The Golden Ticket

Be My Girlfriend. Truth or Dare

From the last episode...



Then the guys sitting beside him playfully punched him and told him to be a man. Then he stole one last quick glance at you bashfully then averted his eyes to the windows, and you.


Then he buried his face in his hands, trying to hide his burning face and a smile that he could not oppress, leading into more ohhs and ahhs.

Minwoo: Aigoo jinjaya! Next next next! >///

Then he grabbed the bottle in the middle and turned it, and it finally stopped with its your direction. Could this be fate?

Teacher In Charge (TIC): Ah, this is getting very interesting ^^ So, truth or dare?
You: *o.o Why did he pick me? Is he doing effects..?* Umm...anything I guess, dare. *It’s just a game anyway, what could go wrong?*
TIC: Would you like to dare her, Minwoo-sshi? ^^

The wolf whistles were almost as loud as Minwoo’s red face.

Minwoo: I...I think I’ll just pick a dare from the box...
Everyone: Boooo!

Minwoo ignored everyone’s jeering and picked out another piece of white paper that looked as innocent as the one you picked.

TIC: Oh. This is... very interesting. ^^ Before I read it out loud, I will have to stress the fact that all the rules must be obeyed or students will face severe consequences. There will be no taking back, do you all understand?
Everyone: Ne~
You: *Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling...*
TIC: Right. : ) Now... To: The Darer and the Dared, congratulations on picking one of the golden tickets. You are required to participate in the competition. Unless the Darer withdraws, you are dared to have a happy valentines ;)

Someone is shaking you like a puppet trying to wake you up now. Darn that person. Let me just fast forward to the most important event.

It’s after lunch and everyone is gathered in the hall again. The day passed with a blur, nothing really interesting happened except for the golden ticket thing.

You: *What’s a golden ticket..? Everyone seemed to make a huge fuss over it, but the TIC just asked for my name, end of story. Maybe extra marks? Ah, whatever...*

You searched for your best friend, you didn’t see her the whole day. But you heard a she was chased down again after accepting a request to meet someone with the initials YM.

You: *Was it...him? But...he isn’t even in the same school...*

Suddenly the speakers blared.

Mr. HeadMaster: Good afternoon, dear students! I hope you have enjoyed your lunch as well as Dare to Tell the Truth!

His response was a mixture of squeals and cries, the latter being louder (must be heartbroken by the angel) Mr. Headmaster, however, professionally addressed this scene – he ignored it.

Mr. HeadMaster: Now, the polls are in and we have the winners! Our Girlfriend this year is...

Then the crowd went wild clapping and shouting, completely overshadowing Mr. HeadMaster’s voice.

You: -.- *Loud*

Suddenly your best friend visualized beside you and slapped your arm hard.

Your Best friend: What are you waiting for?! Go!!
You: W-what? O.O

Then she dragged you to the stage, all the while smiling like a proud mother. After depositing a frozen you on the stage, she gleefully went back to the crowd. You stood alone in the corner of the stage, facing the black mass of students. You started feeling dizzy and seeing stars, but Mr.Headmaster wasn’t done yet. You were too frozen to properly compute what he said, you could only catch ‘Boyfriend’ and ‘hold hands’.

Then suddenly you felt something tugging your hand, or should I say, someone. You tilted your head and then you saw him. No Min Woo. He was looking at the crowd, smiling and waving as if he’s just won an award. But him standing beside you was nothing. It was something else: He. Was. Holding. Your. Hand.

You: O__O

Suddenly you were awake and alert again. You’ve never let anyone hold your hands before. NEVER.

Mr.HeadMaster: Like every other year, this winning couple will be awarded with a 1 month relationship! Everyone, please do everything possible to make them as sweet as possible ^^ Extra marks for successful attempts!

You: *What. Is. Happening. O_______O*

Your head was empty, the crowd was going nuts, your best friend was jumping up and down, and HE was smiling like a sun’s child.

Mr. HeadMaster: And this year’s special... Our Boyfriend will transfer to Girlfriend’s class to ensure they will be together as much as possible! Now, let’s wish this lucky couple a Happy Valentines!

You: *Couple. He said couple. HE SAID COUPLE.*

The volume shook the hall, their greetings rang in your ear, and suddenly you felt your knees turn jelly, and all you saw was darkness. Then it was coldness, every part of your body was freezing, except for your hand... While you were in this darkness, you felt someone lift you up.


*In the nurse*


Your Best Friend: YAH!! WAKE UP!! PABO!!
You: Nghh...
Your Best Friend: You better wake up now or I’ll slap you silly!

Then you heard a voice, a guy’s voice.

???: Shh... Dongsaeng-ah, you’re disturbing her.
Your Bestfriend: Oppaaa, can you blame me? She’s my best friend!
You: Ngh... I?

You blinked your eyes to adjust to the brightness, and you saw a crowd of people surrounding you, with your brother, Jeongmin and your big sister closest to you.

Unnie: Dongsaeng-ah, are you alright?
Your Best Friend: Of course she is, she just passed out from shock -.- tsk tsk!

Then that guy’s voice spoke again, scolding someone but with a touch of warmth.

???: Dongsaeng-ah, don’t be so rude.
Your Best Friend: Mm...Arasso, Youngmin oppa. Jwesonghamnida, unnie.
You: *Y-youngmin?? What is he doing here?*

Unnie: It’s alright : ) Dongsaeng-ah, we were so worried about you; we all came over from Royal Boyfriend. Jeongmin brought some of your favourite sweets in case you lacked glucose. ^^ Jeongmin: Don’t scare us like that next time, arasso? ^^ I almost had a heart attack... See, even your boyfriend is worried ;) He was more anxious than any of us, always keeping his eye on his watch, then checking your temperature every now and then.

Your Best Friend: Ne, ne! You should’ve seen his face when you fainted ;D But he didn’t waste a single moment, he caught you before you collapsed and princess-hugged you to the nurse XDD Then he never left your side until now, like a knight in shining armour!

Then you looked to the left, and saw him. He looked a little awkward after being teased by Jeongmin and the little devil, but his eyes spelled worry.

Minwoo: ...Gwenchanayo?

You then looked down and realized his hands were the reason why your hand felt especially warm. But unaccustomed to holding hands with a guy, you flinched and immediately removed your hands from his.

Minwoo: ......
You: Jeongmin oppa, please don’t joke... He’s boyfriend...
Your Best Friend: Mwo? You’re joking right?
You: You know I wouldn’t...
Minwoo: ......
Your Best Friend: Then why did you enter the competition?
You: What competition?
Your Best Friend: Haven’t you listened to the rules?!
You: ......
Minwoo: Jwesonghamnida, I should’ve withdrawn it...
Your Best Friend: WHAT? You dared her into entering the competition with you?!
Minwoo: Aniya, I picked it from the box... and we received the golden ticket...then...
Your Best Friend: *facepalm* Omo... the golden ticket....eottoke?
Minwoo: Jeongmal jwesonghamnida, I will inform the TICs and cancel, relationship. Mianhaeyo to have caused you so much trouble.

Then he bowed and proceeded to leave the school clinic. He looked so broken and dejected, even you felt guilty.

You: *I should’ve listened to all the rules...*

But before he could leave the room, your best friend grabbed his arm and stopped him.

Your Best Friend: Andwae.
Minwoo: o.o?
Your Best Friend: If you do that, you will get expelled.
Everyone: MWO?!


*to be continued*

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kellen_1825 #1
update soon!!!
This might be......late but i kind read this a little late but since i kind of wanted to comment i would like you to know that you scared me when you said you won't update this fic anymore I was like T-T
but since you fooled me great JOB.......
Good Luck with your test :))
HEYYAA! Are you taking the GCE A-LEV or O-LEV? :O if you are taking the O-LEV, you are in the same track with me! XD

It took me so long to read your new fanfic. Minwoo? Awwww. :D

Btw good luck with your tests! :D
I'm so easily fooled... *face-palm*
Good luck on the test...

btw, you scared me out there... thought this beautiful story will be over! XD
Woah....I thought you were seriOus........good luck on your tests ^^
OMG YOU SCARED ME THERE!! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TESTSS! :) promise to updatee though.
Ah you had me fooled XD I was about to wish you luck! Still will though! Seems at this time everyone's having exams T.T
ahahh xDD unnie its ok .... goodluck for ur up coming exams !! fighting !!
BFstar #10
OMG. I thought you were really going to stop the story. Then you went April Fools. -.-