Day 3 - part 2 -

I'm A Kidnapper??!!!!!

" Hyung ah~ She's still not wake up yet? " asked Daesung with his smile.

" Can you stop asking me whether she's a wake or not. It's annoying me and stop smiling like an idiot. "

He show his fist as a warning if Daesung ask him again.

" What's going on? Daesung? Where? "

" Oh you're awake. Are you feeling much better now? "

" Yeah. I'm fine but where am I and how am I end up like this? "

" In a cafe. You fainted while- "

" I pass out? Seriously? Omo!! I remember now. An idol chased after me and that idol Am I dreaming? Someone please pinch me."

I point my finger at him.


" Ouch. That's hurts."

He pinched my right cheeks.

" Stop it. "

He pinched both of my cheeks this time.

" Yah. Pabonya!!! I said stop it already. "

" Sorry. I just wanted to make you fully realize that you're not dreaming. "

" I know you want to pinch my cheeks because they are chubby right?? "

I pout.

" So, what is your name by the way? And how old are you actually? "

" You can call me Johwa. I'm 15 but, not yet, well, I'm going turning 15 this month and I plan to ki- "

Bad mouth.

Bad mouth.

Bad mouth.

I almost tell him my secret.

Such a pabo.

" You're plan to? "

" It's not a big deal. Forget about it. "

" If you insist then what can I do right? But, are you really 15? I thought you're 20. "

" EXCUSE ME? Am I really look that old? "

" Sort of. "

" Okay, tell me how can you look a 20 years old girl in 15 years old girl body? "

" Well, your style, your height, and you face even look mature. "

" So you acclaim that when I'm 40 I will look like 50 right?!! "

" It's not like that. "

" I can't believe that you're not as I imagined. "

" Of course I'm not as your fantasy. "

" Okay. I'm out of here. "

I took my bag and walk off.

When I already a few meter away from that cafe I started to complain.

" He's the first person who tell me that I'm 20 years old. I don't know it something to be proud or what but all I know is I don't want to be old at all. I really want to enjoy my life. i want to be happy even though I don't have friend that much. He's really not as I imagined as. I actually should be happy that I met him but I don't know how or somehow I feel very angry, disappointed and I'm really really really HUNGRY.."

Wait where am I?

How did in the world I end up being in this dark and creepy street?

I don't feel good about this.

[ Back at the cafe ]

" Hyung ah~ What did you really do just now? " asked Seungri

" I do nothing. "

I shake my head trying to deny the truth.

Maybe I'm a little bit to much??

"Do nothing MY !! " said Seung Hyun.

" What? It's not my fault that she already make my off day a MISERY DAY. " 

" I think you better look after her. It's already 11 PM you know. It's dangerous for a little girl like that wondering alone all by herself at this time. Plus, I don't think she can find any cab at this late. " 

Jiyoung as the leader said it with his very solemn face that never gonna works.

" Hyung, you're face are funny when you act so seriously like this. " said Seungri.

Seung Hyun gave him a death glare than he quickly hide behind Dara.

Everyone already gather around Taeyang right after Johwa left the cafe. 


" You're not going? Okay how about I'll make sure that you never get a day off even on weekend until out contract is off. " said Jiyoung.

" I don't care since I already in love with music and I do love dancing. "

I said like I don't care but I actually do care.

" Not threaten enough? Okay, I will burn all your sunglasses and your cap collection. If still not enou- " 

This time Seung Hyun try to threat Taeyang with his deep voice that can frighten anybody.

" If you don't want I can look after her and make sure she reach her home safe-"

" Don't but in CL. She doesn't know that it was us who working in here and more importantly I don't her to know our cover or media will know it. Understand?!! "

Jiyoung gave her a death glare.

" And yo- "

Jiyoung try to point his finger on Taeyang which happen to be missing or more exactly he already after Johwa.

" He already went hyung. " said Daesung who still smiling like and idiot.

[ Back at Johwa ]

I don't feel good about this.

I should call Mary.

' You're number that you dial is not available.'

I couldn't reach Mary and what time is t now?

" 11PM?!! Seriously!! Oh my I'm seriously in deep trouble. I'm am 15 years old foreigner and wondering around in country that I'm not familiar with all by myself. Mommy~~"

I try to call Mary again and again but still nothing.

There's no one I can ask around here.

Note :

[ Blue : Hangul/Korean ]

[ Red  : English              ]

" Hi. Alone? Need accompany? " 

" Go away. "

I slapped his hand that trying to touch my shoulder.

" How much do you want? " 

There's more?

" 10 000 won? "

And more?

" 20 000 won? or-"

" 100 000 won for such a y girl like you?

Another guy continue to finish his friend sentence.

" Go away or you will going to be a DEAD MEAT!!! "

I think I've to use all the martial arts that I know towards them if the situation that make me too use them.

" Such a fierce girl. Totally my favorite. "

They were trying to touch me.

I pull one of the guy who trying to touch me and daub his hand to his back and push him toward his friends.

I think all of them fell but I'm not pretty sure cause only the moon light lit this place. 

They tried to attack me so many times but they failed every time they try.

I don't think I've any energy left.

5 man fighting with 1 girl.

I'm doomed.

I've to end up this fight.

I punch the last person face and run away.

" Catch her. Don't let that get away!! "


They still after me and I don;t have any energy left.

Suddenly someone grab me and pulled me closer toward him/her body.

He/She covered my mouth with his/her hands.

I think it's a guy based on his hand size.

I struggle to let go from his grip.

"Het me gop~~"

" Shh~~~ They are still here."

That guy whisper to my ear.

I grab his hand that he place on my mouth.

" You're gonna kill me. I almost out of air. "

He cover my mouth again without closing my nose.

" Shh~~. "

We both watched them in silent until they left.

We both sighed.

" Are you okay? Sorry I'm a bit a late. "

This voice?

" Tae-taeyang sshi? "

" Yes I'm here. Don't worry. "

He pull me close to him.

My tears almost bursting out but I hold it.

I don't want him to look at me like a weak girl.

" You still can walk right? There's a park near over here. Why don't we go there. "

I follow him.

He hold my hands as we walk together heading to the park.

" We are here. Where did you learn all those move? "

" My sir teach me. I'm not that very good actually but that was the best fight ever. "

I laugh.

" What do you mean by that? Did you fight before? "

" Yes I did. But only in the competition. "

" I'm lucky you didn't beat me up like that. " 

He looked away.

Suddenly my stomach make a noise.

He heard it.

" Sorry. "

I looked away.


I embarrassed myself.

" Here. This all I have. "

He gave me a candy.

" Kamsahamnida. "

I grab it and tore the plastics and wait it.

" This taste so good. "

" You love candy too? "

" My only favorite thing in the world, I love sweet thing but I'm not enjoying eat chocolate. Such a weirdo right? "

" Yap. "

He nodded.


" Do you know the real reason why did I said you look like 20? " asked Taeyang.

" Tell me. "

" Do you know why those stupid guys disturbed you just now? "

" Cause they want to me, I guess? and what is your answer for the first question just now? "

He makes me feel so curious.

" It because..."

He stopped.

" Promise me you won't beat me like those guys. "

" Just tell me already. "

He make a face just-make-that-promise.

" I promise. "

" You're kinda attractive you know? What I mean is you actually kinda beautiful and look like-"

" Okay I get what you mean. You want to say I'm a beautiful lady like who can attract any men? right? "

He doesn't answer me but he nodded a little.

" Why did you come here actually? "

" Hyung told me so. "

We still doesn't look at each other.

" Then go, I don't need you. I even beat all those guys all by my- hachoo~~. "

 I sneezed.

It's very cold.

" Wear this or you will get cold. "

He gave me his jacket.

" Thanks a lot. "

" I'm sorry what I said in the cafe. I had no intention to-"

" Arasso. Look at me. This sweater is so big. "

It's true.

I play with it cause it so big.

" I'm hungry. Do you know where can I eat? "

" There's a good a place that I know but I don't bring my cap. "

He sighed.

" I have it. Here. "

I open my bag pack and put it on his head.

I took out the sunglasses too.

" I thought so, this will suit you. Your cover is perfect and no one will know it's you beside than me AND yourself. "

" How did you have all- "

" Shut up and show me the way. I'm dying for food over here. "

He laugh at me.

" I'm telling you the truth!! " I pout.

" I know that little girl. It's around here. Come on let's go. "

He grab my hand and we run until we reach in front of a stall.

" Have you ever try Dduk Bok Gi? "

" I'm a foreigner, so what do you think? "

He laughed again and he gave me a plate full of Dduk Bok Gi ? 

" Omo, jeongmal ni bo-shi-tta ahjumma. " I said to that ahjumma.

" Woah, You can speak hangul too? " ask Taeyang.

" I don't know but there's a few words I familiar with. "

I said that and stuff all the Dduk Bok Gi into my mouth.

" Slow down, little girl. " 

"I'mph noph yoh littleh girl. "

I swallowed the food.

" I'm not your little girl. I'm finish. Your treat right? Thanks a lot. "

I walk off while he paid for the food.

" I didn't say anything and yet you just left like that? "

" Cause I know you will pay for it. "

I open my bag pack and look for my bottle.

" You sure do have a lot of stuff in there. You're just like Doraemon. "

" Ha-Ha-Ha. So funny. "

"I'm going home right now, how about you? "

" I'll send you. Hyung will burn my collection if they knew I didn't send you safely. "

" What a kindhearted Hyung you have, but I also WONDERING how can THEY know I'm FAINTED when THEY are NOT THERE, I mean in the cafe, unless THEY ARE the ONE who BEHIND that MASK. "

I smirked looking at how he going to answer that.

" It's easy. I've been IN THERE, watching over you for MORE than 7 HOURS who SLEEP more than 7 HOURS for NO REASON and OF COURSE, I had to TELL them about YOU FAINTED or they will SUSPECT bad thing happens to ME. Satisfied? "

" Kinda make senses. "

I nodded just pretend that I still haven't discover it yet.

" It's not kinda but it DOES make sense. "

" Whatever. But I have a favor to ask you, can I call you Yong Bae hyung if we met again? "

" It's fine but I thin-"

" I know but I don't really feel comfortable call someone o-p-p-a even though I love that person very much. "

" Owh. I understand. Are we there yet? "

" There? Owh, we here already. Don't worry. Goodnight and thanks again for everything. "

I run inside the house and look back to wave at him.

* Taeyang POV *

This is her house?

This is more like a mansion.

So big.

But she's a foreigner and how can she..


I'm thinking to much.

* END Taeyang POV *




Sorry for the late update though..

I edit this story for more than 10 times ..

I'll update another one too soon..

So don't forget to comment and subscribes to my story..

Hope you've fun reading it..


* Jeongmal ni bo shi tta ahjumma - This is truly delicious auntie..

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jessicalm145 #1
Chapter 9: Man I totally forgot this story!!!
Chapter 9: I love this story <3
Please update :)
Chapter 9: I just started reading this and reading and reading. Unfortunately I am on the last chapgern I laughed so hard at some of the things in this story! Ok now subscribing!
Chapter 9: congratulations on getting randomly featured ^^
congrats on the random feature ^^
congrats on the random feature x]
TaemBaby #8
Congrats :)