The Idol Next Door

A loud thud and continuous bell sounds made all of the guests in the Penthouse startled since they were in the middle of conversation. I walked to the door and watched the intercom monitor. Han Yoora.

"Finally", I mumbled and opened the door for her.
She barged inside as soon as the door was opened as if a ghost was chasing her. Close enough. She was the goddess in the entertainment industry, of course she has a lot of avid fan following her all day long. Unlike me, an underrated rookie idol.

"What take you so long to open the door. I barely ditch my fan though", she complained, pacing towards the kitchen for a glass of cold water. Judging from her breathing and appearance, I could tell she was running as fast as possible on the high heels.

"So everyone is here. Let's start the party", Minhyuk voiced up as all of us took the seat on the couch. Minhyuk was a model turned actor and you could see him on television everyday. He signed up a one year CF contract with a national smartphone brand.

"So this year, just four of us right--", Jiwon glanced at me. I just shrugged and chuckled softly. Jiwon was a famous rookie announcer. She started of as a weather forecaster before becoming a fix anchor on a cable tv.

Yoora suddenly frowned, showing all her wrinkles on her forehead. I hated that confuse face. "Wait---", she started. "-- I remember you said Kay is not invited but, why did I saw him at the intersection. He was driving here though. I thought you guys change your mind".

All of us snapped at her. Kay was here. 

"Ah, nobody follows you guys right?", I asked them again. 

"He must be so upset if he knew we have this party without him", Jiwon said again.

"Let him be. Maybe one of his friend lives here that's why you saw him", I added.

Minhyuk snorted to my answer. "Dahee-yah. You must forget that you are his only friend that live here. Not just anyone could actually live here. You must be lucky to have a rich fiancé. Come to think again, did you guys actually see each other? I heard he is always busy. Tsk tsk".

"He is not my fiancee--", I grumbled.  "--I told you last time his family buy me this Penthouse because they have a reputation. Sooner or later we will need to tie a knot. And they don't want the news report about how low their son's future wife actually lives her life".

Yoora gazed at me for a moment and asked, "--that's true though. But I'm still in disbelief that they actually allow you to be an idol. How long?".

I held up three fingers, smiling at them. Jiwon sipped a huge amount of soda and butted in, "that's seriously a F-ed up arrange marriage that I ever heard". I just laughed at her. So as the others.

Ding dong. Speaking of a the witch. I groaned heavily. I bited my lips hard, changing my looks to the others. "He can't be here tonight. Not with all of us. You remember that I told you last time. Yesterday, the reporter still contact me, asking about him. I'm sure they are going to made him the headline tomorrow. DISPATCH NEW YEAR RITUAL".

"Right. I can't be on a dating scandal now. My CEO will kill me", Minhyuk butted in, trying to pull a joke.
All of us gave him a sharp glare. Yoora threw a cushion at him.

"I'm not sure who will be his scandal. But most probably Yoora. You are famous and you two always hang out together", Jiwon told us, sighing under her breath.

"I did warned you before. Remember when we went to Japan last February and Kay had a fansign there and you guys went to the hot spring without me. Serve you right-- That'll be on the news for sure", I chuckled just thinking about it. Yoora slapped my arm angrily. That's hurt.

The door bell was still ringing. I asked Minhyuk to open the door. At least if dispatch was really stalking him, they might got flustered that a guy was the one to open the door. 

"Yah let's come clean. I need you guys to do me a favor!!", Kay shouted from the door, staring at his phone's screen earnestly. All of us just staring at him, confusely.

"Yah Minhyuk come. What are you doing standing there!!!", he shouted again. Minhyuk closed the door and scratched his head, pacing towards us. 

Kay held up his phone high and said, "1, 2, 3 Kimchi". He captured our picture without two think. He then recorded a new year video with us. All of us was a bit flustered but to think that he might get offended since we didn't invite him tonight, we kind of follow his way.

Later Kay went to the balcony for about 10 minutes, calling someone. He kept walking back and forth. All four of us were just watching him in silence. All of sudden our phone rang simultaneously. 

"Haha no surprise. He actually did it--", Yoora sighed, stood up and went inside my room to pick up the phone call from her manager. Minhyuk also answered the call from his manager and went to the balcony, joining Kay who was still on the phone.
Instead of answering the phone, Jiwon just ignored it. I was still holding my phone, contemplating to answer it or not. 

"Landlord?", Jiwon glanced on my phone screen. She asked again, "-you mean him??".
I nodded weakly. I didn't expect to get a new year call from him though. Clearing my throat several time, I finally answered the call. We didn't talk much. He just asked if I already read the articles and some awkward silence and topics before we hung up. We barely see each other nor talking on the phone. 

"Is arrange marriage supposed to be this awkward?", I grumbled and took a seat next to Jiwon. She was reading the article so I joined her. Luckily everything went well. The Daegu Five. That's what they called us. So yeah no dating scandal and everyone was happy. 

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