New Friends(?)

Little Lost Love

It was finally lunch time. For Haemi, most of these lessons she had already gone through in her previous school back at Busan but she still paid attention. It was what her mother had taught her to do. Regardless of whether or not she already knew the content, she should still give full attention to the teacher or fellow classmates in case she had missed out several details before and would thus learn new things.

"Hi, I'm Im Soomin. You're from Busan, I heard. I used to go to Busan when I was younger. Is everything still the same? The seaside and all?" A girl with bangs and a sort of nice smile approached Haemi.

"The seaside hasn't changed much since I was there but I wasn't there when I was younger. I shifted there about three years ago." Haemi stated bluntly. "So sorry, I wouldn't know whether the seaside of your memories would be the same in mine." She smiled thinly.

Soomin's eyes narrowed dangerously before they widened again and she plastered a fake smile. "Oh, I see. Maybe one day around I'll head over there." She said pleasantly. "Would you like to join me for lunch?"

Haemi hesitated. "No... But thanks for the offer." She finally said. "I'm not eating lunch." She stated.

"Huh? Why not? Are you on a diet? Or are you anorexic?" Soomin bombarded her with questions.

"None of the above actually. I'm still in mourning so I'm not supposed to have any meals with people out of the family." Haemi said. 

"Mourning? What? Who died? Your father or your mother?" Soomin asked heartlessly, not even thinking about anyone else's feelings.

Before Haemi could answer, someone else interrupted. "You're being rude." A boy sat at the back of the class, coolly observing the scene. 

"Changjo's right." A kiddy face like boy seated next to the other boy agreed. "She's in mourning. Why can't you just have a little bit of respect for that?"

Soomin shot the two boys a sharp glare. "I'm only enduring your childish tactics just because of Chunji-oppa! You hear me?" Soomin snapped at last and she left the classroom, a group of other girls trailing after her.

The kiddy faced boy laughed out loud. "That's ridiculous." He snorted. "I'm only enduring your childish tactics just because of Chunji-oppa!" He mimicked her. His friend joined in the laughter, as did several other students. "Haemi, right?" The boy finally turned his attention to a certain stunned and confused Haemi. "I'm Ricky. This is Changjo. Nice to meet you at last, huh?"

"Do I know you?" Haemi eyed the two suspiciously.

"Nope. I don't think so." Ricky shook his head. He glanced sideways at his friend.

"We've probably never met." Changjo added as they both stood up. "Let's take a short walk to the cafeteria."

"I already told her earlier and I'll repeat myself. I'm not eating." Haemi said firmly.

"Oh, you don't have to eat. Just come with us and you'll know that we mean the best for you." Ricky grinned.

Haemi glanced around the classroom but it suddenly seemed too empty and silent. There were other students still in class but it was either they were in their own world or already leaving the classroom. "Come on. We'll introduce you if we have to." Changjo said. "But you probably already know the rest."

Reluctantly, Haemi followed them out of the classroom, only because she didn't know how to reject them.


Sorry for the late update! I've been working part-time recently and I had no time at all to update! I'm going out for a short while but when I'm back, hopefully I can update again!

Thanks for supporting this story so much!


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Quackerz #1
Soomin is sooo jealous of Haemi
Update soon!
Quackerz #2
Update soon!!
Quackerz #3 subbie here, update soon!
they are so cute together! but did teen top do that on purpose?
i hope you update soon! thanks! <3
hahah! Chunji likes Haemi! i cant believe ljoe and teen top planned this...
so cute! chunji's reaction was so funny!
update please! thanks! <3<3<3