LIFE AFTER.   coming soon.




due to the tragic incident caused by the scientist team's carelessness, t.o.l has now disbanded.
no one knows about the existence of this organization besides its own members and a very small proportion of the others. your character and not even the governments know about them.
the number of soldiers is gradually decreasing so now the military's constantly looking for new recruits. sometimes, they would go as far as threatening one's life.
water system's still running and there is electricity available at most places. you just don't know when you're going to run out of them...
passing the military checkpoint is the least you would want to do aside from encontering a zombie, especially if you want to move to the protected city/location for safety. there's always a high chance that you're going to end up with a bullet in your brain so make sure you show up in a small group only and none of you look wounded. and don't act like a fool. 
the first case of zombies occurred in busan, south korea.
zombies prefer the dark but that doesn't mean you won't run into one during daytime. they are just more crowded and ferocious at night.
their eyes and blood are always glowing blue.
animals and some plants such as vines are also affected by the virus. stay away from those vines.
the infected are very hard to kill. most of the time, they will die after you blow their brains out but you wouldn't want to use a shotgun for that— noise attracts more of them.


south korea, year 2040. 

a group of scientists from the united states of america comes to this country to conduct a monstrous experiment that no one has ever heard of. these scientists are part of a secret organization who calls themselves t.o.l, which stands for the only leaders. they might be a nobody right now but their existence revolves around one goal: some day, if not today then tomorrow, if not tomorrow then the day after tomorrow, if not the day after tomorrow then years later but however long it takes, one day, they are going to take over america and dominate the rest of the world. 

t.o.l believes that they don't have to waste their time on recruiting soldiers and training a huge army. in fact, their ultimate plan is deadlier than any of the most destructive weapons the military base has ever had. this is something that you can only expect to see in movies and comic books because chances of such occurrences happening in the real world are extremely rare or obviously impossible: building an army of the walking dead. we are talking about turning the living into the living dead here. 

needless to say, it is an absolutely absurd plan that only children would fall for yet only the mad ones have the nerves to up so badly.

t.o.l wants to spread the viruses, turning the infenced into violent creatures who will not do anything else besides tearing each other apart, making it a national wide disease that can only be cured through their vaccine. nobody wants to live as a mindless, thirsty beast so of course, t.o.l predicts that many individuals are coming to find them afterwards. whoever wants the cure must not only pay them a high price but must also wear to obey and devote their life to organization forever. work for them. eat for them. live for them and kill for them if it's a command. this, is how t.o.l is going to control the big names and the world.

for the plan to succeed, t.o.l depends heavily on the diligent work of the organization's own recruited scientists. these brilliant minds were once kicked out of many big projects are now reunited and swear to prove their worth to the world of science. nobody knows what they look like except for the organization so they can come from any part of the world and any ethnicity but they all have one thing in common: they are the mad men. turning the living into the dead, the audacity to play god when they aren't one only leads them closer to hell's gates.

why south korea? there's a famous politician who is, surprisingly, part of t.o.l and agrees to fund for the team of scientists new base and a further more advanced underground lab where their experiments and works aren't tracked down by their country's government. since they are the mad men, they obviously don't give a about the possibility of them failing this experiment. they don't see this as a life-threatening action, only regarding this as an opportunity to outsmart other scientists and make their works known to the world though of course, before the virus is spread, they will need to invent a cure for themselves first.

after three years of playing around with unknown chemicals, mixing liquid from bottles with poorly handwritten labels attached on them and experimenting on the rats, they still haven't succeeded.

until one day, one of them is out buying some flowers on a beautiful sunny day when her pale skin begins to decay, saliva oozing from and eyeballs popping out as she reaches her claws out to grab the florist's arm, bitting off the man's flesh. 

they have failed the experiment, a careless mistake led to doomsday of earth.


they have many names — zombies, the dead, the living dead, the walking dead men, the infected, the nightmares

airports are packed with people moving back to their countries or just simply fleeing from the chaos. cities are fallen, the sky is always gloomy, the sudden notice of high-level radiation and the streets which used to be so crowded are now empty like a forgotten land. cars are left on the roads as people had to abandone them and ran for their lives, and the infected are dragging their heavy bodies to all four directions, eager for a prey to fill their already-full stomachs with rotten holes and worms crawling out of one of their eyeballs. they are constantly thirsty, one bite with their blue blood and saliva come in direct contact with your open wound then you are infected. within 24 hours, you are going to lose your sense and then... you are no longer a human.

zombies in real life are far more terrifying than those in movies. their eyes are glowing blue, their skin is the shade of ashes and their scream pierces through one's ear. they are fast, incredibly fast and they don't stop. nobody escapes, nobody even dreams of escaping anymore. nobody knows what caused the infection besides the last member of the t.o.l scientist team, whom no one sees afterwards. 

it seems that each zombie is different in their own ways though all of them are deadly alike. some grow an extra head, some have three legs. some spit acidic liquid, some burn to death under the sun. some move fast than the others, some are stronger and grow larger. some crawl, some can climb. like animals and apes and us, they are evolving. each day, humanity's nightmares are more vivid than ever. 

before they know it, not only south korea but the world is already living in their own night terrors. unbeknown to them, this is just the beginning of a living hell.


after a year of struggling against the apocalypse, finally, they have managed to ease the tension though danger is always lurking in the darkest alleys, under their bead, inside their head. the korean government gives orders to the military force to eliminate as many zombies as possible in order to clear up certain areas completely as to provide the last of mankind a place to take temporary cover. walls have been built to keep the infected out (only in major cities including seoul, busan, daegu, daejeon and gwangju), military checkpoints everywhere, hospitals are now back to service and in many locations, people farm to feed themselves. the victuals are then transported to seoul and other cities/areas. scientists now have their own labs and work with everything they've got to find a cure for this disease.

now, seoul although still isn't entirely safe from the infected's invasion but it is guaranteed that this city is much safer than other areas such as the city outskirts, the forests and the countrysides, not to mention all the big names live here. seoul is now also where the government and the main military base reside at at the moment along with the wealthy people who could afford for a safety protection service from the soldiers. they live in mansions and buildings with high razor sharp fences and strong defense with guards patrolling every second, ready to take down any dead man that dares to intrude.

the poor (actual poor people or those who have lost everything after the apocalypse) live here as well but like most soldiers, they will have to fend for themselves. it is indeed ironic how in the matter of life and death, they are still playing favorites. unfortunately, these safe zones are barely well-equipped, resulting in not being able to hold many people inside and as the result, no one else is allowed to enter these cities unless they are here to deliver food, ammo, etc from other cities and places. as for the citizens, to keep them under watch, the military prevents citizens from leaving the city, subjecting them to forced labor and restricting food rations. as time passed, their strict control became permanent, leading to the military consolidating a dictatorship within the cities they occupied. anyone who dares to oppose the orders will be executed immediately. anyone who steals food or supplies will also have the same tragic death but this is still not the worst part. 

the government has ordered a group of soldiers to murder any individual who's spotted to be alone, only scouting them and saving their life if they are healthy, strong and if they seem like someone who can handle the jobs that the government give them such as putting them in the military or make them a chef, a nurse, etc since the workforce is in demand. the current president of the country who's in charge of giving commands, mr. kim sanggyeon, is not loved by his people anymore after such a cruel policy was given. he talks about how leaving the weak ones live will only slow their companions down, not to mention they are easily targeted by the infected and has a higher chance of adding more population to the living dead — which should be stopped and reduced at all cost. in his perspective, he's only trying his best to ensure the safety of what is left of this country. luckily, this is only applied to safe zones' surrounded areas.

it makes you wonder if this is what reality is like? when people finally show their true colors on the verge of death?


since the chance of surviving is low if one is on their own and the government is slowly losing track of what should have been their priorities, the survivors have come together and establish a place where they can call home — a camp.

currently, there are ten camps scattering all over the country, each owns a part of a city or a town, has their own headquarter, farmland, training ground, etc. it's like a cheaper and smaller simulation of a city. a camp is a community that helps each other to survive through the days but even though they exist for the same reason, many camps are rivals with one another as many of them steal from each other but mostly because of how many members would betray their own camps to join another one.

most camps aren't fond of the government since they disagree with how people with power treat the weaker ones and those who are defenseless. they believe that commoners like them can sympathize with the people and lead the society better. hence, an organization, which was originally a group of rebels was born and they swear to take down the government as well as searching for a cure on their own. they call themselves the fireflies, choosing jeju island as their main headquarter while some members remain in the mainland. they have on several occasions tried to free several areas and with the help of camp hope 101, daegu is now part of the fireflies' terrority. the government wants to hunt them down, for sure, but it's not that easy as they might think. 

and so humans battle against each other, forgetting who their real enemy is. it's been five years since the apocalypse. meanwhile, there's something sinister in the woods...





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LIFE AFTER : i'll release the cheatsheet super soon because i'm so pumped for this story to get started, but also because i'm about to publish another horror fic set in a town ~


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Chapter 1: im here for this
Chapter 1: i actually promised myself not to look at anymore appfic atm
but then this. popped. out.
Chapter 1: amazing
Chapter 1: i love the time and effort you dedicated into this i could tell you worked really hard to plan this all out . this makes me so excited !!
peakachu #6
me: terrified of zombies, one of my worst fears
also me: zombie apocalypse!au???? sign me up!!!
zombies? i'm Down.
14 streak #8