Why, hyung?

You Are My Only One

It's been a week that Changmin get conscious, of course in his amnesia state. His body is getting better but the leg will be still to wait for another couple of months. His family and Kyuhyun is almost always beside him and take him out to the hospital yard to get relax. Yunho don't have enough chance to get near Changmin except from the day a week ago. Kyhyun don't want him near his friend and also Changmin didn't paid his attention to him. He completely neglect him and sometimes they met in the corridor, Changmin on the wheelchair , he just bow his head and smile him. That's all he get from the younger after his woke up and Yunho don’t know it's better or worse, but he think its both.

It's better cause Changmin don't get his memory, because he will getting marry to Siwon in the next month and he don't want to hurt Changmin anymore, not when he is definitely sure he also in love with the younger and don't have another choice for now. Its worse cause the younger is completely ignore his existence and never give him any acknowledgement, not a single look of sweetness that once attached on his face, on his smile. It's hurt for him, it's really hurt and he feels like he want to run to the younger and hug him tightly and confess his affection for him. He feels like he can't stand anymore and take the risk of marriage. 

The three other know his condition and encourage him that this is the best way for Changmin, and for them. Mean while they try to search the part-timer but the name Kim Su Ro is not the employee who have the video recorder that Donghae left with him. Kim Su Ro is not his name in that time and it's been four years so no one remember his name at all. May be part-timers are easily forgettable for the shops. The only hope for them is finding the CCTV records for that day the incident happened. Also it's all under his uncle control and Siwon said there will be some embezzlement since Yunho's father as alive and he would've known that. They have to find the evidence to prove that Mr. Han embezzle the company assets and made Yunho's father to death.

To penetrate the inner part of the company, Siwon must have the power to get in and that power is exactly come from him and Yunho's combination as a couple. No other way that Mr Han will let the other to interfere his business unless Siwon is the major investor in his company. Yeah, Siwon's Choi corporation will invest the vest amount of money for Jung's family company upon their marriage and that's the main point for their arrange combination.

Yunho see Changmin walk with a crutch slowly and one of his sisters is walking beside him watching her brother with careful look. It seems he accept happily his family and his friend Kyuhyun, but him? Yunho barely thought he will accept him as his neighbor at least. Sooyeon guide her brother sit on a bunch and she take out a book to her brother and also she has knitting things in her hand. The sibling stays out relaxing in the sunny fine yard , one knitting and  one reading his unfinished book last night. Changmin only have two chapter left to read "The Affair".

Yunho sigh the peaceful view before he get ready to stitch one of the injure patients. When he finish his stitching process, he wash his hand and walk out for a while, then he see Changmin is sitting alone on the bunch, closing his eyes, lean his head on the back of the bunch, earphones attach on his ears like he is listening some musics on his phone, the new one, cause the old one is crushed when he got the accident and no way to use it anymore so his mother keep it in his drawer if it necessary sometime.

Yunho walk slowly to the sleeping figure, sit quietly and watch the sweet face with full of affection. He want to touch his smooth cheeks and brush his soft brown hair, but keep his urge by his hands inside his coat pocket. Changmin seems really peacefully in sleep like the sweet melody is lulling him in the quiet fairyland. The figure comfort his tire and sorrowful heart to calm and just watching is even curing him gradually.

After a while, he take out his hand and gently brush the soft hair that cover his right eye.

" Changmin-ah..~~"

He speak, really quietly and softly.

" It's really nice to see you happy like this. Hyung is really worry that you will unhappy because of me. All I want is your happiness, even though you won’t remember me forever, I wish. But I'm really a selfish man Changmin-ah. I'm upset your oblivion to me, to us, your love and our past.But it's good as you forget me cause I'm the cause of your pain,and I’m afraid you will be hurt if you remember what is happened between us...."

Changmin breath steadily. He look at his face, tears fill in his eyes.

" Just keep forget me, my prince. It will be good for you. Please keep your bright future without this trouble hyung. I..... I will let you go Changmin-ah. I just want to say these words at least once for a while and it's fortunate, you are sleeping . I can confess all I want to say and you won't hear them at all. I..... I love you Changmin-ah. I just don't know it in time to have to loose you. But what I want you to know is I loved you back then, I still do and I will in the future. All I do is for you and I wish you can forgive me someday when you find out the truth. "

Then, He swallow inward and lean his head gently over the younger’s  head. He kiss softly on the forehead and say quietly.

" I love you...Min-ah~~"

Than he stand up and walk back into the hospital without looking back.


At the night, Changmin is looking to the outside of the window and stay silent, in his hand the book is holding on his chest.

" Yo..Min.! How's you feeling? What..! Are you okay..?"

Kyuhyun watch the silent figure and worry .

" You call me Min..?"

"Ah.. It's a nickname ..right? Why, you don't like it?"

" It's not like that. I just..."

" What's up Min.? Oh..! You.. You get remember something..!?"

Changmin shake his head lightly. 

" Then stay happy, Changmin-ah. I want to see my friend happy after this long time. It’s been too long you are happy freely like this. I'm really glad I can see my sweet Changmin again. So, be happy Min-ah "

" Why? I'm not happy in the past you mean? Did something bad happen in my life , Kyuhyun?"

"It's not..! I mean you try really hard to stand yourself and working hard too much as you forget your own happiness.. "


" What happen Min? Talk to me. Do you meet someone? Who made you feel like this? You are all good before I leave you with Sooyeon to walk in the yard. What wrong?"

" Did I have a lover, in my past? Did I fell in love with someone..?"

Kyuhyun alert and silent for a moment. He think for a moment and then

"No.. I already said you are too busy yourself to find your happiness. You don't have enough time to attach with someone, Changmin-ah"

"Oh.~~ Is that so? "

Seems like Changmin's look penetrate his eyes to see his inner thoughts.

"O...Of course, Changmin-ah. Why should I lie to you?"

Changmin nods and look away to the window.

That night, in his dream, he is facing a person's back with full of longing. Unlike other days like he is walking in the mist alone and  finding someone desperately, now a person is appear in the mist , but he is giving his back to him.

He call.

" Hyung~~~?"

But the man never look back.

" Why hyung..~~? Why you leave me..~~?"




Hope you enjoy.

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Hey guys, the fic wouldn't be update till the next week causI'm on'my vacation. Anyway, the plot is ready and will be back with the hidden secret for you..:) :) :)
See you then.


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Chapter 10: Thank you for the update. Waiting patiently for the next chap. :)
urico90 #2
Chapter 9: Thank you guys, for staying supporting me and for your comments. Actually, I'm really happy and encouraged if someone making comment or question about my story. I feel like I can do it and I did it well. Anyway, just want to say...thanks and I'll try for better episodes.
rinonori #3
Chapter 9: Is Yunho's uncle planning something else that would make Changmin was so upset and ended up in the hospital???
rinonori #4
Chapter 8: I see another problem's coming.... but hopefully it'll make Yunho knows his position ;)
Chapter 7: I like Kyuhyun's character in this chapter! :)

I wonder what's Siwon's connection to Changmin? It seems like Changminnie is in danger and Siwon's group are trying to protect him...
Chapter 6: I think there is something about siwon n Changmin
Chapter 6: It's getting more interesting after chapter 6. I have so many questions in mind but I'll be patient and wait for your updates.
rinonori #8
Chapter 5: Wow.... I'm surprised that Siwon is actually the person Yunho will be married to. I like the twist ^^
Now coming the interesting things, how Yunho untangles the set-up engagement with Siwon and weaves his red thread with Changmin. Some fluff, pretty please?
Take your time with the updates. Apparently time is essential to set your ideas into one nice smooth story. Maybe you need to scribble some alternative plots on a paper so you won't get lost in them. Just choose the best according to your mood. You can always change in the middle as long as you stick to the main draft.
One thing, small mistakes in your grammar... hope you can fix them in the future. But following your story is not a problem at all, in fact it's entertaining <3
Good luck with your writing and updates! ^^
Chapter 3: It lookes fun n nice story ?
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)