
One Game.
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"Jongdae. I swear to god if you don't shut up I'm actually going to defenestrate you," Baekhyun yelled, trying to finish his paper that was due in.... 4 minutes.

"Ah... getting creative with our threats now, are we?" Jongdae said, laughing at his friend's misery.

"Seriously. I have a couple lines left to reach the page quota and I have four minutes. I will murder you if I turn this in late."

"I'll only shut up if you come to the basketball game with me."

Jongdae waited for an answer but was only given a reponse of loud typing. Jongdae sighed and got off of Baekhyun's bed.

"Dm me if you're going to come. You better come. Or maybe... just maybe... I'll tell a certain someone you have a crush on them." As soon as he said that, Jongdae ran out of Baekhyun's dorm, cackling while Baekhyun screamed in frustration, trying to type and curse Jongdae at the same time.


Baekhyun sighed, willing his heart to calm down after he pressed the submit button. He had finished his assignment on time, but not before he had lost all his . It was his final paper and if it was late... well.. RIP grades which meant RIP his place on the family register. Baekhyun sighed. College in a foreign country was hard. A lot harder than just attending school in Korea. When he realized that his phone was blowing up, Baekhyun groaned and read the notifications. It was continous pestering of Jongdae which he chose to ignore. However, right when he was going to put his phone down, he got one last DM.

the_realkjd: Sehun's going to be there.

Baekhyun froze. He felt a blush working up his cheeks at the mention of Sehun. Perhaps he had developed an infatuation for someone in their little gaggle of friends. Baekhyun quickly typed

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Chapter 1: lol i would say my knowledge of sports equal to zero but i've played a few basketball video games when i was like 8 and i guess that counts (?
anws, i'm curious about where this will go, lmao loved how baek dropped bias so quickly, what a mood (?
LuckyCricket006 #2
Chapter 1: Excited to see where this story goes!