Then what?

Take me Home, I'll make it Worthwhile


I still want to be a bird.

But why is it that whenever I try to make friends, it's so difficult?

Every bird is different, but it seems that I'm just a little too different.

When they sing, I don't understand them well.

When I sing to them, they don't understand me either.

It seems like I cannot be a bird, after all.

But then what am I?




"What's your favourite color?"

Jongdae stared at another puzzle piece. It was blue. Just blue. They shouldn't have picked a motive showing mostly the sky.

"Hm... pink? I really like pink," he replied, placing the blue piece on the table, in midst of the other blue pieces he had already sorted by the palest hues of yellow, violet and grey.

"Okay. And your favourite food?"

"Hm... man, I like a lot of different foods. If I had to choose, I'd go for hot pot, cause you can put so many different things in there."

"Okay. Did you ever have a pet?

Jongdae looked up from the scattered puzzle pieces.

"What's this, you're trying to get answers to my password security questions?"

Kyungsoo tilted his head, the puzzle piece in his hand temporarily forgotten.


"I mean. Those are pretty random questions and they kind of feel like a cross-examination."

"I'm just trying to get to know you better," Kyungsoo enunciated, as if it was really obvious.

"By asking trivia questions?" Jongdae asked doubtfully, and Kyungsoo averted his gaze, nodding a little to himself.

"You're right, it doesn't feel very productive."

He placed the puzzle piece into his designated place - right in the middle of the frame Jongdae had already put together, with no pieces fitting to it yet. Then he reached for the next piece, completely unfazed under Jongdae's suspicious gaze.

"You're not thinking about the lovey dovey stuff from your books anymore, do you?"

Kyungsoo shot him a glance, and then looked back at the single piece in his hand.

"No. I mean yes, of course I'm still thinking about it, but right now, I really just attempted to get to know you better. On TV, people always ask about favourite colors, but now that I did, I feel like that didn't give me a lot of information, after all. Or the one about pets. I don't know anything about pets, or whether they say anything about a person."

"Maybe it's time you step up your book game," Jongdae said slowly, and then watched Kyungsoo place the blue piece right into the middle of nowhere. Great, he'd have to work around that somehow.

"But if I asked you what influenced you to strive for wit and jokes, but are unwilling to leave behind basic kindness at the same time, you would probably not be able to answer that," Kyungsoo added, and Jongdae blinked.

"Or whether you think you are perfectly balanced in your mental health and if not, where you think you have to take special caution. Or where you see yourself on the mastering alchemy chart on femininity and masculinity and what you think of the chart in the first place-"

"Hold on, I'm still stuck at the first one," Jongdae cut him off, staring at the table as he tried to sum up the meaning of Kyungsoo's words. "You're saying I'm trying to be a funny person but don't have balls? Courage, I mean."

Kyungsoo was over taking everything literally, but Jongdae was not yet over keeping his language ridiculously clean.

"That's not what I said. I said that you enjoy being a funny person but at the same time stay very civil and friendly in your attitude."

When Jongdae didn't reply directly, Kyungsoo took as him still not understanding.

"You don't make mean jokes," he said, definitely judging him a little over not being able to follow.

"I'm thinking," Jongdae defended himself, and pushed another true blue puzzle piece into Kyungsoo's hand to have him deal with it.

Kyungsoo let him think, and it took him at least five seconds longer to find the future location of the piece. Next time, they should go for 5.000 pieces.

"You know, I think what you're talking about is just basic ettiquette, which is largely forgotten nowadays," Jongdae finally said, taking a sip of his tea. "People get a little out of touch with all the impersonal communication they do nowadays. Like, they only talk via chat message and stuff. I think if you go out and interact with people more often, it's pretty obvious what hurts people and what doesn't. And why would you intentionally hurt someone?"

"Oh. I didn't think about that. That makes a lot of sense!"

Kyungsoo seemed invested now that he was apparently on to something.

"That's why I enjoy communicating with you. If I read things online or listen to people talk on TV, it's usually very descriptive and wordy, but overall more android-like. Which is fine, it's easiest to understand that way. But with you, there's a lot of body language and speech melody that all come together in a pleasing way."

"I mean. I'm not that special," Jongdae began, but Kyungsoo wasn't deterred.

"The only other person where I noticed that type of speech would be... the analyst. Though he didn't really talk much."

Jongdae wasn't sure whether he was even able to pick up on the nuances Kyungsoo believed to see, but he'd have to take him by his words.

"You know, when I was a kid, my parents were both working with computers already."

Jongdae reached for another puzzle piece, but wasn't really trying to do anything with it, distracted by old memories.

"So did my older sister and even my aunts and uncles. It was all keyboards and things happening on a screen, and I tried to like it - because kids want to appeal to those they look up to, right? But I'm just not the type. My grandmother caught up on that and would always take me out with her. She took me to playgrounds, and later we went on little trips, like the zoo or public baths or forests and parks. I always preferred going out and doing things."

Kyungsoo's patient gaze reminded him of something and he hurried to correct himself.

"Not like there's anything bad about technology and consuming or working with it. Without it, you'd not be here right now. I grew out of resenting technology a long time ago - I can totally enjoy a round of gaming or watching some animated series or something. And I know all these jobs are important."

"You're doing it again," Kyungsoo commented, and Jongdae shot him a questioning look.

"You're apologizing and clearing up potential misunderstandings, but you do it in a quick, simple manner. You're not getting deep into it, fearfully elaborating on every possible aspect to make absolutely sure no one could misunderstand you even if they tried. You simply apologized and said that I wouldn't be here without advanced technology. You're giving a bit of work to me, having me make the connection, and that makes me feel more engaged."

Jongdae was surprised that Kyungsoo could still surprise him. But with every passing day, he seemed to rapidly evolve in terms of mannerism and the level he interpreted things on.

"I... seriously don't know if I can live up to your praise," he laughed awkwardly. "I think you might be biased towards me. I rarely put deep thought into the way I act."

"That's what makes it so pretty."

He always said things like this so straight-faced and earnest that Jongdae wanted to hide his face.

"You're putting me on a podest," he whined. "You do realize I'm just as ordinary and faulty as every other being?"

"Of course," Kyungsoo immediately admitted with a nod. "But those menial things I can help you with."

He then carefully pried a puzzle piece out of Jongdae's hands and put it in the opposite corner of the puzzle instead.

"And soon, I'll hopefully be able to help with more meaningful tasks," he added, already looking for another piece. He'd said it so patiently, calm and reassured, and Jongdae wanted to get distance in between them before he did anything silly.

He'd just have to wait it out, he told himself. Human hearts were fickle, vulnerable, and easy to declare crushes on just about anyone who cared for them. It would pass.



Jongdae had been hesitant, at first, when Chanyeol invited him to a party. He wasn't sure whether Kyungsoo was ready for the social engagement coming with attending a party. Chanyeol had only replied that Kyungsoo could need some actual human interaction, that the party would be totally harmless and also reminded Jongdae that he was his own person, that he used to love parties, and that caring for an android didn't mean abstinence of anything human-only.

Jongdae didn't know whether androids went to parties. He could see Luhan or Minseok attending a party, but those two seemed very much out of the norm.

Well, good thing that Kyungsoo was out of the norm as well. He had lit up at the mention of a party and while Jongdae reached for his third cocktail, Kyungsoo was having a blast listening to friends of Chanyeol telling a story.

He didn't seem disappointed at the lack of disco lights, stuffy air and shady people.

But while Chanyeol could be entirely without class, he liked to pretend, once in awhile. This year he had rented a small, but pretty poolsite for his birthday. It was located on the 15th floor of a hotel, and the view over the city was quite pretty.

As it was always the case with Chanyeol, anyone and everyone was invited. if they were a friend of his friend, they were welcome. And Chanyeol had a lot of friends. Jongdae considered himself one of the closer ones, which got him the honour of downing another shot with the birthday boy, laughing heartily at nothing in particular. That was their thing - it may be prompted by some silly grimace or something falling down, but the real reason behind their way-too loud and extended laugh was simply that they were happy. They treasured having fun. And also they might be a little drunk. It really had been a while since Jongdae had had an alcoholic drink, and he couldn't help vaguely reminiscing the day he had stumbled upon Kyungsoo.

At first the android had stuck to his side, but by now he was roaming the party on his own, which filled Jongdae with an odd sense of pride. He could hold his own and engage with people on a level above "the color of your eyes matches my sheets".

(Also Kyungsoo was still using Jongdae's sheets, so technically, he didn't owe any sheets of his own).

Getting Jongdae drunk was no easy or cheap feat, but he was getting there after his second Long Island and the many shots he hadn't bothered counting. He was feeling light and tipsy, just the perfect amount of being drunk. The music was good and he had fun dancing in both exaggeratedly dorky and dirty ways. He really had missed this - letting go, being surrounded by high-spirited people, laughing together. Like this, he managed to not think about Kyungsoo perpetually. He was still seeking him out occasionally, asking whether he was doing fine or simply looking for him to make sure. But he didn't have to constantly worry, and Jongdae hadn't really realized that he'd been doing that until he... didn't do it anymore.

It was all good, great even, until someone called for him over the crowd. Just a loud call of his name, nothing alarming to be read in the voice, and Jongdae curiously pushed past the people in his way, towards the little seating area. People had placed colorful bean bags everywhere, but there were also a few stray chairs close to the table holding snacks and drinks. Chanyeol was currently sitting on one of those chairs, with Kyungsoo sitting on his lap sideways as they were french-kissing.


"What the hell?" Jongdae exclaimed, a flurry of emotions pulling him forward - shock, anger, worry, shameful arousal, and did he mention anger? What was Chanyeol thinking-

"What are you doing there?" he demanded, a tad too high and obviously freaked out. At this, Chanyeol flinched away from the android. Up this close Jongdae could see that this hadn't been an easy feat with the way Kyungsoo was holding him close with a hand in the back of his neck.

"Ah," Chanyeol began uselessly, his face flushed, while Kyungsoo looked nothing but innocently startled.

"Huh? I'm giving him a birthday gift."

"What," Jongdae stated rather than asked, piercing Chanyeol with an 'you better explain this' look. Sehun - who must have been the one to call for Jongdae - was actually snickering to himself, and Jongdae was still too distraught to direct his anger at the brat.

"I, I," Chanyeol started uselessly, his lips and shaking his head. Jongdae was very close to whacking him over the head.

"I didn't force him - I didn't even ask for it! I just. I swear he just did it-"

"And you kissed him back because...?" Jongdae trailed off, strict and unforgiving.

Kyungsoo was confused, and he was still sitting in Chanyeol's lap, which didn't only trigger the rightful anger in Jongdae, but also unreasonable jealousy.

"I'm so sorry!" Chanyeol blubbered, hiding his red face in his hands, and Jongdae just tugged Kyungsoo off his lap.

"And you, what are you doing?" Jongdae whined, only adding to Kyungsoo's befuddlement.

"Why, what did I do wrong?"

Jongdae decided that there were way too many people watching them, and led Kyungsoo away from them. They walked past a few people who greeted or tried to engaged them in small talk, but Jongdae easily brushed them off. They found a quiet corner, right next to the small pool furthest away from the terrace. The water reflections danced around their legs and bounced off the potted plant standing nearby, but Jongdae's (slightly unfocused gaze) was trained on Kyungsoo alone, holding him in front of him by carefully grabbing his upper arms.

"Kyungsoo, please. No making out with strangers."

"Why are you so upset all of a sudden? Are you drunk?" Kyungsoo asked, and instead of anger, there was nothing but worry in his voice, which only made Jongdae want to whine even more. "Chanyeol isn't a stranger. He's a friend."

"But are you in love with him?"

The other was slightly taken aback by that question.

"Do I have to be? I just wanted to make him feel nice, since I didn't bring a real present."

"I- I told you kissing is for lovers," Jongdae muttered in exasperation. He felt slightly ashamed over how big of a deal this was to him, while Kyungsoo was perfectly calm.

"You did, but I thought parties were an exception," the android replied straight away, and of course he would think that. "People do a lot of ual stuff at parties, even if they're strangers. People asked me to do that and they didn't know me. So they weren't in love with me."

Jongdae cringed a little at the mental image, and only held Kyungsoo tighter.

"No, but they should have been. I mean, yes, people get and stuff. And then they make out, and it seems like a great idea when they're drunk, but then they regret it a lot afterwards-"

"I only regret it because it made you upset," Kyungsoo admitted, and Jongdae felt his heart constrict with conflicting emotions. He made a loud, whiny noise and wriggled a little in place, frustration taking over his drunk body.

"Kyungsoo, you don't get it...!" he complained weakly. "I just don't want people to treat you like you're cheap and available, like some kind of droid - Chanyeol wouldn't harm you, but maybe others would! Intimacy means a lot to people, and they get really vulernable over it, so you shouldn't give it out that easily if you don't really know what it means-"

"But it means nothing to me."

Jongdae stopped in his tracks, looking into a very serious expression.

"It means nothing to me, to kiss. Or to or to touch. It doesn't hurt me, it's not uncomfortable, and it's neither good nor bad to me. I don't have any sensors or internal progresses that do anything with those actions. So why does it matter?"

"Does it really not matter at all to you?" Jongdae asked, and maybe there was a flicker of drunk hope dancing along the lines. Or rather stumbling. Aimless hope that maybe, being with Kyungsoo in that way would be possible.

"No. It means as much to me as someone asking me to hand them a glass of water."

Jongdae nodded to himself, casting all his personal emotions aside for a moment.

"Okay. But imagine someone abusing your willingness to bring them water. If someone ends up only calling you to bring him something to drink, wouldn't you be disappointed? If someone treated you like a maid, wouldn't that make you want to leave?"

Kyungsoo blinked at that. It was clear that he hadn't thought of it that way.

That's why his answer was quite delayed. it was alright though, Jongdae was waiting patiently, ignoring the way the world slightly swayed around them.

"I was going to say it's okay if it's you," Kyungsoo began. "Because you took me in and I owe that to you, and I wouldn't mind. Because I like you. But I think I like you because you wouldn't ask such things of me."

The water reflections were dancing across his pale cheeks and Jongdae was struck by the urge to hug him close and be everything Kyungsoo would be disappointed in right now. He felt like a terrible person. He didn't give in though, so he wasn't completely rotten just yet.

"But you're right, I would likely avert myself from people abusing me, if only for self-preservation..."

Kyungsoo's expression was rather blank, but Jongdae could read his dejection in the way he broke eye contact, staring at the tiles to their feet.

"I'm sorry for being so careless with physical affection. I should have learnt better by now, but I'm still too stuck with old patterns."

"No," Jongdae began, rubbing the other's arms as a fresh wave of regret threatened to drown him. He had made Kyungsoo sad. "No, no, don't say that. Hey. Look at me, please?"

Kyungsoo followed, clear eyes resting on him and not betraying anything.

"Look," Jongdae repeated, and if only his mind wasn't so fuzzy and he could choose his words more elegantly. "Look. I get your train of thoughts and it's not inherently wrong! Chanyeol would never harm you, and I know you wouldn't force yourself on someone. I also believe you if you say you're not affected, and if you want to, you can go around and kiss and touch as much as you like. There's a lot of people who are like that as well, who like having casual ."

A slight twitch of Kyungsoo's brows betrayed more confusion, and also intrigue at where this was going. Jongdae gave his best to sound calm and reassuring.

"I just feel like you're still unsure of things. As you're living among humans and androids, I think it would be best if you familiarized yourself with this social and physical construct of intimacy first, so that you can predict the consequences of your actions better. Does this make any sense at all? God, I hope so."

Kyungsoo tilted his head as he processed Jongdae's jumbled mess of an explanation.

"I see. So you're saying that when I feel secure in my position in society, I can kiss you."

Just like this, Jongdae was thrown off balance again.


"You just said I can make responsible decisions by then."

"You're not intending to, like, ask me or anything?" Jongdae asked weakly, to which Kyungsoo only further tilted his head and furrowed his brows, obviously adding to the expression to get a point across.

"You don't want to?"

"I feel like you missed most of my point entirely," Jongdae mumbled in defeat, and looked around as if expecting people to stare at them. No one paid them any heed though.

"Most of it?"


The android smiled, a small, cautious smile.

"I'm just making things difficult for you. I thought that might relax you a bit."

"You have a funny way of analyzing people," Jongdae sighed, but he was also smiling.

"It's still very inaccurate, I know," Kyungsoo easily admitted, before turning serious again. "I'll try to improve. And I'll think about your words and won't get intimate with any other person tonight. Promise."

Jongdae wanted to coo at how amazing and endearing Kyungsoo was, and drew him into a quick hug.

"I'm sorry if I ruined the party for you," Jongdae muttered into the other's neck. He smelled of smoke and alcohol, with the weak scent of their detergent clinging to his clothes.

"Why would you have ruined the party? We're still here, aren't we?" Kyungsoo just asked, and while Jongdae shot him a guilty look, he only shrugged.

"I can still enjoy this event without touching anyone, and I can think about that later. We should really go back though, because standing so isolated with a single other person can't be counted as being on a party, can it?"

Jongdae smiled.

"You're right."

Kyungsoo looked past him in a way obviously exaggerated to get his attention.

"And also, Chanyeol has been fidgeting around and staring at you for quite a while now. I think he wants to talk to you."


Jongdae looked over his shoulder and yes, that was Chanyeol standing not too far away. He was among friends and yet kept shooting obvious glances their way.

Jongdae turned back to Kyungsoo, seeking his eyes.

"Alright, I'll go. You'll be fine on your own?"


"And... we're good?"

"We're great," Kyungsoo easily replied, and seeing him get a feel for playful language that didn't revolve around s made Jongdae strangely happy. He patted his shoulder one last time before turning around to go and face Chanyeol. He did feel guilty for snapping at him like that. Because where Jongdae got tipsy, Chanyeol got flatout wasted, and had a tendency to do very dumb things. Like trying to show off his skateboard skills. Or getting way too for the occasion. Or making out with his friends. In fact, Jongdae was pretty sure he had also made out with Chanyeol before. It was probably for the best that he didn't remember.

Anyway, if Jongdae felt guilty, Chanyeol was flatout devastated.

"I'm so sorry!" he blurted, immediately clinging to Jongdae and ignoring the strange looks they got.

"Do you hate me now? I'm sorry. I'm just a good for nothing, . Are you mad? I should have pushed him off right away-"

"It's okay," Jongdae hurried to assure the lanky mess wrapped around him like an octopus. They staggered into the side of a table, which at least provided them with a little stability.

"I'm not mad. Sorry for snapping like that, I didn't mean to."

His aimless gaze wandered over the assortment of bottles and drinks, while Chanyeol was still staring at him, refusing to let go.

"Like, I get it. Kyungsoo is gorgeous and single, and you're super drunk."

"I knooow, and I'm a complete idiot," Chanyeol easily admitted - that was definitely a good trait about him, self-reflecting behaviour and the awareness that yes, he was totally drunk.

"If I had known you're into him, like into him, this would've never happened. But I'm dumb with these things-"

"Wait, what do you mean, into him?" Jongdae perked up, not panicked at all. No.

"Sehun told me and it's kind of really obvious and-"

"You're drunk, Chanyeol," he cut his nosy friend off, who in turn smiled lazily.

"Yeah, man. Sorry. It's still true tho."

"You know what? On another thought, I think you could need another drink," Jongdae switched approaches, reaching for two clean shot glasses and filling them with the first liquor available. "It's your birthday, after all."

He offered one glass to Chanyeol, who held it with deceiving calmness, and then raised his own.

"To you. Thanks for always being a good friend," Jongdae announced, and Chanyeol looked at him with doubt for a split second. But Jongdae meant it, and this was him smoothing out the worries. After the moment of hesitation, Chanyeol grinned and clinked their glasses together a little too forcefully.

"Alright! To me! And to you, for being so cool. But mostly to me, because it's my birthday!"

Jongdae laughed and downed his shot right over Chanyeol's collarbone where the green liquid quickly traveled down his chest, beneath the tacky hawaii shirt. Jongdae quickly opened a third button for good measure, before calling out for Yixing, who Chanyeol had a very obvious crush on. Chanyeol actually squawked, and then he was stunned silent when his Chinese co-worker actually appeared - and knew what a body shot was.

Things got back to being fun after that - they teased Chanyeol, and then Jongdae pushed Sehun in a pool, and soon they were both flailing around the water, drenched from head to toe. Kyungsoo was off to the sidelines where someone had lit a few simple sparklers with him. He went from being fearful to being entranced to being excited, and the sight filled Jongdae with warmth and the overwhelming urge to join him, which he did. When the sparklers were used up, Jongdae found a cheap little bottle of soap bubbles, and gifted it to Kyungsoo, who seemed perfectly content spending the rest of the evening making soap bubbles.

In fact, he was busy making soap bubbles again hours later, when the party was slowly quieting down and most people had gone home already. There were still a few people here and there, most of them sitting around a table, illuminated only by a few colorful lanterns as they chatted to dim music. Jongdae knew for a fact that Chanyeol and Yixing weren't among them, and he could only hope they were sitting in some corner, drunk rambling their hearts out instead of getting frisky.

He patted Sehun on the shoulder, and left the table to walk over to where Kyungsoo was sitting at the sidelines. He had found himself a very beautiful spot, sitting at the edge of the pool adjacent to the terrace. If he dipped inside, he'd be able to lean into the pretty security fence to look over the city. But Kyungsoo didn't do that - he hadn't stepped inside a pool all evening, and Jongdae suspected he was being careful.

Kyungsoo was just sitting there, his bare toes only getting wet whenever a bit of water sloshed over them.

"Hey," Jongdae greeted him, used to making his presence known in case he caught someone off guard. Physically catching Kyungsoo off guard was near impossible though, and now the android only shoot him a quick look and a smile.


Jongdae sank down beside him, his feet naturally dangling in the water. He loved the water, but didn't really get a lot of chances to swim or fool around like today.

"You really like those soap bubbles, huh?" he asked, a rhetorical question that Kyungsoo still answered.

"I do. They're fascinating."

He blew another wave of them to hover over the water surface, some bursting at the fence while others managed to surpass it and fly into the night sky. They shimmered in a rich turquoise, illuminated by the lights in the pool.

Wordlessly, he held the little plastic frame in front of Jongdae's lips, who blew into it. His bubbles ended up small and skittish, many bursting right away. Kyungsoo simply dipped it inside the soap water and let him try again.

"Today was quite turbulent, wasn't it?" Jongdae asked, fondly staring into the water, and then out into the sea of lights behind the fence.

"It was exciting," Kyungsoo commented. "I think I like these parties more than the ones I knew before. People were kind and welcoming."

"Chanyeol only knows nice people," Jongdae stated, and Kyungsoo hummed.

"At least he knows you."

Jongdae laughed breathily, the alcohol having settled like a blanket of subdued calmness.

"There you go, flirting again. You'll break people's hearts at this point," he said jokingly.

"What's the difference between flirting and being nice?" Kyungsoo asked, and it added a bittersweet note to the atmosphere. At least to Jongdae.

"It's hard to tell. And that's the whole problem. Most people have trouble telling them apart," he whispered, fingers dipping into the water as well.

"Then why do they have to be told apart?"

"Because," Jongdae began, feeling mildly frustrated with himself, "because otherwise you're getting your hopes up and assume things that aren't there. You misread the intentions of someone and then..."

He didn't finish the sentence, and simply sighed.

A light, hollow sound of plastic against tiles told Jongdae that Kyungsoo had placed the soap bubbles aside, and then there was a hand on his, trapping his between tiles and warm skin, water and the pool gutter.

He looked to his left, at Kyungsoo's face that was oh-so close to his.

"Then what?" Kyungsoo inquired softly, and the lights colored his face in hues of turquoise and warm orange. Jongdae stared at him, feeling irrationally sober. Kyungsoo's eyes may not be human, but looking into them felt just so right. How could that be?

Jongdae's answer came out as a whisper, fragile and yearning, almost sad.

"Then you want to kiss them."

Kyungsoo didn't break eye contact, didn't immediately make the connection, but when Jongdae leaned in to brush his lips against his cheek, Kyungsoo angled his face to have their lips meet instead.

It felt real. Jongdae felt his lips, a little cold from the fresh air but soft and pliant, and it took him a moment to even sense the difference to kissing a human. After the initial, accidental touch, Jongdae hurried to redeem it by kissing him again, softer, more carefully. Kyungsoo didn't react immediately, clearly waiting to mirror what was given to him. When he did begin to carefully nip at Jongdae's lips, it made lights appear before Jongdae's closed lids, and the sensation was almost too violent to be bearable with the alcohol flowing through his veins still.

Heat rose to his cheeks, but he kept the pace careful, kept breaking the touch only to seek it again, short and fluttery, sweet and a little needy. Kyungsoo went along with it, no hand in Jongdae's neck, no added force, no pushing. It was so perfect that even crying wouldn't have been out of place. Even when he deepened the kiss a few moments later, adding just a little more pressure, allowing his lips to linger just a little longer, Kyungsoo didn't pull away, keeping their fingers intertwined. Jongdae felt the water running over their hands, could hear it softly sloshing against the gutter, could feel Kyungsoo nip at his lips, and Jongdae felt nothing but true bliss.

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1fanfic #1
Chapter 7: Re-reading this and realised I never left a comment ... But this is classic science fiction at its best - sad and hopeful, funny and thought-provoking all at once. And beautiful. <3
Chapter 7: Soo sweet ??
Chapter 7: Another different and good story. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this.
Stina_2015 #4
Chapter 7: Sigh...stayed up all night reading this and have no regrets. I feel so warm and strangely sad. Didn't realize how much i missed your fics! Gonna come back and reflect some more when I'm not brain dead lol
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh the feeels! This was lovely.
I won’t get my hopes up, but a continuation where we see there relationship later on or find out who’s abandoned him etc would be amazing. Thank you for this story.
yurrick #6
Chapter 7: this story is so heartwarming and pure... i love chensoo's dynamic so much TT thank u for writing and sharing!
Selisel #7
Chapter 6: I really like your story and the questions it brings. Good work!
Chapter 1: I love this already, they're both so cute!!!