Chapter 1


The night stars were shining brilliantly above the deep forest, where several animals roam the place quietly. There was one who sat on the huge plateau, with its eyes gazing up towards the skyline. 


The sky was beautiful as always, but tonight was exceptional. Yellow and white lights glistened involuntarily over the wide area, and warmth was thoroughly felt over the plains. The lone wolf stood up from its resting place and headed down to the stream nearby to get a drink.


As if the water wasn’t clear enough, the lights added a more luminous glow to its reflection. The silver silhouette seen only by the wolf can be clearly made out as she tasted the water. 


“Fresh... As always.” She thought. 


Unbeknownst to her, a butterfly camouflaged between the pine trees was observing her for a while before waiting for her move.

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Chapter 4: Wow, so unique and different, I like it
kasterian #2
Chapter 4: Cute! I also felt strangely relaxed and calm like that other person had commented. Maybe it's because of how pure and tranquil the story was written.
Chapter 4: so cute! i know this is weird but i felt relaxed reading this.