First Date

Fire-lilies and rose mallow
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When Sehun stood in front of his bed, clothes scattered all over his floor and every flat surface, Sehun decided to follow Kyungsoos advice.

But that still left him with the problem of what to wear on his torso. Which really was no easy question, especially considering who he was going out with. What if he underdressed? Junmyeon was a public figure, people recognized him immediately wherever he went. What if there would be paparazzi taking photos of them? He couldn’t just look like the college dropout he was.

What if his face would be in some magazine tomorrow, slandering him for even being in the close proximity of Junmyeon?

The more Sehun thought about it, the more stressed he became.

Why hadn’t he thought it through before agreeing to the date? He wasn’t ready to face backslash from everyone in the whole country. What was he saying, the whole world. 

Tossing shirt after shirt, Sehun grew more frantic. Nothing seemed to fit right, everything looked dull and tasteless suddenly.

For a brief moment, Sehun contemplated on going topless. But he neither had the confidence for it and it was most likely very inappropriate for the occasion, at least in Sehuns opinion.

Letting out a frustrated huff, Sehun gave up and just blindly reached into the pile residing on his bed.

His fingers brushed against soft cotton and Sehun grabbed for it.

He’d almost forgotten he owned this.

Baekhyun had gifted him with the only real brand shirt he owned when he had opened the shop. The shirt looked simple enough, white with a little embroidered tiger on the collar.

But he had to steam or iron this first.

Nothing worse than actually wearing Gucci and looking like a slob.

So now, he was on a hunt for his steamer, only remembering when he’d emptied his whole closet that it had actually melted through some plastic a while back and was unusable now.

But Sehun had read somewhere that steaming worked if you hung the shirt up while you shower. So, time for the shower it was.

Sehun scrubbed his body clean until his skin was pink. The steam had raised the humidity in the bathroom noticeably and Sehun was happy to see that most of the wrinkles really had come out. And the shirt smelled slightly of his body wash now. Double Win.

Hanging it out to completely dry, Sehun went to work with his hair.

He’d recently dyed his hair blond, experimenting with new colours. He liked the way it had turned out, it was more golden than light and it made his face look softer.

Brushing through his hair he dried it and then styled it, freeing his forehead from the longer bangs.

When he was finally satisfied, he slipped into his clothing and brushed his hands over his shirt, straightening out the last, small wrinkles.

It wasn’t going to get better.

Sehun gave himself a critical eye in the floor length mirror, picking at a strand for the last time before giving himself a wary thumbs up and smile.

He got this.

It was going to be great; he would not spill food on himself or stumble and fall or spill his drink. He would engage in pleasant conversation and not get red and stare. He would behave like the functioning human being he was.

Even if he didn’t really feel like that at the moment.

When he looked at the little clock on his kitchen counter, his heart started to speed up again.

Soon, he’d actually go on a date. With the one and only Kim Junmyeon.

Junmyeon had messaged him for his address sometime in the morning, stating his excitement.

Sehun had been too chicken to reply with more than required address.

Looking at himself again, Sehun decided that it was probably time to calm down. His cheeks were already a light shade of pink, not to mention his ears.

Searching through his drawer in the bathroom, Sehun unearthed a practically full tube of bb-cream.

He hoped it was still his colour.

Could make-up expire?

Slapping some onto his cheeks and forehead, Sehun rubbed his skin. It seemed to match his skin color well enough. Lipbalm came second.

Just as he was washing his hands, the doorbell rang.

His heart rate spiked immediately, adrenalin making his tummy feel warm and antsy.

Drying his hands and straightening his clothes for the last time, Sehun took a deep breath and headed to the front door.

His smile felt wrong when he unlocked and pulled it open, being greeted by a smiling Junmyeon.

The actors’ eyes slowly took in Sehuns appearance, dropping from his face down to his sock clad feet.

Junmyeons smile was still blinding as ever. Sehun had forgotten just how /good/ Junmyeon really looked. He was dressed in what seemed to be casual yet elegant clothing. But Sehun was well aware that everything the man wore must be worth more than his rent. Life was unfair.

Then again, he was allowed to go on a date with said man, so who was the real winner here.

“Good Evening, Sehun-ssi. You look wonderful.”

“Hey…” Sehun mumbled.

He mentally slapped himself for it, he wasn’t usually this shy. Get it together, Sehun.

Clearing his throat once, Sehun started a second try.

“Hello, Junmyeon-ssi. You look great as well.” The obvious didn’t have to be spoken. But Sehun had to let it out.

Junmyeon slowly brought the hand forward that had been hidden behind his back, revealing a two-coloured tulip.

Junmyeon scratched at his neck, grinning sheepishly.

“You mentioned they were some of your favourite flowers.”

Sehun reached out, taking the single flower into his hand with a tender hold. Sehuns bottom lip was caught between his teeth, worrying the plump flesh. He’d never received flowers on a date. And the fact that Junmyeon had remembered...

His smile was wide and giddy, clutching the greenery to his chest.

“They are. Thank you very much, Junmyeon-ssi.”

He raised it to his nose, loving the fragrance. Even if flowers weren’t especially sweet scented, Sehun loved the smell of… green.

“Please come in, I’ll just put her in water.”

Sehun turned towards his kitchen, opening the cabinet closest to the door. Usually people had cutlery and kitchen utensils stacked away. Sehun had a cabinet full of vases, of every size and shape.

Flowers were more important than pretty cutlery anyways, at least in Sehuns opinion.

Filling a long, thin vase with fresh water and half a pack of nourishing powder, Sehun cut the stem once and then placed the flower inside.

Junmyeon had stepped into his living room by now, looking around the space.

Thank lord Sehun was clean by nature. The only evidence of really living in the space were Camilla, his scattered botany books and the half-folded blanket on his sofa.

Sehun followed him, placing the tulip down next to Camilla.

“Thank you again. I’m sure Camilla is happy to have a new friend.”

Junmyeon turned to Sehun, eyebrows raised in question.

Sehun laughed softly.

“This is Camilla. Camilla, meet Junmyeon. Junmyeon, meet Camilla, my Chinese hibiscus.”

Junmyeons eyes fell to the potted plant, expression curious and intrigued.

“Hello Camilla, nice to meet you.”

Was it weird to fall in love with someone simply because they greeted someone’s ‘pet’ plant? To be fair, it wasn’t the only reason.

Sehun flushed and walked to his front door, pulling on his nicest dress shoes as an obvious sign that it was time to leave.

Grabbing his keys from the little hook in the shape of a rose as well as his phone and wallet from the kitchen table, Sehun held them in his hands as his pants really left no space for them whatsoever.

Having no pockets . But he’d worked hard on this outfit.

Junmyeon had followed him to the door and stepped outside already, waiting for the younger to turn of the light and lock the doors.

“Let’s go then.”

The ride on the elevator, as well as in the car, were rather quiet.

Sehun had troubles focussing on anything and everything, and at the same time focussed on too many things at once.

The way Junmyeon drove, the way his car smelled of new car and Junmyeons expensive after-shave, the way the nice leather felt against his hands, the way the car accelerated almost soundlessly.

He kept glancing at Junmyeon only to shily look away whenever he was caught, opting to stare out of the window instead.

Sehun had his fingers folded in his lap; phone, wallet and keys a small bundle. He was fidgeting on the leathered seat from time to time.

The city sped past him in a blur of neon lights and the ever-growing orange of the sun slowly setting.

“I’m glad you found time to spend the evening with me, Sehun-ssi.”

Sehun cringed at the laugh he let slip. He laughed when he was nervous, okay?

“I could say the same for you… I’d assume you’re quite busy.”

God, why had he said that. Could he sound any more awkward?

Junmyeon nodded, shrugging his left shoulder.

“It’s not so bad just yet. The filming for the drama is going to start seriously in a few weeks for me, and even then it will be okay since my co-star has to attend schedules.”

Sehun couldn’t help the curiosity spiking.

“Drama? You’re filming for something?”

He hadn’t heard of any official rolls announced. Or a new drama in general.

Junmyeons expression turned guilty immediately, when he realized what he had let slip.

“You’ll keep it a secret, I trust? I had been doing so well in keeping it hidden and with you...”

“Of course!” Sehun nodded eagerly, keen on making it obvious that he would never let something like that slip, or break a promise Kim Junmyeon asked of him.

To be honest, he felt quite special.

“Well. Yes, right now it’s pretty relaxed but it will be busy soon enough.”

Sehun was dying to know what the drama was about, who would star in it as well, how long it would run for. And most importantly: Would they get the pleasure of Junmyeon shirtless again?

He remembered the last time all too well. It had been a good time for his warm water bill, though. It had never been so low.

But thinking about his wet dream, sitting in a car beside mentioned wet dream, was probably not the best idea he had ever had.

Sehun shuffled awkwardly again, trying to adjust his position without it being too obvious.

He had to stop thinking about it before it became a real problem.

The soft sound of Junmyeon clearing his throat filled the silence of the car, making Sehun realize with a flash that he had not answered.

“Uhm. So, are you excited for the drama to film?”

The question was vague enough so that Junmyeon didn’t have to reveal too much, right?

Junmyeon nodded, eyes leaving the road for a short moment when he smiled at Sehun.

“Very. It’s... “ Junmyeon seemed to have trouble finding the right words that would not reveal too much at the same time. Then he seemed to give up. “It sounds fun. It’s a romance itself but the plot is something I haven’t ever heard before. And I like how it’s going to end. It’s new and fresh.”

Sehun nodded eagerly, drinking in every possible information Junmyeon would offer him.

“It’s also shorter than what is usual. So it will be fresh. I hope you will watch it too, Sehun-ssi?”

It was worded like a question, Junmyeons’ smile gentle and inviting.

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“I look forward to hear what you think of it then.”

Sehun flushed softly and looked out of the window, chin resting on his hand and elbow on his leg. That implied that Junmyeon wanted to keep contact.

He knew it was way too early to get his hopes up, the date had barely started.

And yet here he was, imagining their little house with a massive garden and a lazy cat.

He wasn’t aware of the dreamy sigh leaving his lips, earning himself a confused eyebrow raise from the man driving. Sehun didn’t notice, lost in his perfect fantasy.

“We’re here.”

Sehun blinked the dream away and focussed his eyes on the building they had parked in front of. It looked homey yet elegant. Inviting but still somehow intimidating.

Maybe because Sehun knew what kind of people ate there and frequented it.

Suddenly, his nerves spiked again.

Junmyeon seemed to notice Sehuns’ distress; the way his hands had started to straighten the non existing wrinkles in his shirt.

Sehun stilled when a warm hand came to rest on his arm, and he looked up into Junmyeons warm hearted smile.

“Are you okay? We can go somewhere else if you’d like.”

Shaking his head and taking a deep breath, Sehun denied.

When would he ever have the chance to go somewhere like this, after all.

“No, let’s go.”

Unlocking the door, Sehun slipped out, his hands full of his belongings.

“If you want, you can leave your keys in the car?”

Sehun contemplated the chance of Junmyeon driving off with his keys for a moment but came to the conclusion that there was nothing of worth in his apartment for the actor, not to speak of the fact that the man could probably buy the building if he wanted so. So he agreed and let the keys drop back down onto the seat, followed by his phone.

He didn’t want to think about if that were a good idea either.

Were Junmyeon not recognized everywhere and Sehun feeling safe in his presence, he was sure Baekhyun would have lost his at the fact that Sehun had one; not told him that he was going out, with whom and where, and two; that he was about to leave his phone somewhere where he was not.

Well… If they found his body in the woods, at least he would look good.

Junmyeon didn’t comment on the lack of phone and instead just led Sehun inside.

The interior was what one would expect from a well kept stone house.

Even though everything was made of stone, the atmosphere was warm. Candles lit the walls, small nooks and crannies filled with flowerpots. The wall to their left was open, windows showing the view onto a small garden.

Sehun was immediately intrigued.

Stepping close to a small pot of lithops sitting on top of some kind of standing table, Sehun immediately dipped his finger into the soil.

Satisfied with the texture he found, he nodded to himself and turned to Junmyeon.

The look that greeted him immediately brought blood to Sehuns cheeks.

Sehun was glad when a well dressed man stepped up to the small table. He barely felt that shy around people and yet, with Junmyeon.

Well, to be honest, Sehun generally had a bit of a problem approaching people when sober.

He often came off as cold and arrogant, but that was just the way his features were. It wasn’t his fault he had a resting face.

And yet, somehow, Junmyeon looked at him as if he were the most precious thing.

Not something he was used to.

To distract himself from the moment, Sehun started to play around with the little plant again, fingers tracing over the funny texture of the stone-like appearance.

A soft tap to his elbow returned his attention to the man beside him. Junmyeon gestured for him to follow him, the waiter a step away, ready to lead them to their table.

As they ventured deeper into the restaurant, Sehun had a hard time not ogling the people present.

He wasn’t the most knowledgeable in politics or business endeavours, however he did recognize at least two high ranking politicians, as well as a CEO of… Samsung?


Whoever they were, they all looked important.

And that just reminded Sehun all the more that he was not one of their kind.

Junmyeon seemed to notice Sehuns discomfort, a warm hand coming to rest on the small of Sehuns back.

Sehun could feel the warm breath against his ear when Junmyeon leant in to whisper.

“The first time I ever came here was with an agent from the company, to meet the executives for dinner. Just when we were being seated, I managed to run into one of the waiters, causing him to spill a glass of wine onto the Vice Presidents’ lap who was already present.”

Junmyeon chuckled softly, pulling a smile from Sehuns lips.

“Thankfully, he wasn’t too upset. But every time he sees me he still calls me ‘wine boy’. One time the fans heard, too. Since then I’ve been receiving loads of wine.”

So that’s where the name came from. Sehun giggled softly.

“But the worst is, I am actually not that much of a wine drinker at all.”

They had arrived at their seats, and Junmyeon being the gentleman he was, pulled Sehuns’ out before the younger could even make a move to do so.

Sehun sat down with a soft thank you, placing his wallet on the table. Then again, wasn’t it rude to do so? He took it in his hands again, resting it in his lap. Should he sit on it? Deciding that that was probably the most convenient option, Sehun just shoved the black leather under his .

Junmyeon had gotten seated himself in the meantime, receiving the menu from the waiter with a grateful smile.

Sehun took the leather bound card next, flipping it open.

But there was no space on the table to actually lay it down, most of the space between his cutlery being occupied by a delicately folded napkin.

Sehun almost felt bad for destroying the artistic piece but seeing Junmyeon just shake out the folds and place the white cloth on his legs, Sehun copied him.

Then he took his first real look at the menu.

Was it normal for the prices to just… not… be listed?

Sehun glimpsed at Junmyeon from over his menu, the actor completely captivated by the options on the card.

Junmyeon didn’t seem surprised, so it must be normal, right?

So Sehun set on choosing.

The only problem being… this wasn’t in korean.

He was pretty sure it wasn’t english either, he had learned that in high school and even if he had been far from great, he would have recognized at least some things.

It used the same letters, but that was when the similarities ended.

Sehun scanned the list in hope of finding anything that sounded similar to something he did know, anything he might recognize.

He recognized a few words, like pizza. But what followed posed more of a problem.

The more he

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turyka #1
Chapter 3: This so nice.. I love how homie this feel.. love the chap (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 2: This really is cute!! I love the original ChanBaek story, so reading this so far has been a treat to think about the time-frame of everything and weaving the storylines together. I'm definitely looking forward to updates! ~❤~
Chapter 2: This is so cute... Please update if you have time.
turyka #4
Chapter 2: Sehunie is such a cutie.. Love how Suho take care of him... ❤
Great update. I love it (^^)v
turyka #5
Chapter 1: Super cute, I love cute Sehun.(✿◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Yaass. Will read once i have free times.