Chapter 16

power of five

(Affter  the ice warrior left youngsaeng  is in pain  hyunjoong  goes and get him some ice to put on  his ribs  then kyujong  come runing in the room  that they were in )

Kyujong pov 

Kyujong :  hey hey are you ok youngsaeng  what happend everyone  is talk about  that  fight 

Hyunjoong :   ya and everyone  know about are power's too  but this ice warrior  is to powerful 

Youngsaeng :   yes but i'm going to get more powerful  hey i feel like i know him  and i want my fan's 

Kyujong :    fan's   what are you talking about 

Youngsaeng :  yes fan's two of them  they are my weapen's  the ice guy  has them 

Kyujong :  does he have all of them like does he have my weapen 

Hyunjoong :  no we have to find are weapen   with this  book 

Kyujong :  no way were did you find this book 

Hyunjoong :   it on the ground  like it was ment for me to  find 

Kyujong : ohhh  wow  i'm going to read this now 

Youngsaeng : ok  i need to sleep anyway i'm takeing a nap  hey were is jungmin and hyungjun 

Kyujong : ohhhhhh right i for got to get them  oh my god i will be right back 

( Kyujong  run out of the room  and down the hall )

Ok i will end it here  i know it short but i will make a long  one  lol 


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hi everyone I'm still getting story comment's but nothing here can someone tell me why lol :)


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bluebutterfly11 #1
updating tomorrow :)
bluebutterfly11 #2
hi i know my story need some work :)