Soomin's Jealousy

Little Lost Love

14th March; White Day.

It was nuts at school. There were tons of girls hoping for a return gift from boys, specifically Teen Top but it seemed like Teen Top didn't seem interested in the affair at all. Soomin, for one, was waiting in hopes that even if Chunji didn't give her anything, someone else would since she was pretty popular (so she thinks).

Haemi had came school alone but before Soomin could approach her, L. Joe did. L. Joe, the sarcastic, youthful (and shortest; don't tell him I said that - Haemi) playful boy hopped over to Haemi and grinned at her.

"Is this why you weren't around earlier?" Haemi asked in a soft voice, so soft that only L. Joe could hear. "So you could ambush me?"

"Nah," L. Joe grinned at her. "I got something for you." He smirked and then he brought out a beautiful silver bracelet with a star pendant on it. "Here you go. Your white day gift from me."

Haemi smiled at him. "Aww, oppa, you're so sweet." She cooed at him. 

L. Joe scratched his head. "What can I say? I'm the sweetest guy on Earth." He said proudly.

"And an idiot one at that." CAP added from behind L. Joe. CAP was holding hands with Soyeong and the two looked positively happy. CAP glanced at Soyeong who held out her hand. Dangling from it was a paper bag. "This is from the two of us." He said.

"We wanted to thank you for your Valentine Day's gift and we figured this would be great." Soyeong nodded. "Well, we'll be going off now." They walked off as Haemi took the bag.

"Thank you, oppa, unnie!" Haemi called after them.

From afar, Soomin gritted her teeth. She spun around to face her locker as her friends came over. "Don't worry, Soomin. You'll get something from them. It can't be that..."

"Why is everyone paying attention to her?" Soomin hissed. "Even Kim Soyeong, who is known to be an ice queen, and doesn't care about other girls actually got her a gift? I can't believe that!"

"Omo, it's Chunji-oppa." One of the girls pointed.

Soomin turned around. She glared at Chunji, who didn't seem to have seen her. He walked over to Haemi and smiled at her tenderly. They exchanged a few words before Chunji handed her something, it was a small box. When Haemi opened the box, it seemed like there was an expensive necklace inside. Haemi had thrown her arms around Chunji and thanked him for the gift.; "I hate that girl." Soomin snapped at her friends. "I can't believe they're dating."

"Then what if we do something about it?" One of them had a sly grin. "We can do something that will have no evidence whatsoever and something that Haemi definitely can't say anything about to the boys or to the ice queen."

Soomin turned to her friend. "What have you in mind?" She asked.


It was after school when Haemi was approached by one of the girls in Soomin's clique. "Lee Haemi, you're the representative for Math, aren't you? The math teacher asked me to tell you to photocopy this printouts for the rest of the class." She said.

"Oh, right. Now?" Haemi asked back politely.

"Yes. He wants you to hand it to him immediately." She answered. She placed the papers in Haemi's hand and walked away.

"But ..." Haemi frowned. She shook her head and then walked to the printing room and went in. She didn't notice the door being shut and locked up at all due to the loud sounds of the photocopy machine.


"Hide her bag somewhere." Soomin said. 

One of the girls picked up Haemi's bag and shoved it into the class cupboard and shut the door. "Shall we go home now then?" She smiled as innocently as she could possibly muster, which wasn't much. At all.

"Sure." Soomin shrugged. The girls picked up their bags and then they left the classroom.

At the foyer, they caught sight of the six boys and Soyeong waiting for Haemi. Soomin and her clique just walked past, not giving a damn about them until they heard the conversation that they were having.

"Haemi's usually the first one here. Why is she so late? And it's like her phone isn't with her." L. Joe was saying, sounding slightly worried.

"We haven't seen her since school ended. Since we have different electives..." Changjo said. "We probably should have returned to class..."

"Do you think she left already?" Niel asked. "That's a possibility, right?"

"True..." L. Joe nodded. "With her character, if someone tells her to leave first, she would. But did any of us tell her that today?" L. Joe seemed worried.

"I might have." Ricky frowned. "But that wasn't for today." He said. "That was for tomorrow actually. Since I'm having tutorials tomorrow after school, I told Haemi that she could leave first with Changjo without me tomorrow. But that's tomorrow. I don't think she would mess that up... right?"

"Knowing Haemi, I'm actually not that sure." L. Joe frowned. "She's slightly different than who she was last time after those years without her. She's been opening up a lot more but she hasn't really, exactly touched on what happened in Busan and Incheon."

"Oh." CAP said softly. "So what do we do now?" 

"We'll go check whether her bag is still around or not." Changjo suggested. The older ones nodded and then Ricky, Changjo and Niel left for the classroom, with the intention of searching for Haemi.


"Her bag isn't there." Ricky pointed out when they reached the classroom. In fact, it was void of any bags and students. 

Changjo dialed the hyungs. "Hyung, her bag isn't here." Changjo reported. 

Meanwhile, Niel did some snooping around as he entered the classroom. Finally, as if he had given up, he whipped out his phone and dialed a number. There was a half ringing sound then the vibration sound. He looked up and searched for the source of the sound and found it eventually. He glanced at Changjo, who was still on the line. "She's still in the school. But tell them to be discreet. Some of them should leave first. Someone is targetting Haemi because of us."

Changjo nodded and immediately relayed the news to the older ones. A plan was created on the spot. CAP, Soyeong and L. Joe would leave first while Chunji would meet up with the others since it was apparent that Soomin and her friends were still hanging around.

"They're leaving." Soomin said. "But Chunji-oppa went back in. Why?"

"I don't know. Maybe he forgot something. Since they're leaving, let's go then. There's no point in staying anymore." Her friend said and they left the school grounds as well.


"Well, that's just nice." Haemi mumbled to herself. She had finished printing the prints and realized that she was locked in and her phone, worse still, was in her bag. "Now what do I do?" She sighed and walked around the room, looking for something resourceful to help her in this situation. There were none. 

Haemi glanced around the room, looking for another exit. She went over to the windows and looked down. The printing room was on the second floor but still, the drop was too high for Haemi. She might fracture her leg or something and that meant that L. Joe would nag if anything happened to her. She glanced at the door. It probably wouldn't do good to destroy school property so that way was out as well. Besides, it's impossible to unlock the door from the inside without the key. And the key was probably in the teacher's room.

'Am I going to be here the entire day? Till tomorrow when the teachers discover me?' Haemi wondered. She flopped down on to the ground and placed the prints aside.


"Let's split up first. I'll cover the sophmore block. You two cover the freshmen block and the teachers' block. Hyung, can you do the seniors' block?" Niel asked Chunji when they arrived. 

"I'll take her bag with me." Changjo suggested and the others nodded. Changjo slung the bag across his right arm and then ran off together with Ricky. 

Ten minutes later, Niel and Chunji met back up. "Have you found her?" Chunji asked, breathless. He had ran throughout the whole seniors block and still couldn't find his girlfriend.

"Relax, hyung. We'll find her." Niel reassured Chunji. "The school isn't that big. We will find her." He said firmly.

"I hope so." Chunji nodded and they went off towards the teachers' block.


Update! I'm so sleepy today. After last night's chapter posted, I couldn't sleep for ages until 3AM in the morning and woke up like 3 hours later. >.< I'm pooped.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Doesn't it sort of make you wonder whether they really will find Haemi or not? Hehe.

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Quackerz #1
Soomin is sooo jealous of Haemi
Update soon!
Quackerz #2
Update soon!!
Quackerz #3 subbie here, update soon!
they are so cute together! but did teen top do that on purpose?
i hope you update soon! thanks! <3
hahah! Chunji likes Haemi! i cant believe ljoe and teen top planned this...
so cute! chunji's reaction was so funny!
update please! thanks! <3<3<3