crying lightning


Your past-times, consisted of the strange
And twisted and deranged
And I love that little game


'A date. There was this man... you know. Took the evidence with him in exchange for a date.'

'You know how stupid it sounds like, don't you?' asked woman, crossing her arms on her chest, making her head move a bit to the side. 

'I know... I know but believe me. If he wanted us down he would. He... knew. He seen everything I did. I mean from the outside but still, he knew...' 

'Oh. My. God. Junhong.' 
'WHAT!?' answered younger way too emotional than expected. 
'You in love aren't you?'
'In lo-... don't be ridiculous! I don't even know him!'
'Well as for not knowing him your reaction is quite rapid, don't you think?''Ah, shuttup. Anyway, everything is done. Mr. fiance out. Going to bed now, cover for me in the evening will you?' Junhong said quite quickly, moving outside the room to just escape uncomfortable situation. His sister only chuckled, shaking her head. She knew her brother way too much yet she never seen him that excited about some new person. Interesting. 


Right before sneaking out Junhong found himself a bit nervous. At the end it was a FIRST date of his young life. With some hot stranger... who wouldn't be at least a bit excited, right? Dressing up in fit pants, nicely shaping his body adding to black bottoms boots and shirt and silky blue vest on top he was ready to go. Always rolling up his sleeves even thou their aunt was very against that. As well as against that slick silky choker he always added as his 'jewellery' around his slim pale neck. Choker itself was matching with colours of his vest, creating that black-blue ideal of his style. Jumping through the railing of their balcony, few seconds later young man caught his carriage. Playing with his belt - which tighten around the waist with a simple pouch did for nowadays wallet - not even twenty minutes later he took off for a place of meeting. 


When younger got into the fountain area he nervously noticed that older man was already there. Dressed up all in black. Suit with suspenders sticking out from underneath the jacket, heavy coat on top along with shoes. Leather gloves and pipe in between his lips. He looked... so strong. Like a gentleman but this type of: don't provoke me gentleman or you gonna regret it. 

'You late.' said stranger not even looking into younger's direction. 

'No I didn-... wait, how did you know it's me?' which met with a single smile from the older's direction. Few seconds later his heavy gaze was already on younger. 'So, Junhong... let's go to mine.' said Yongguk, grabbing younger's hand tightly to make him follow him that easily. For a split second younger was under the spell of his name being told with that deep voice of the stranger so that only after he realised what have been said. 

'Wait... I thought we are going out.'

'I didn't say we have to go out to have a date. And what better place to talk about your murderous tendencies than my place.'

'Murderous... it's not like that!'

'Prove me wrong.' younger almost hissed... few seconds later just smiling. It was interesting. New. And quite exciting. Squeezing older's hand more rightly they continue walking until they got into a carriage which took them god-knows-where. For Junhong of course. 

'Aren't you scared? You know. I could so easily just... flip the script.' said older, breathing out a thick cloud of smoke, fixing his position so that he could easily look at the younger. Softly placing his hand on younger's throat to observe his reaction. 

'Nah. You could so easily destroy me over the evidence of that night. Yet, you preferred to meet me again, right.' said younger with the tone that one could assume that this hand worked rather as a kink than a way of scaring him. 

'Good deduction. How old are you, hm?' older finally moved away, smiling a bit on younger's reply which he was fascinated about more every second. 

'19. You?' asked the other kinda missing the feel of chill material of older's leather gloves on his neck. No one said that our little angel was not a bit ed, right? 

'25.' said older somehow congratulating himself for choosing someone of legal age. Even thou the age they were leaving in the man was never into some 14 year olds as some of these people. And with Junhong looking very young... that was a main mystery. 


After around thirty minutes ride they were finally at the older's mansion. Big dark house at the top of the hill. If something was about to bring chills to one's body for sure it was exactly a vision of that place. Going outside Junhong was... even more excited than ever. What a lovely horrible place, thought to himself going forward.

 'Wow, what a house. Like from scary stories we used to read with my sister when younger.' said Choi, following older inside of the building. Older laughed in response.

'Yes indeed. It does makes any person who wishes to burglarise my property think twice. Especially seeing me. You would probably thing of torture rooms for rich people.' said Yongguk just reading himself at that point. 

'I like it.' added younger looking around. 

The inside was entirely made of dark wood. Shiny places with loads of cabinets hiding... jugs with different weird things that looked sometimes like parts of animals? 

'Are you a serial killer or scientist?' asked younger when finally they ended up in huge living room where fire was already on heating nicely the inside of the room. 

'Guess.' said the other going to the little table where all the alcohol was places. Filling up two crystal glasses with whisky, one of those he gave out to the younger which to older's surprise was emptied out in that second. 'See you can handle a drink as well, ha?'

'I can handle much more than a drink.' answered the other with a bit of obvious subtext. 'Okay Mr. Scientist, I see now. You want me to be your little behavioural lab rat don't you?' 

'I wouldn't call you a rat. More like... a kitten, but continue.' said older when both of them sat on the armchairs opposite each others. 

'I can exchange. Insides of my head or whatever you call it.'


'.' said younger. As been said before he was never too shy when it came to being open. Maybe a bit overreacting at times, timid when it came to emotions. But not when it came to just being real and ask for what he wanted.

'I am listening.' said older which a bit surprised Junhong. Thinking it's a bit much to ask not really knowing uality of the other nonetheless he continued his demands. 

'You're a scientist. You probably good at those things, ye? You know the body really well and to be completely hones I have never encountered someone... really good... with that things.' a bit taken aback because of deep gaze of the other, Junhong rushed to pour himself another glass of alcohol, emptying this one as quick as the first one. 'So... deal?'

'Deal. But... only if you give me more of that shy looks of yours. I think I have a thing or two for those.' 

'Deal' said younger, grabbing a bottle of alcohol. Slowly moving towards the older, ing his vest. It's gonna be a lovely evening, thought to himself not knowing yet of HOW good it's going to get for him.

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Chapter 1: This seems interesting. I'll wait for next update~ :^D.