Drug or Friends

The Idol Next Door

"What the--", I was totally baffled to the horrendous sight of my seniors as I entered the cottage.

They were also shocked by my sudden uninvited appearance. I stared at Kay, my long-time academy friend, also my senior. He was sitting on the couch with his sleeves rolled up. His gaze was unfocused and slightly wavered. Several needles and syringe were scattered on the table right infront of him. I also noticed white powders on the table. Nooo.

Both of us used to train together as trainee on an academy. We were quite close since both of us are from Daegu. Later that year he was recruited by an entertainment company and debuted the next year. Thanks to him I got into the very same company and would set to debut in less than a month. But what with all this horrible scene played in front of me tonight.

"K-kay-- Y-you drop your wallet in our training room.. I come to g-give it back--", I tried to arrange my speech. After putting the wallet on the table nearby shakingly, I paced out of the house. I let out a deep breath as soon as I walked out and rushed towards the gate. This is really disappointing. Not only him but to your other seniors, from our company.

"Dahee wait!", Kay called me from behind. He was staggering on his feet. Ignoring his call, I made my way towards the gate. It was unlocked that's why I made my way in. Nobody hear my voice when I called just now. Probably high on drugs.

I stopped my pace as he kept calling from behind and spun around. I locked my eyes on his unfocused eyes. He was still at the doorstep trying to balance himself. "You must have lost your mind. How could you do this again---- Y-you-- Let's talk when you are sober", I sighed pissfully and marched out of the house. Staying there for a long time won't give me any good. Getting caught as an accomplish would be the worse scenario I could even imagine. I didn't even debut yet. How awful!

A week before my debut, our company let my group to observe our senior's final stage performance for their current promotion at the music shows. "Woah I'm so excited! Right Dahee-yah", Yena, my group's leader made me out of reverie. I just nodded agreeing her. The truth was I just wanted to call the day off since all of us started the day quite early today to finish our music video shooting. In addition, I wanted to avoid my seniors at all cost. 

Yena knocked the door of MAX's waiting room, our senior. Their manager opened the door and invited us all in. All of you bowed, exchanging our greeting. I just smiled at them half-heartedly, avoiding their gaze especially at Kay.

Jun, MAX's leader suddenly called out my name. "You guys looks different today. Especially you Dahee-yah", he spoke up. I snapped at him nervously. 

Sensing my discomfort, Yena replied on my behalf, "Oh, we came straight from mv shooting. That's why". I faked my smiled and nodded. 

Reo, the maknae of MAX also spoke up, "You guys must have your own position already right. Lemme guess. Yena noona is the leader, also the main rapper. Yoomin must be the visual and the main vocal. I am always suprised everytime she hits the high note. Sora obviously the main dancer and maknae -- But you Jung Dahee. I just couldn't figure it out. Don't say that the company just let you be the visual. Eiii you shouldn't stole our Minnie visual's position" He laughed at the last sentence. I could foresee what he was trying to pull off. This brat. I'm older than him though. How could he just call me by my name.


I just chuckled in disbelief. Darn it. I made an eye contact with Kay. He was staring at me intensely and sighed heavily. "Yah Reo. Aren't you being too mean. Don't you dare to made such joke to my friend", Kay broke the silence, snickering at his own words not to made it out too serious. All of us was laughing. Everyone  in our company knew the fact that we were close friends from the same hometown. 

Kay suddenly stood up and added, "Dahee-yah, we need to talk", he said and gestured me to follow him to the corner, further away from the others. I just followed his step. The others continued to talk amongst them.

"You really wanna talk here. They can hear us", I said to him, raising my eyebrows. He rubbed his temples.

"Then where else? Both of us are busy. I don't want us to be in bad term any longer. I'm really sorry that you have to see that. I'm sorry alright. Okay lemme explain the situation. I must be out of my mind that night----", he whispered to me, reaching my arms.


I quickly brushed his hands away. "Yah don't touch me", I blurted out loudly making the others snapped at both of us and again silence rose up the room. I hissed avoiding their sharp gaze. Kay also avoided their eyes.

"Told ya. Now is not the right time. Later", I told him.
Kay suddenly turned to his group members and my members. "Yah! Can't you guys step outside for awhile. I need to talk in private", he blurted out rudely. I had never seen that sight of him before. I asked him to stop being rude.


My group members quickly went out. They were totally scared by his stern voice and look. This time around, Jun stood up and faced him sharply. "Yah-- aren't you being too much", he said.

"I'm asking you nicely!", Kay said again, locking his fierce eyes on Jun. 

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. They were not going to fight here right.

Joon just let out a warm air and asked the others to walk out.

Silence. Finally both of us had the room to ourselves.

Instead of talking he just glared at me, unblinkingly. I cowered a bit, gulping a huge amount of saliva down my throat. 

"Y-you don't have to do that, you know", I started the conversation. "--what'll they think of you for being rude like that".

He scoffed and replied, "obviously thinking I'm a druggie singer".

I was taken a back. "Kay, I didn't mean like that. I-I know you try to sober up. I was there before but how come-- now. Shockingly most of you guys in there. Jaeha sunbae, Dana sunbae.. In your cottage. W-what if someone reports. You took the drug in public. It's not only gonna ruin you but our company future. My group too--"

Kay laughed synastically, staring at me. "Why everything you ever care about always has to do with your future Dahee-yah. Ah, that's why you run out of my cottage because you are so afraid that people will see you. ROOKIE IDOL JUNG WAS ALSO SEEN AT THE DRUG COTTAGE PARTY or ROOKIE IDOL JUNG WAS A CLOSE FRIEND OF KAY, WHO WAS AT THE "WILD" DRUG PARTY. A nice headlines for your future huh. YOU-- You had never being a genuine friend don't you. Even last time--".

"Think what you want!", I barked at him and stormed off outside, bumping on my seniors who seemed to eavesdrop the whole conversation. Always. We always fought because of this. He think I'm selfish enough to betray my friend because last time I report him to the management for taking drug. But the company asked me to stay silence.

-the end-

Sorry need to use OC here .. The topic is 'drug'.

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