Getting Used To Things

Little Lost Love

A few weeks had passed since Haemi's first day of school. She had settled down neatly and nicely and became quick friends with Changjo and Ricky. In fact, she had become pretty close for them to reveal to her their real names that was in the class register although most of the students didn't know it. Changjo's real name was Choi Jonghyun but there were already a few other Jonghyuns around in the school. Ricky, on the other hand, was called Yoo Changhyun. 

Haemi had also gotten to know Soyeong a little more, after she found herself often with Soyeong whenever they were both waiting for the boys to get back from their extra-curriculum. The six boys were in the dance club, and in that dance club itself, had created their group of six of which they called themselves 'Teen Top'. It was a good name, they had reasoned, since it not only indicated which school they were from but it was also original.

At present, Haemi was waiting for the six boys as usual but this time round, for a first, Soyeong wasn't with her. Apparently, Soyeong had to rush off home because of an accident that had involved her mother. She had texted CAP and had promised to make it up to Haemi for ditching her and making her wait alone. Haemi sat in the foyer of the school as she waited patiently for the boys. There wasn't much to do but she didn't know that there were people watching her every move.

"You think you're very good, is that it?" An accusatory voice shot out softly but harshly as footsteps sounded towards Haemi.

Haemi stood up from the chair and faced Soomin and two other girls she vaguely remembered as her classmates. "I beg your pardon?" Haemi blinked.

"Don't act all innocent!" One of the other girls snapped. She had her hair reborned and cut short and it did look stylish, sort of, but she didn't measure up to Soyeong's beauty at all.

Haemi was now confused. "Look, I don't get what you're saying at all." Haemi began but was cut off sharply by Soomin.

"You've been hogging Changjo and Ricky. As if those two aren't enough, you actually dare to talk to our champions?" Soomin hissed dangerously.

"Changjo and Ricky are my friends. As for the other oppas..." Haemi now tried to explain.

"Don't call them oppas! Don't act like you're all chummy with them when we know you aren't!" The other girl, who had her hair braided, hissed.

"But..." Haemi began and then fell silent when she realized that the six boys had arrived.

"But what?" Soomin pressed. "Stop sticking so close to them!" She said.

"Who are you to tell her what to do?" Chunji asked as loudly as he could from afar.

Soomin turned around immediately and her eyes widened. "This isn't what it looks like, Chunji-oppa..." She began, trying to redeem herself but it was too late. The boys had witnessed everything and they didn't look that friendly anymore.

"What did you say to her?" Byunghun stepped forward, eyes slanted dangerously. He was angry, they could tell.

"Nothing, oppa. They didn't say much." Haemi swiftly stepped in, sparing Soomin and her friends. Soomin barely glanced at Haemi before she mumbled about an excuse of being late for tuition and ran off, her friends chasing after her. Haemi glanced after Soomin but didn't comment further.

"Haemi, you can't let yourself keep being pushed around like this. People will think that you're easy." Byunghun lectured.

"But I'm not." Haemi rolled her eyes. "I don't really care about what other people think. I do what I want." Haemi said firmly. "Even you haven't been able to shake my resolve." She added. She glanced at CAP. "Minsoo-oppa, I think you should go and check up on Soyeong-unnie." She added.

"Alright, then I'll take my leave." CAP nodded and left immediately.

Niel also began to walk off. "I'm off for music classes. See you tomorrow." He grinned and he was gone as well.

Changjo and Ricky were both also edging off now. "I have to rush to the grocer and get a few things for my mum for dinner. I'll see you all tomorrow too!" Ricky said.

"I'm going to pick up my younger brother." Changjo said and left with Ricky.

"So there's only three of us left?" Chunji looked a little bewildered.

"No, there's only the two of you left. I have a date." Byunghun grinned. "Don't be too sad, Chunji-hyung. See you tomorrow." He ran off.

"Huh?" Haemi blinked. "Oppa! What about dinner?" Haemi shouted after him.

"Skip!" Byunghun shouted. "Eat with Chunji-hyung!" Byunghun answered and he disappeared round the corner.

'What in the world was that all about?' Chunji frowned then he turned his attention to Haemi and smiled. "So, where to now? Do you want to have dinner over at my house or at yours? Or should we eat out?" He asked Haemi.

Haemi's cheeks turned slightly pink. "I'm fine with anything." She answered in a softer tone.

"Oh... Okay..." Chunji blinked. "Why don't we walk around first? I'll just give a quick call back home to tell my mum that I won't be back for dinner." He took out his phone as the two began to walk to the gates. "Hello, umma, I won't be back for dinner. I'm going to eat out with Haemi." There was some other voice on the other end of the line then Chunji stopped. "But..." He began to sound a little stressed then finally resigned himself. "Alright, I got it." He hung up.

"What's the matter, Chanhee-oppa?" Haemi asked. "Your mother doesn't allow you to?"

"She's asking if you'd like to have dinner over, actually." Chunji said. "So... Do you want to have dinner over?" He asked awkwardly.

"Okay..." Haemi nodded slowly. "But I guess I should be back home before oppa." Haemi stated. "But is that really alright? I mean, me coming over for dinner." She said, blushing faintly but Chunji didn't notice.

"Yeah, it's fine." Chunji nodded, turning a little bit pink. He didn't want to tell Haemi what his mother had said over the phone. "Come on, it's this way. We moved once during the five years." He added.

"Oh." Haemi replied softly. It seemed and appeared as if she was unconcern with it but in reality, she was panicking. 'Oh my god. What am I supposed to do? I'm going to Chanhee-oppa's house! How! What do I do?' 


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Quackerz #1
Soomin is sooo jealous of Haemi
Update soon!
Quackerz #2
Update soon!!
Quackerz #3 subbie here, update soon!
they are so cute together! but did teen top do that on purpose?
i hope you update soon! thanks! <3
hahah! Chunji likes Haemi! i cant believe ljoe and teen top planned this...
so cute! chunji's reaction was so funny!
update please! thanks! <3<3<3