an oxygen mask but Yuri knew who the face belongs to immediately.






Yuri went to the hospital as soon as she heard the news.


‘Excuse me, a passenger and a driver was sent here after an accident, right?’


‘Yes, they’re both in the operation room.’ Said the nurse


Yuri turned her head to the direction of the operation room. The light above the room was still on, meaning that an operation is still going on.


‘Please don’t let my dream come true.’


The operation light went off and a doctor walked out of the room.


‘Doctor, how’s my friend?’ Yuri’s hands were shaking


The doctor shook his head.


‘She had suffered severe blood loss, there’s nothing we can do about it, I’m sorry.’ The doctor went away.


Just then, a bed was pushed out of the operating room. A white blanket covered the bed and there was blood. The scene was similar to the one in Yuri’s dream; in fact, it was exactly the same.


Yuri walked up towards the bed. She put her hand on the head of the bed.


‘I’m sorry, Yoona.’ She said as her tears slide down her face


She opened the white blanket to reveal the face of the unfortunate one.



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this was cute!
you should update soon~!! ;~; yoona's moom!
YoonA loved her mom so much even if she hasn't been a part of her life most of the time..That thought was...I don't know what to add..sad?
luv_yoona #4
update soon!!! :D
Man...yoona mom so bad :X<br />
Update soon
Oh, yoona's mom is so cruel
luv_yoona #7
i love ur story. it's great... poor yoong. i wonder if that woman is yoong's mother<br />
update soon!!!
mayang #8
please update!!!
puff02030405 #9
A/N Sorry for another late update...