Unexpected Guest

You Are My Only One

It's been two years.

He's a doctor of a famous hospital now. As a famous and always full with many patients with different reasons, he can't rest properly as a still new comer of the medical field.

Since Yoona left, he stayed alone at their apartment with really messy condition. Even he didn't really understand why she left him , even he  was really broken that days, he had many assignments and projects to finish , so he didn't have enough time to mourn or to be broken. All happened like simultaneously,and he had to try hard to pass the condition and the really difficult exams.

Even his family offered to come back to home and stayed with them , but he  didn't . No matter how hard his condition, this is what he chose and what he want, so he had to endured and overcome . Yoona left him clueless about her leave and he didn't get any hint or news since then. How cold was she! Now he is a doctor, so may be she is a professional surgeon at somewhere more famous hospital than his .

"Yes……Omma……I'm home already…… "

He is now at his new apartment that he moved in two weeks ago.

"……Of course I have my dinner at canteen……"

As the hospital is too much busy, and the apartment he stayed is far enough to get in time .So he rent the apartment two blocks away from the hospital.

"Oh……Omma……I don't have such time to go that restaurant……I'm on duty call…………Okay……I got it ……tomorrow is my day off …I already plan to go the mart near my place and buying the necessary things……"

He don't even have enough time to look the apartment, his uncle arrange the place that's suitable for him to live alone .

"My dear Ommoni……you know very well about your sons' cooking skill…!…haha……… Pray that I don't burn down the whole block Omma……"

His apartment is in one of the three blocks that build together in one large space. Have gateway……two entrances with arch and in the middle, there exist rather wide small park, with greenly grass and couples of swings for the purpose of relax and for children can play safe within the resident.

"Yeah, tell uncle that  this apartment is quite good for me and thanks for his kindness………"

He sighed.

"I know…Omma……I'll try my best for the…………marriage……It's stills years away to happen right…………Okay ……I won't let you and uncle to disappoint……"

Right, he is under the engagement with someone he never seen before , as his family wish , especially as his uncle. He don't paid much interest to that person, he barely know  the name and identity. The only son and hire of the well known business group.  He don't know how that person easily accept the engagement with someone like him , who never know about the business but the medical field.

For Yunho, he didn't find anyone after Yoona and also don't have the intention to be in a relationship again. So whatever his family want, it's ok as long as he can do what he want. It's not like he's been force or under pressure. May be that man  is as like him, that don't really mind about the marriage , all are as the family will.

"Yeah……love you too, Omma…and tell Jihye that if I see her online lately in nights again , I won't buy her the Gucci bag she wants as the birthday present……haha…………………miss  you all, bye…"

As he hung up the call ……there at the corridor , he heard something hid heavily at his door. And then…someone lazily knock the door.

He don't have the friend who will visit him in this late time. He peer from the little hole of the door, but all he see is black. What is it…!!?

He slowly open the door carefully, suddenly, all he get is the rather heavy weight of a man………wait……a boy that seems  younger than him. The bag he carry is dropped on the floor.

"What took you so long to open the door for your prince.…Kyu.…?"

Oh……he is really drunk…!!

"You know……I love you so much that I choose to stay at your place and not to go back to my home even I 'm really ………really feeling drunk……you puppy…!!"

What a nonsense!!

"Hey look …you are mis……"

"Carry me!"

"Excuse me!"

"I say…………carry me you dummy……your prince is really sleepy………!"

Tsk……!! That kid is really giving a headache.

" Kid……you are mistaking the room number……I'm not your………"

"Yah……!! just close your mouth and carry me already……I really want to go bathroom……or……want me to………do here……!!"

"What!!……no…no wait……!!"

They are now hugging position with the boy's head on his shoulder. So he just try to push him a little from the shoulder and then put him on his back, close and lock the door, and quickly carry him to the bathroom.

"Here … you are in the bathroom. Just make it quickly ……I have to find out who is your friend and send you there……"


"Again what…?!"

"Hold me you idiot……! How can I stand if you are not holding me……! I have to zip down my pants Kyu…!!"

He don't have choice. The boy isn't open is eye and swaying his lengthy body.

"What…? O……Okay…!!"

So Yunho hold him… from the back on his shoulder and turn his face away from the mirror from the side on the wall.


"Hold on…~~~ you know how much I happy today………I got that job Kyu……now I don't have to move out from my room……"

Yunho listen his uneven voice…somehow the boy has sweet and warm voice, he feel.

"Finish……! now carry me on your bed …I'm going to sleep……"

"What……? No! You can't sleep on my bed, Kid……! I'm not……"

"Kyu…~~~~~ You don't love me…hah……? ~~~ you don't want me to sleep on your bed with you……?"

"Wait…Wait…wait……Let me take you to the living room first……"

Yunho carry him on his back to the living room and drop him on the coach carefully. And run to kitchen and get a glass of water .

"Here……drink it…"

The boy drink the glass from his hand so he try not make him chock.

"You okay……?Hey……look at me kid……"

The boy drop his head to the back of the coach and rub his hand to his face.

"Ah……Kyu……I say I want to sleep……you really want to sleep me here……~~? You are heartless that you put your dearest friend on the coach when he's really drunk……"

Yunho don't get the chance to finish and interrupted by the boy's pouty lip and childlike whine.

"Umm……You don't love me…~? What if I get my back ache tomorrow?…"

God……!!Even he is really frustrated……he finds the boy is so cute.

"What if I drop of the coach …………Umm……get my leg …Uh……or my bones broke……? ~~~~ Can you……really want to happen……What if……"

"Okay …Okay……!! Just stop with your 'what if' ……You can sleep on my bed this night. I bet you will regret in the morning……come on…~~"

How can he make the boy to get out of his room…even if he is completely stranger for Yunho. He don't have that heart. Also, as his condition is not in the right mood to ask who is the friend he says ' Kyu'. So he decides to find him in the morning.


The boy hold up his fists in the air as his victory. Smiling the boy's action…… he carry the boy to his room. Take off his shoes and tuck him under the blanket.


As he makes his leave, a hand grasps his hand. He look back.The boy is smiling at him with half open eyes and says

"Oh……our Kyu is really taller within two days……Come here,…Come to your prince…~~"

Yunho don't know what to do……watching the boys weakly pull down his hand the raising the other hand in the air.

Slowly, he bend down his body and watch the boy's face, a hand warmly and softly rub his hair gently.

"My sweet buddy……You are really good to me……Thank you so much…Kyu~~~"

Yunho is taken aback with the action just now from the boy. Feeling something stirring inside him and watching the now sleeping boy's peaceful smile.Taking a breath……he smiles back to the boy and says goodnight to the boy before leaving the room.

" Sleep well little prince…~~"


Here is the next Part.

Hope you will enjoy. Love and wait your feedback!!

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Hey guys, the fic wouldn't be update till the next week causI'm on'my vacation. Anyway, the plot is ready and will be back with the hidden secret for you..:) :) :)
See you then.


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Chapter 10: Thank you for the update. Waiting patiently for the next chap. :)
urico90 #2
Chapter 9: Thank you guys, for staying supporting me and for your comments. Actually, I'm really happy and encouraged if someone making comment or question about my story. I feel like I can do it and I did it well. Anyway, just want to say...thanks and I'll try for better episodes.
rinonori #3
Chapter 9: Is Yunho's uncle planning something else that would make Changmin was so upset and ended up in the hospital???
rinonori #4
Chapter 8: I see another problem's coming.... but hopefully it'll make Yunho knows his position ;)
Chapter 7: I like Kyuhyun's character in this chapter! :)

I wonder what's Siwon's connection to Changmin? It seems like Changminnie is in danger and Siwon's group are trying to protect him...
Chapter 6: I think there is something about siwon n Changmin
Chapter 6: It's getting more interesting after chapter 6. I have so many questions in mind but I'll be patient and wait for your updates.
rinonori #8
Chapter 5: Wow.... I'm surprised that Siwon is actually the person Yunho will be married to. I like the twist ^^
Now coming the interesting things, how Yunho untangles the set-up engagement with Siwon and weaves his red thread with Changmin. Some fluff, pretty please?
Take your time with the updates. Apparently time is essential to set your ideas into one nice smooth story. Maybe you need to scribble some alternative plots on a paper so you won't get lost in them. Just choose the best according to your mood. You can always change in the middle as long as you stick to the main draft.
One thing, small mistakes in your grammar... hope you can fix them in the future. But following your story is not a problem at all, in fact it's entertaining <3
Good luck with your writing and updates! ^^
Chapter 3: It lookes fun n nice story ?
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)