chapter 13

power of five

( Siwon put the pen in his bag   and run to were ryeowook and kibum is  they go  down the street then they say good bye  as it is the  end of school  siwon say good bye  to his friends and then walk home he walk into his home and see his older brother  is home  siwon walk rigt by them  goes to his room  and sit on his bed and take out the pen  and he  take out  his laptop  and look up the pen ) 

Siwon pov 

Siwon : ok  this pen is just like   ohhh i wonder if it kibum or ryeowook  right  right i pic it up were they  fell  oh  what 

( Siwon  take out his phone and call both of them soo they can meet up  siwon goes tell his mom and dad  that his meeting friends  and say good bye to his older brother  he take  some pizza and goes out the door  he meet up with kibum then ryeowoook  come running  up to them fast ) 

Kibum : what the hell why are you funning soo fast 

Ryeowook : ok  ok i don't want you guy's make  a big deal about  what i'm going to  tell you 

Siwon : what  just tell us 

Ryeowook : there's a monster behind me and i can't find my pen to let me become light oh right i'm light 

Siwon : then this is you'r then here you go  ryeowook 

KIbum : oh wow go now ryeowook go get that monste 

Siwon : yes go  go no 

( Siwon and kibum watch ryeowook run back to the monster  but heechul  shows  up and  take kibum  and take out siwon  but ryeowook heal 's siwon 

Siwon : heechul  has kibum  i need to find him  i need to get him back both of them back to us 

Ryeowook :  yes yes we will  it look 's  like you got yoursfle  a pen to siwon 

Siwon : oh wow  ok i'm just  going to take a nap now 

( Siwon take a nap as ryoewook  take him  home but they didn't know that some one was watching them )

Ok i'm going to  end it  here i hope poeple are likeing it soo far lol update in a few days  :) 


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hi everyone I'm still getting story comment's but nothing here can someone tell me why lol :)


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bluebutterfly11 #1
updating tomorrow :)
bluebutterfly11 #2
hi i know my story need some work :)