Chapter 2


The dark green butterfly fluttered in a long way since her pick-off point. She has flown for hours now and has never really stopped for a break until she spotted a silver silhouette hidden in the trees. 


Curious, she hid between her favorite hiding spot. The place that never failed her when she was trying to hide from enemies...


“She’s so beautiful... What’s with that silver glow to her?” The butterfly couldn’t help but create a wave of air disturbance around her. Luckily, the wolf didn’t seem to mind what’s around her at all.


She waited until the wolf is done drinking from the stream and quietly followed her while doing her best not to get caught by the majestic creature in front of her.

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Chapter 4: Wow, so unique and different, I like it
kasterian #2
Chapter 4: Cute! I also felt strangely relaxed and calm like that other person had commented. Maybe it's because of how pure and tranquil the story was written.
Chapter 4: so cute! i know this is weird but i felt relaxed reading this.