


“Good morning, Uie unnie,” Raina greeted with a smile as she watches Uie walks towards her seat.

Uie smiled and greeted back as well. “Good morning, Raina,”

Uie puts down her bag and walk towards Raina who was standing near the window.

“What’s up? It seems like, you’re not with Kahi unnie today,” Raina said.

“Uh huh, actually, I went to her house a while ago to fetch her but she told me to go without her and that, she will just meet up with me here,” Uie said with a smile.

Raina giggled slightly causing Uie to look at her confusingly. Raina stops from giggling. She sighed and looks up at the blue sky. “What’s wrong with you, Uie unnie? I mean, why don’t you go straight at the point already? Go on and tell Kahi unnie that you like her in a romantic way,”

Uie was surprise to hear Raina’s words. At first she was like, are you serious?! At the moment she heard what Raina said but slowly, she starts to realise that Raina her feelings just because of the thought that, she might lose Kahi after telling it to her?

Uie sighed as well and didn’t say anything. Raina in the other side just stayed silent. She understands what Uie feels right now. She knows that her friend was still having thoughts if it’s right to tell Kahi about it and she clearly knows the reason why Uie was still keeping these feelings inside her for quite a long time already.

“I.. I want to tell her but... I just can’t because..”

“You’re afraid that you might lose her after telling your true feelings for her, right Uie unnie?” Raina said.

Uie took a deep breath and nodded her head. “Yes... I’m afraid,” she said as she looks at her.

“Then what if, Kahi unnie feels the same way? And what if she suddenly tells you that she likes you as well? What would you do?” Raina asked.

“I’ll tell her what I feel for her. I’ll tell her how much I love her more than a friend and that I’ll promise to protect her no matter what,” Uie said.

Raina smiled at Uie’s answer and said, “You know, Kahi’s so lucky to have someone like you, Uie unnie. Aside from being one of the Kims, Kahi is just so damn lucky for having such a rare type of girl here,”

Uie chuckled at Raina’s statement but deep inside she’s somewhat agreeing to her friend that, Kahi is so lucky to have me but I think I’m the lucky one here ‘cause, Kahi is everything that a man well, probably a girl would want to have as a girlfriend, Uie thought to herself.


Outside the classroom where Uie and Raina she can’t go inside, she’s not able to hear what they’re talking about instead; she can only watch their actions.

Probably a wholesome and sweet scene.. Kahi thought to herself as she felt like, there was a thousand of invisible daggers stabbing her heart. And to be added, she felt a pang of jealousy by just seeing the sweet scene between them. (Well, for her it was sweet just because, Raina can make her Uie smile and laugh)

Kahi clenched her fist tightly and her eyes started to get a bit blurry because of the tears that are starting to form and falls down to her cheeks later on.

She can’t take it anymore so she started running away but while she was running, tears started falling down to her cheeks but she just ignored it and just continued running. But before she could reach the exit, she accidentally bumps onto someone. She stumbled slightly and so the unknown boy stumbled as well. And without even looking, Kahi bowed slightly and said sorry and started running again until she finally reaches the exit.

Kahi was sitting under the tree and was crying...

Am I really that idiot?! Why can’t I tell her that I love her?! I don’t want her to be with someone else! I want her to be with me only! She mentally shouted as tears just kept on falling down to her cheeks.



“Hey, Uie unnie, is that Kahi unnie who’s standing?” Raina asked as she stares at Kahi who was standing outside their classroom.

“Huh? Where?” Uie asked.

“Outside our classroom,” Raina said.

Uie looks outside their classroom and there she saw Kahi standing. She was about to call her but then, Kahi suddenly run away..

“Kahi..unnie.. wait...” Uie said in a low tone of her voice yet a sad one.

Raina blinks her eyes a few times and asked, “What’s wrong with her? Why did she run away?”

Uie shook her head her eyes never leaving the place where she saw Kahi and said, “Dunno..”

And that morning, Uie didn’t saw Kahi anymore. Class have started and it was all boring for her because of these two reasons: First, the lesson for today is just so damn boring and second, she can’t focus because her mind was on a certain tanned-haired girl.

Kahi.. where are you?.. Uie mentally asked as she let out a sigh and stared blankly at her teacher when suddenly, she felt someone taps her shoulder.

She looks at her back and it was Jooyeon the Student Council President who was tapping her shoulder. “Uie,”


“Bored, are you?” Jooyeon asked.

Uie nodded her head. “Me too.. today’s lesson is so boring..” Jooyeon said.

Uie smirked at her and said, “Oh, I never expect that one. I never thought Ms. President thinks that today’s lesson is so boring or is it, you just want to go now so you can finally see Dambi unnie?”

A faint blush suddenly appears on Jooyeon’s cheeks. “U-uie!”

Uie chuckled. “Just admit it, Jooyeon unnie. I know you like Dambi unnie as well,”

Jooyeon let out a sigh and said, “Am I really that obvious whenever I’m with her or is it just, you’re so good at things like this?”

Uie chuckled once again and shook her head and said, “Yes and no. Yes because, it’s true that it’s so obvious whenever you’re with her and no because, I’m not good at things like that so I suggest you to just ask Dambi unnie if she feels the same way,”

The blush on Jooyeon’s cheeks just becomes redder than before.

After a few seconds, Uie’s phone suddenly vibrates inside her pocket. She stops from teasing Jooyeon and flip open her phone and there she saw that she got one new message.

She clicks on the one new message that she got that reads:

I miss you, Uie baby.. :(

Uie heart started beating faster. “Kahi unnie..” she whispered.

She didn’t waste any time and replied to Kahi’s text message. I miss you too, Kahi unnie :(.. where are you? She clicks the send button and waited for Kahi’s reply.

After a few minutes, her phone vibrates again and of course there was a new message that says: I’m in our class right now and yes, I'm spacing out right now.. by the way, can you meet me in the library later?

Huh? She wants me to meet her in the library later? But, she still have one more class after her current class.. sigh.. oh never mind I’ll just do what she wants me to do.. Uie thought to herself and replied to Kahi’s text. Alright, I’ll be there in just a minute so, see you later unnie.. And again, Uie clicks the send button.

After a few minutes, the bell finally rings. Uie quickly stands up and grabs her bag.

As she finally reaches the library, Uie heard Kahi’s voice call her.

“Uie, over here!” Kahi shouted as she wave her hands at Uie.

Uie smiled and went in the far corner where Kahi was.

“Hey Kahi unnie,”

Kahi smiled at her. She moves closer to Uie and encircles her arms around Uie’s neck. Uie’s cheeks heat up. “K-kahi unnie.. wh-what are you doing?”

Kahi shrugged her shoulders. “Nothing.. I’m just clinging on my Uie baby,” she whispered hotly as she Uie’s earlobe.

Uie shivered making Kahi giggle. D-damn... something is wrong with this girl! Uie mentally shouted.

She pulled away and glared at Kahi and said, “What’s wrong with you Kahi Park?! Why are you acting like this?!”

Kahi flinched. She knows this tone of Uie’s voice. She clenched her fist and tears started falling down to her cheeks once again.

“I’m angry and jealous...” Kahi said in a low voice. “I.. I feel so jealous when I saw you with Raina a while ago and I’m so angry because, I can’t even say what I want to say!” Kahi said as she looks at Uie while tears just kept on falling down to her cheeks.

“Kahi.. I’m so sorry..” Uie said as she walks towards Kahi to embrace her.

Kahi cried on Uie’s shoulder while rubbing her back. “I’m really sorry, Kahi.. I’m really sorry..”

After a few minutes, Kahi finally stops from crying but she was still on Uie’s arms. She was inhaling Uie’s scent with her eyes both close. “Uie..”


“Would you mind if I stayed like this for a while and I want to tell you something..” Kahi said.

“Sure,” was Uie’s only reply.

“I’ve been longing to say this to you..”

Uie’s heart started beating faster but still remained silent as she let Kahi finish her words. Kahi then continued, “I love you and I like you more than a friend.. I’m so afraid to tell it to you so I decided to just keep these feelings hidden from you and bottled it all up... I’m afraid because I might lose you after telling these feelings.. you know, I thought you might start thinking it’s disgusting..”

“No.. it would never be disgusting.. and I feel the same way as well. You’re reason from keeping your feelings hidden from me is just the same like mine because like you, I’m afraid to lose you.. You’re my reason for everything.. a day without even seeing you is like the worst punishment God would ever give to me..” Uie said with a smile as she cups Kahi’s cheeks causing Kahi to look at her.

Kahi cups Uie’s cheeks as well and moves her face closer to Jessica and said, “Then, would you say ‘I love you, Kahi’?”

Uie just smiled and caresses Kahi’s lips, stared at her eyes and says those three magic words. “I love you, Kahi,”

Kahi smiled by just hearing those three magic words she’s longing to hear from best friend/girlfriend. Uie leaned in and pressed her lips softly on Kahi’s while Kahi encircles her arms around her neck and kissed her back passionately. They broke the kiss for a while to gasp some air.

Kahi was the first one to pull Uie and kiss her once again but this time, the kiss was more passionate and hotter as she Uie’s lips asking permission for her tongue to come inside the Honey thighs’ mouth and deepen the kiss. Uie didn’t waste any time and let Kahi do what she wants to do. A slight moan escaped from Uie’s mouth as she felt Kahi’s tongue explore every corner of .

The two broke the kiss breathlessly. Kahi rested her forehead on Uie’s. She smiled and said, “I love you too, Uie,”

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