UPDATE 06/01/2020

Head To Head Contest (CLOSED!)

Hello everyone! It's been an eventful last few months what with the explosion of this virus, no? I hope everyone is doing okay. 

There are 30 days left to finish this contest off. There are a few entries that have yet to be written, one myself included, and I want to be sure that everyone has the chance to complete their story on time!

If anyone new would like to challenge me, this is still open for 30 more days! It's simply a matter of you being able to complete your entry. =)

Good luck to everyone!

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One more judged... anyone want to give it a go?


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Chapter 23: Thank you for holding this great contest. It was really fun and a fresh, unique idea. I hope you had fun with it, as well.
Chapter 23: Congrats to the winners and well done everyone else~!
Chapter 1: I'm really sorry, but will need to change my entry/challenge from Shadow of Fate, since this story will not be finished by the deadline. I'll reply to this comment with the other one that I would like to use against you with the same prompt, so will be back. I'm sorry again.
Chapter 22: Thank you for the encouraging words. It's been a crazy last few months. I hope everyone stays safe and continues ro follow precautions. Also, I hope I can complete my entry and have a shot at beating you lol.
Chapter 1: I've finally started on Shadow of Fate. It's fun to write, so far=).
Chapter 21: Yay! Good luck!
Chapter 20: So...I'm challenging you again. Here you go. May the best story win;).

Fallen Kingdom
Prompt: "You must be the change you want to see in the world." ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Story status: Completed
I dropped by this contest, and realized I wasn't subbed to it. Hopefully that's because I accidentally unsubbed and not because I failed to do it in the first place. Sorry about that, either way OTL.
Chapter 20: Considering I wrote the fic in a few days during writer's block, I'm surprised I even did decently well lmao congrats, Tig!
Chapter 20: Congratulations on another win! I've read Ribbon of Fate, and it's definitely worth it.