
Story of Moonsun

Jazzy music blazing through the speakers, smell of roasted coffee filled the room. I really love spends my time in this cafe, while working or just enjoy my favourite coffee. I finished my work, ready to go home. Look at to the watch, still 8 pm. My coffee still hot, so i think looking up social media wont be pain on .

I type my username and password. Logged in to my instagram account. Its been a while since i deactive my account. Scrolling through, seeing my friends update of their life. Sunmi and her girl gang hang out at gay bar, scroll, Bomi selfie with her diamond play button, scroll, Hyejin engaggement with her Wheein, 92 club gathering without my self, scroll, picture of yongsun, she still beautiful, i wonder who took that picture tho, scroll.

Had enough scrolling instagram i get bored. Look at clock again, 9.15 pm. Time passes so fast when you try catch up something i guess. So i get my things, put in to my bag, get ready to go home. Then i hear the bell ringing sign new customer come in.

Today is saturday bt the way so the cafe quite hectic.  'I will go back first', waving and say it to the barista. 'okay byul, don't forget to come again' she said. 

But before i go, something caught my attention. Loud voice and laugh. A girl with loud voice and laugh. 'Oh my gosh Eric you are so funny.' That girl said while giggling and clapping her hands. I'm curious, how could that man make her smile and laugh freely like that. That girl is look so beautiful when she happy like that. I guess everyone looks more beautiful when they are happy and falling in love.

So that man who took that picture, yongsun-ah? I guess you are trully happy now and already forget everything? By the way i'm happy as you are happy.

Eventhough i still love you.

With that stupid thought, i put my headset on, went out the cafe.

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yellow0325 #1
Chapter 1: More