
You Are My Only One

As the little guest is on his bed, Yunho decides to sleep on the coach for the night. When he come back to the living room, he notice the bag on the floor that the boy left. So he go and pick up the bag and place it on the counter of the shelf before return back to the coach. When he looks the clock on the wall, it's 11:30. Good... today is a really messy day!!

So he go to the bathroom, make a quick shower, change the nightshirt and pants, lay down on the coach with a blanket and wobble into comfort position . About 15 minutes after as he close his eyes, there is a song of unfamiliar ringtone.

God!!.. Will you let me sleep for this night!!

Really annoying with the sound, he get up abruptly to find the phone. Its from the boys' bag . Hesitates that should he open the others' bag without his permission... but he also need to know who is the boy really intend to go in the first place. Surely his friend is in the same block with him and may be the call is from that friend. So, he open the zip and search the phone.

On the brightening screen, there is name...' Puppy Kyu'. Thanks God! May be he is that 'Kyu'. So he pick up the phone quickly before it's hung up.


" Geez..Min!! Why are you so late? I'm really worried that something bad happen to you! Just come back now..it's really too late already!! Where are you been and what are you doing this late hour? Your part time job should be done 2 hours ago. What took you so long? Just come back right now!! You know tomorrow we have to go there!!!"

He's not surprise how this two friend have the same habit of uninterruptible talking.

" Wait..wait ...wait!!..So you are that ' Kyu ' right?"

" Who are you!!? Why you pick up my friend's phone? Where is Changmin?!! What have you done to my friend? Are you a robber or a thief ? Did you steal his phone? Oh my God!! Please don't tell me you kidnap my friend!! My friend and I are not that rich to give you money. We are just college students..Please leave him~~!!"

Right....So I'm a kidnapper in a second now!! How can he .....! No… they are really giving me a headache with just their thought!?

"Stop!! Just listen for a minute , kid. First.. for your information, I'm not a robber or a thief or a kidnapper. And second,I'm staying at the same block with you...."

" So why are you....."

" I'm not finish... your friend is in my room cause he mistakening your room with mine and he is really drunk . I don't have any clue to find out who he think I am....Now, he is in my bedroom.....safely..... and asleep. Now can you tell me which number you are at..?I think your number will also 302 like mine.."

" Yes.! 302 of Block B. And you?"

" 302 of Block A"

" Oh God!! He 's really drunk!! He never make that mistake before.So we are at the opposite each other!! Wait! can you comeout to the balcony please? I'm now looking at your room.."

" Okay.."

So he steps out of the living room to the balcony.. there at the balcony of the opposite a boy is waving his hand. What.. do I need to wave back?No, he won't!. So,he hold up his hand and the boy quickly nodding at him and make a gesture that he'll come to him and quickly turn into his room.So he will come to take back his friend.

Not long after, there is a knock on his door. He open and the boy with bright eyes is standing at the door and smiling at him. Really weir but cute someway, too.

"..H..Hi .. I'm Kyuhyun and come to take my friend. I'm really sorry for my friend and for my wrong accusation.."

He bow at him really sincerely. How can he stay mad to that polite kid.

" It's okay.. he's in my bedroom. Follow me.."

When he sees his sleeping friend.. he gaps and go to the side of the bed.

" Oh.... Min..You are really messing me!! What have you done?!!! Now let's go back to my room. Uh....!!"

The sleeping boy's weight and his quite tall structure makes Kyuhyun hard to carry him on his back.As he's watching them from the doorway, he sighs and go to him.

" I'll carry him. I've done it hours ago. So you just carry the bag on the shelf near the doorway and lead me to your room. Ah..the phone is on the table near the coach.."

Kyuhyu looks him with really apologetic smile and do as he says. Then Kyuhyun and Yunho with Changmin on his back get out of the room, get in elevator and crossing the yard to the opposite block.

When he get out of the boys' room,Kyuhyun says apologies again and again for their disturbance . When he get back to his room, it's almost 1 AM in the morning. He tiredly yawning and enter his bedroom and get in his bed.He gets the fresh shampoo fragrance and fall asleep minutes later.


When he wakes up, it's almost noon. Make a shower and change clothes to make some shopping. As he get in his car, he get a call from his mother.

" Omma...? ...Yes, I'm now going to the mart to make shopping...What ! Why is he here suddenly? He's supposed to be on abroad , isn't he?.........Dinner? Why again? You know I'm on.............. "

Listening and sighing, he agrees.

" Okay... I'll come to home in the evening to take you and uncle. And Jihye also go with us?...... Okay... bye Omma"

He hung up the call and change the decision to go to the mart , and make his way to buy the suit for the dinner.

" Why is he here .. by the way? And why they want to see us? No way! they are holding it for the wedding. ?!!"

Exclaiming himself, he really shock about the thought.

He isn't ready, yet! Not as a stranger to each other without knowing anything except name and jobs.

" Please, let's not make it for the wedding~~~"


Update now!!

Hope you enjoy!!!










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Hey guys, the fic wouldn't be update till the next week causI'm on'my vacation. Anyway, the plot is ready and will be back with the hidden secret for you..:) :) :)
See you then.


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Chapter 10: Thank you for the update. Waiting patiently for the next chap. :)
urico90 #2
Chapter 9: Thank you guys, for staying supporting me and for your comments. Actually, I'm really happy and encouraged if someone making comment or question about my story. I feel like I can do it and I did it well. Anyway, just want to say...thanks and I'll try for better episodes.
rinonori #3
Chapter 9: Is Yunho's uncle planning something else that would make Changmin was so upset and ended up in the hospital???
rinonori #4
Chapter 8: I see another problem's coming.... but hopefully it'll make Yunho knows his position ;)
Chapter 7: I like Kyuhyun's character in this chapter! :)

I wonder what's Siwon's connection to Changmin? It seems like Changminnie is in danger and Siwon's group are trying to protect him...
Chapter 6: I think there is something about siwon n Changmin
Chapter 6: It's getting more interesting after chapter 6. I have so many questions in mind but I'll be patient and wait for your updates.
rinonori #8
Chapter 5: Wow.... I'm surprised that Siwon is actually the person Yunho will be married to. I like the twist ^^
Now coming the interesting things, how Yunho untangles the set-up engagement with Siwon and weaves his red thread with Changmin. Some fluff, pretty please?
Take your time with the updates. Apparently time is essential to set your ideas into one nice smooth story. Maybe you need to scribble some alternative plots on a paper so you won't get lost in them. Just choose the best according to your mood. You can always change in the middle as long as you stick to the main draft.
One thing, small mistakes in your grammar... hope you can fix them in the future. But following your story is not a problem at all, in fact it's entertaining <3
Good luck with your writing and updates! ^^
Chapter 3: It lookes fun n nice story ?
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)