Chapter 3

I’m Not Suppose to be With Him

From the beginning Jimin knew the effect he had on Kristy. It was the effect he had on every girl. Jimin had a special talent—he knew exactly how to make a girl fall for him. He knew the secret formula for every girl. He knew exactly what to say and exactly how to say it. He could come off as the sweet caring type yet still give off a bad boy vibe. He knew exactly how to instantly make a girl smile and how to instantly break her heart. He had an impeccable amount of charm that made it too easy to persuade any girl. He knew exactly how to dress and how to make his hair irresistible. His body was small and delicate which gave off the impression that he could be trusted, that he needed to be cared for, that he wouldn’t hurt anyone. —It invited  girls in—Yet when he opened his mouth he could charm the pants off of anyone. He could make a girl feel like she was the center of his universe. He could persuade anyone into thinking he truly did not do anything wrong. —they became trapped— He was the ultimate ladies man and he knew it.


He loved it. He loved seeing a girl quickly fall for him. Knowing that they were constantly looking for him, constantly thinking of him, constantly dreaming of him. He absolutely loved it. It wasn’t so much knowing any girl would give herself to him physically without hesitation that gave him satisfaction, although that was important to him as well. It was knowing that he had them trapped emotionally. That they would do anything for him. That if he needed them, they would always be there for him. He loved the infatuation. He loved knowing that he was loved. He always pretended that he was oblivious to every girl’s affection. That he had no idea everyone loved him. That he had no idea that he broke almost every girl’s heart. But deep down, he loved every minute of it.


You see, Jimin did not do well with rejection. Which is why he always broke up with anyone he was in a relationship with. He never gave them an opportunity to do that to him. He wouldn’t have been able to handle it. Not in the way where if he was rejected by a girl (which was rare) that he would become violent or abusive in any way towards her. Rather, it would affect him drastically. He had his reasons. His family life wasn’t the best. His group members would sometimes get him to talk about his family but he never went in depth. If he had his way, he would never talk about his past. Although he had a rough past, he never let it show. Which also helped make him so irresistible. He was always so happy and care free. He always made things better for everyone and he intended to keep things that way.


He dropped Kristy off at her home. He didn’t need to constantly hold her the entire time, but he did anyways. He didn’t need to go all the way to her doorstep, but he did anyways. He didn’t need to stare deep into her eyes each time either of them spoke, but he did anyways. He didn’t need to give her one last smile as she closed the door, but he did anyways. He left her house feeling accomplished. Another girl to add to his list of admirers. No, he did not feel the same way she felt. Usually he never did have the same feelings as the girls he wooed. The feelings were rarely mutual. He did however realize that there was something different about her. She was so easy to talk to. She wasn’t at the point yet where she could keep a conversation going with him, but he was used to it. Most girls weren’t able to talk to him when the first met him. He understood. But she was a great listener. He could tell she was genuinely interested in all he had to say. Yes, he knew she was physically attracted to him but it was good to know that she seemed to genuinely care for him as well. He decided that he wasn’t going to pursue the way he did every other girl. She was cute but he wasn’t that attracted to her physically but he actually cared if he hurt her. He wanted to keep her in his life. His feelings surprised him. He had never “friendzoned” a girl automatically yet still want her to be in his life. Friendzoned girls immediately dropped off his radar. He was never rude to them or disrespectful in any way. In fact, he still flirted with them. He still loved the attention they would give him. However, he never made an effort to talk to them unless they were right in front of him. He forgot them quickly and gave them no second thoughts.


As soon as Jimin arrived to his apartment, he began to text the multiple girls whose numbers he received that day. He figured that there was no need to text Kristy. He flirted with her enough that day and he needed to spend more time on the other girls. He would walk her to school in the morning anyways. He continued to talk to the other girls throughout the night when he had a chance. His group members were used to it. They knew there was no point in trying to stop him. Jimin was going to do what Jimin does best so they might as well take notes.


After a long night of dance practice followed by a delicious dinner cooked by the eldest member, Jin, and a nice long hot shower, Jimin finally plopped down on his bed. He was exhausted. He decided to send the girls he had previously been texting a goodnight text and get some sleep. The girls responded immediately (like he expected). Some pleading him to stay up while others were calling him to hear his voice before they went to bed. He ignored every text and call. Finally he put his phone on the charger, set his alarm, and turned off the lights.


30 mins later…he was still awake.

He didn’t know why but something was keeping him awake.


1 hour later….he was still awake.


He decided he would just talk to one of the girls until he fell asleep. It had always worked in the past. He knew it was rude but it always made him fall asleep. Plus he knew that they wouldn’t care…at least he was talking to them.


As he scrolled through his contacts. He saw Kristy’s name. No one else’s name seemed to grab his attention but hers.


He didn’t need to text her…

but he did anyways.


“Jagiya, you up?”


As soon as he hit send he was overcome with drowsiness.

However, he forced himself to stay awake in case she responded. He would stay up to talk to her.


She never responded.

Jimin was a little upset that she did not reply but it didn’t affect him too much.

He was finally able to fall asleep.

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