chapter 6

power of five

 ( Youngsaeng   he get to the beach to meet with the others   he walk up  to kyujong   and hand him  the computer  and tell him to input  the power info   )

Hyunjoong  po 

Youngsaeng  :  ok  hyunjoong  you go frist   let's see how this go ohh and i told jungmin about  us  

Both of them :  whaat 

Youngsaeng :   yep  i did and  i was right he is lighting  and  he will bring earth  too he shold be here soon 

Kyujong  :  really  ok sweet  i can't wait for  too see them  and meet earth  

Hyunjoong :  ya me too   hey youngsaeng  i think i see jungmin   

(  Youngsaeng  walk up to   jungmin   hug him  but jungmin hti youngsaeng  want flying into kyujong they are both  out cold   hyunjoong transfrom  he fight  jungmin  and see that is something off with jungmin  )

 Hyunjoong :  jungmin stop this you  what happend to you  we can help you    ahh 

Jungmin :  i don't need your  help    why do you  care  anyway i will take your  power away  

Hyunjoong :   i wont let you take are power a way  i  will stop you and   get you back  to us  we will get you back 

Jungmin : what  ever    ahhhh  what was that 

(  There was beam of light   jungmin  jump out of the way hyunjoong  hit jungmin  but jungmin thows  hyunjoong  into the water  he get up and watch  jungmin take off  Hyunjoong  run to youngsaeng and kyujong   he look for the person that did the light beam ) 

Hyunjoong :   what were is he  i know i saw befor he did the light beam  and how did he  know that we oh never mind  ahh it hurt's  

( Hyunjoong  try to wake up  both of them up but he pass out  ) 

ok i will end it there lol i hope yuo all like it  will up date more  tuseday and thusday  :)


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hi everyone I'm still getting story comment's but nothing here can someone tell me why lol :)


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bluebutterfly11 #1
updating tomorrow :)
bluebutterfly11 #2
hi i know my story need some work :)