
le vilain

C L A I R E   H E R N A N D E Z
Claire Hernandez @ Kim Chungha

A ballerina girl in her 20s had finished her studies from The School of American Ballet – New York City, New York, United States and now pursuing in other major which is business management. Born with silver spoon in mouth yet she never being spoil as much as anyone thought. She did it all her own and start from scratch. She work here and there to pay for her school and it made who she is now today. An indenpendent woman. But of course, during those school days, she struggled really hard as there will be no helping from her parents. Truth to be told, her parents especially her father, Charles Hernandez who own a ship company whereas they transport stuff from exporting to importing all over the world want his daughter to learn about business and one day take over his place but it was his wife last wish, Elizabeth Hernandez. Claire's mother was diagnosed with cancer and they knew about it when she was on fourth stage. Back in the day, there were no cure and it was very devasting to the family and of course, Claire. Her father remarried to another successful woman name Jean Palmer who work as businesswoman. Despite never have her own children, she love Claire and Evelyn like her own and that is what made Charles love about her because she reminds him to his late wife. 




Charles Hernandez @ Kim Chang-ho 
-move to us on the age of 5 and live there with his grandparents
- his family used to own a factories where they made ship but now it left as historic museum of the Hernandez Ship 
- arranged marriage by his parents with their friends and married to Elizabeth Sterling who was at the time a famous ballerina 
- have two kids which is Evelyn Hernandez and Claire Hernandez
- Evelyn Hernandez @ Kim Cho-a married to a korean man Park Hyunwoo and live in Seoul, South Korea since they married
- have triplets and they are happy with their living style
- Jean Palmer a successful businesswoman met Charles on a business party among big companies in Korea. There she was introduced by her friends to Charles and they got married in 2011. Jean and Charles agreed to not have another child as Jean never wanted to get pregnant and have the experience of her own giving birth to a child. 


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