requesting rebels to watch movies on illegal sites with me


dont chicken out on me. if we get viruses, we get then together ;’)


i’m joking- idk am i really? i really want to see end game AND captain marvel ugh.


nonetheless, hello! hopefully, my attempt in catching your attempt was a success?? i’m a simple person looking for some simple (or complicated, total acceptance zone) friends. we can do simple (or again, complicated) things, like rant about our day, play games, or rabbit and suggest songs/movies/videos idc. we can even make a big group of friends or sumn idc, all i need is a little company honestly.


okay, i dont know where i’m going with this but uhh i live in the minus zone (and sleep with the minus schedule) but dont let that fool you, i’d totally stay up to talk. we can plot if thats what you seek, but i kinda at choosing the right words. i chose a name that (i think) is uni so my fcs vary. your fc doesnt matter to me as your fc wont affect my view on you. this is also completely platonic unless you want to be sumn more.



’nuff said, i offer ig and twt as platforms. if youre feeling really special (which you already are), do suggest another platform that better fits you. 

comment or send me a pm with your handle and i’ll be on my way to becoming your bff keke. 


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you're so cute ugh