Chapter 4.0

First Time is a Charm

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I was heading to meet up with Maxine when my phone vibrated. I figured it would be a message asking what was the delay but it was actually from Young Jae. Once I spotted Max sitting with Freddie I pulled to the side and leaned against the wall, because knowing him he’d respond immediately. 

N: I’m about to get food right now with Max, Fred
N: ...and whichever girl he’s dating right now
Y: What about after that?
N: We’re all going to Blackout?
Y: ???
N: It’s an event in the student center tonight. 
N: You should definitely come through. 
N: You don’t have to be black to attend…
N: and Max and Fred are both going to be hosting it.
Y: What time?
N: 730
Y: Where are you guys eating right now?
N: Dining hall in Jefferson Hall
Y: Okay

“Hello, beautiful people!“ I proudly exclaimed as I pulled out a chair and turned it on its side, giving a side hug to Maxine and a nod to Freddie who sat directly across from us.

“Well look who finally decided to arrive.” Freddie was leaned back in his chair with his arms folded, and probably looking at me. I would have been able to guess if he weren’t wearing shades indoors, in the winter time. He’s always doing the absolute most. 

“My apologies, I had to talk to my professor after class for a little while, plus there was a bit of a line anyway.” I placed my backpack in the chair next to me. “Besides I don't’ see what the concern is seeing as neither of you waited for me.”I motioned to Freddie’s empty plate and Maxine’s half empty cup of tea. 

“Have you forgotten that we have somewhere to be this evening?” 

“Of course I didn’t forget, I’m going to remember?”

“Yeah but we’re MC's which means we have to be there at least a half hour.” Maxine motioned between her and Freddie like they were some dynamic duo.  

“And? You can still run on CP time. The event is going to happen regardless of what time things actually begin.“
“See people like you are why we can’t succeed as a people.” Maxine and I both rolled our eyes and just looked at each other in the eye. Freddie would easily be considered the ‘woke’ one in our group so whenever said or did certain things that went against what he had just learned about in class, he’d call you out. 

“Look as a pan-African major it is my responsibility to learn these things and share it so we can progress forward.”

“You can’t progress the people if you can’t progress in your classes,” Maxine stated with the most shade and bluntness in only a way that she could. I tried to hide my laughter behind my hands. I knew Freddie could be sensitive about somethings and his grades were one of them. 

“Hey, I told ya’ll about that in confidence...besides it wasn’t my fault. Those assignments were never mentioned in class.” 

“If you say so.”

“See, this is why I do not hang out with ya’ll so much. Because ya’ll always comin’ for a brothers feelings.” Placing both of his hands over his heart he tried to sound sincere but anyone who knew Freddie knew it basically meant he was lying.
“Oh please.”

“The only reason we ever see you is when you not trying to get with some girl.”

“What can I say, a man has his needs and as part of my civic duty, to the people, I must supply what the ladies demand.” Freddie wasn’t even looking at us when he said that as he smoothed his already cut hair.

“Speaking of which I see a woman in grave danger of starvation as we speak. Jae my man...good luck.” Just as Freddie stood to leave, Young Jae was standing beside me, and I started to move my bag but he just took Freddie’s seat instead.

“Thanks... I guess.” 

“Do you even know why he wished you good luck?” Maxine asked leaning over her hot-but-now-cold cup of tea.

“Not at all but good luck, is good luck, no?” Young Jae was fixing his hair without even using a mirror .“Have you guys eaten already?”

“I have not.” I quickly answered.

“I’m on a pineapple diet, and the kind they have here is too tart for my liking,” Maxine said with a smile sweeping across her face.

“Pineapple diet?” I chuckled at Young Jae’s innocence since he was older than me and it was apparent I knew a few things that he did not. 

“Well, looks like Freddie is gone, so I should roll as well.” Maxine began to stand up. 

“Cool, we’ll see you guys in a second then,” I stated quickly.

“You’re coming too?” She asked nodding towards Young Jae.


Maxine nodded her head in agreement slowly, and as she looked at me I swear she winked at me. I was too nervous because what could I possibly know at this point. Nothing was happening and nothing is happening now, and...I don’t know why I’m feeling so defensively about this.
“So...I didn’t see you in psych this morning, were you sick?” I was grateful that he finally pulled me out of my thoughts. 
“No. I was running really late for class and I didn’t want to go all the way up front, so I just sat in the back.” I didn’t want to say that I had seen him the whole time, but it was true. As soon as I took my seat and spotted him in class I couldn't look away. There was something really graceful about him that I guess I just hadn't noticed before. “I was watching you a little because I wasn’t sure if you would notice, that I wasn’t there.”

“I thought someone was watching me...” he smiled a little and it really struck me for some reason, that Young Jae isn’t ugly.  I don’t know why I’m noticing everything now but it was interesting. Almost like I was learning about him all over again.
“Lol don’t say it like that it sounds creepy.” I held my hand on the table playing with my thumbs. I wanted to look in his eyes, but what if we ended up in an involuntary starring contest, how would I get out of that. 
“How do you feel about midterms?” I could imagine how he felt earlier, in class, because i could feel it right now. It partly why I was playing with my nails so much. 
“Fine as long as I keep my time managed well, sleep only 3 hours a day, and never eat, I might be able to maintain D+ across the board.”
Aish so-mi, you should go to school for acting rather than psychology since you’re always so dramatic.” I had picked up on a small amount of Korean since I’d known him, most of which I just picked up from hearing him say them sometimes. It was his first language so whenever something unexpected happened especially he’s always say something in Korean. 
“Being dramatic is what keeps me driven, what can I say?” I popped the non-existent collar on my shirt. “Speaking of driven, how’s getting your license going?”
“I passed the knowledge part, but now I just have to boost a car to practice with.”
“...” I started to say something but I decided against it. “Dang that crazy, no one wants you to wreck their car...what?” I said with extra sarcasm. 
“Just because I am Asian doesn’t mean I’d be a terrible driver.”
“I didn’t say anything. I just know that I’ve ridden with you’re brother, and with your dad and my heartbeat gets up in ways it doesn’t for anything else.”
“No, no, no that’s just that ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ playing with your head.”
“Friends shouldn’t let friends be my age and still not be able to drive.”
“With you behind the wheel I’d be concerned if I could even get to that age...”
Chincha!!” Young Jae looked extra hurt for a second and then got all serious like. “I’m older than you so you shoudlnt be so rude.” Young Jae started to stand up from his seat but sat back down.
“I tell you what. I will let you practice with my car this weekend. Then if-and-when you do pass, I can take all the credit for your success.”
Young Jae rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. “I’m only accepting your offer because I’m desperate, so don’t let it go to your head.”
”You can tell yourself whatever you need to, in order to make yourself feel better…” I started to smile and laugh to myself, and eventually so did Young Jae...eventually.


“Thank you to everyone coming out tonight. The theme for this month since it is black history is a bit different from the usual. As you can see we have numerous student organizations tabled around the room for you to talk and learn what they are all about. So get some snacks, play some games, and sign up for list serves to stay in the loop about events around campus al semester long.”

“Is there any table you wanted to start at first or did you just want to walk around.” Naomi and I were walking around the event. I was surprised at how many people were willing to show up to an event on campus, on a Friday no less. “No one, in particular, it's my first time so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.”

“What did you expect?”

“Not so many people for one...”

“Well, most of the people just come for the t-shirts that you get from stamps they give you if that’s what you mean.”

“That’s a good idea.” We had walked by a person handing out paper bags with popcorn inside.

“Do you want to get a shirt then?”

“I don’t need one, but if you want one you can go ahead in line and I can go and Freddie and Max.” Spending time with her was my motive to be here, which was already enough. I couldn't tell her that because I was trying to play-it-cool. I held my hands in my pockets while Naomi stood right at my side, she was a few inches shorter than me. I could tell now by how close she was. If I didn’t know any better I would say that she wanted to hold my hand but I didn’t want to assume too much.

“Tired of me already?” She walked more into me making me walk sideways a little bit. “I figured this could of be our first date.” I guess my face showed it before I could say anything because she quickly retracted. “...or not.”

“No it’s fine I just...planned for us to get dinner instead…”


“There is the new Chinese restaurant, not too far from here and I thought we could try it out.” 
That sounds awesome because I have not eaten a thing all day.” When she said that I looked at her confused. I could not imagine going through the day without any food. I quickly passed the popcorn to her, but she shook her head no.

“Yeah, seriously you need to eat something.” I didn’t look at her t make myself seem more serious but she decided to poke me in the side instead to tease me.

“And if I don’t what are you going to do about it?”

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing, meaning you will fall on this floor, without me catching you or calling 911, or anything.”

“Wow! I had no idea you could be so cruel.” 

I leaned over and whispered into her ear. “Of course that is just the PG answer.” I did something that she wasn’t expecting and I wanted to see her reaction but suddenly a student approached us from her table.

“Hi, have you ever heard the term Afro-Latino?”

I looked at Naomi who was looking at me still holding the reaction to what I last said to her, so I decided to respond.

“No, what is that?”

“In short they are people who have significant Hispanic and African ancestry, but if you’d like to learn more about this you can come to our event next Tuesday evening in Garcia tower over on west campus.” The girl suddenly stuck out her hand and I shook it, and I was met with a bigger than usual smile.

“I think she actually wanted to sign your sheet...” I looked between the both of them and laughed at myself.

“Oh we de don’t have one.” I quickly told her.

“Well, that’s cool still be sure to come by because it’s a really important issue that’s not talked about too much.” I nodded my head in thank you and started to walk toward the remaining tables. I still wanted to at least meet up with our friends to show that we at least came by.

“I’m going to go to the bathroom really fast, can you hold this for me?” She passed me the half-eaten bag of popcorn.

“Sure thing.” I rolled it down a little bit to keep me from eating any while she was gone. I continued to walk around some more of the stands when I finally saw Max and Taylor standing at a table.

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Chapter 5: I'm losing all my uwus over here DX
Chapter 1: Aww~ This is cute!
Is it an African American oc?