i can hear the air molecules and i think they told me we're supposed to be together.


spare attention, i really need you in my life.


hi! lately i've been feeling very :/ with a mix of :( because i can't seem to find good, genuine, supportive, long term friendships. which i think is something we're all looking for right? or so i would hope, so this journey of finding friends that stay won't be as hard as it seems. 

to reel you in, i purpose you an offer, if you decide to hit me up due to reading this ad and feeling interested i shall grant you with a song, the first song that appears in my head soon as i know your name/see your profile. 


aside from having a vast, mixed music taste, here's other things you probably want to know about me: 

- ; (but very welcoming of younger people as i don't do /more inappropriate plots)
- for any astrology stan, i'm a scorpio ;
- as for timezone: GMT+1 ; (that's a side of europe for you) 
- very talkative ; (specially when i'm very comfortable with you)
- i don't really mind which fc you are but if you are wondering, i mostly do my bias BTS' Jungkook;

Is this enough to get you interested? I have twitter and kakaotalk, so drop a comment or leave a pm as to where we can meet each other! 


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VanillaLaLa #1
howdy! my twt fl is @vertigoinghost. see you there if you wanna chat.