Valentine's and Surprises

Little Lost Love

It was 14th February. Saint Valentine's Day. The season of chocolates was here. While the girls of TOP High School all hoped and prayed that Teen Top would accept their chocolates, the boys of TOP High School all also gathered their own courage and wanted to give a shot at love with other girls.

That day, Teen Top came to school separately. CAP was untouchable by other girls since he already had a girlfriend. L. Joe didn't accept any chocolates but still found a big load turning up in many places; like his locker, his bag and under his table. He had no choice, but to  bring it home although he didn't even know who had given him the chocolates. Niel, being the gentlemen but nonetheless still a joker, had rejected the chocolates saying that he already had somebody he liked. As for Changjo, the boy didn't really like bitter things so he mostly rejected all the chocolate because of his food preference. Ricky, on the other hand, easily accepted all the chocolates but had informed the girls who had given him chocolate that he won't return the favour, not that the girls cared of course. To them, Ricky was just like a little brother.

Haemi had been up early in the morning that day, already baking and mixing in the kitchen. When L. Joe had woken up, he was greeted with the aroma of cookies. That was his breakfast. In school, Haemi surprised the other boys with her own cookies as well. In fact, she even gave Soyeong something but it was different from the boys' cookies. Soyeong got a chocolate muffin.

Chunji, as well, got something different. He alone got chocolate from Haemi which was homemade. Unfortunately, there was an audience when Haemi gave out her goodies and when other girls complained, CAP had the legit reason that it was because she was their childhood friend. It did make sense since L. Joe knew CAP, Chunji and Niel since they were younger and then since Haemi was L. Joe's younger sister, it was extremely believable. But, in the end, it is the truth after all.

But the girls were sharp. They could tell that Chunji got something different from the other boys. Upon that discovery, Chunji admitted, "It's true. It's not like we were trying to hide it or anything. We're dating." Chunji had said that because he didn't want Haemi to get picked on but he didn't know that that would have worsened the matter. In fact, Haemi herself had no idea.


"How dare you steal Chunji-oppa away from me?!" Soomin and her other friends had somehow managed to corner Haemi in the female's bathroom, where none of the other boys could come in. "Ever since you came, you've been nothing but a hindrance and now you dare to take away Chunji-oppa when he's already supposed to be mine?"

Haemi hadn't been telling anyone about the matters that had happened within her class, among the girls, since the girls did take measures to ensure that Changjo and Ricky didn't find out. "I had no idea Chanhee-oppa was yours." Haemi sneered back in reply. "What do you know about him anyway?"

"How dare you talk back to me?" Soomin hissed as she raised a hand to hit Haemi but Haemi's next words left her speechless and unable to render any violence on her.

"If you really want to hit me, you're welcome to but I will caution you first, while I may not be the violent type to hit you back, the oppas won't ever forgive you so unless you want to be in their blacklist forever, you're welcome to." Haemi snapped. "I've had enough of all of you trying to gang up on me just because you didn't have enough courage to confess to Chanhee-oppa. I'm sick and tired of being your punching bag. Even I have feelings, you know?"

"Why did you even transfer here in the first place?" One of Soomin's friends hissed. "We all don't want you here."

"I don't care whether you care about me or not but I will tell you one thing, there's no going back for me. I'm only here because my mother died. It's not as if I asked to be here in the first place. But now, I'm glad I'm here. I've got Byunghun-oppa, Chanhee-oppa, Minsoo-oppa, Daniel-oppa, Soyeong-unnie, Changjo and Ricky all as my friends. If you want a life, go make more friends, study harder, push up your grades instead of doing worthless things like this." Haemi snapped at last and with a scoff, she left the bathroom and headed back to class.

That had happened two weeks ago. About there, in any case. The next matter that was pressing was the matter on which included Ricky.

Everyone, apart from Ricky, were all gathered at L. Joe and Haemi's home. They were discussing and deliberating over what to do for one of the two maknaes. "So, what do you suggest?" Soyeong asked.

"I'm thinking of a surprise birthday party. I mean, Ricky won't expect it, right?" Haemi said.

"But what do we do?" CAP frowned. "How do we distract him?"

"How about we girls do the planning and everything then you boys can just do the distracting? It's no surprise that you boys always hang out with each other after all." Soyeong suggested. "But where do we hold the party at?"

"We could ask Ricky's mum." Changjo suggested. "I can do that, no problem. She should allow but then... There's the problem of food and the cake."

"I'll get the cake." Soyeong began but Haemi shook her head.

"I'll make the cake." She beamed. "I learnt a thing or two from my grandma back at Busan." She stated.

"Wow. Baking cookies, making chocolate and you still can make a huge cake?" CAP blinked.

"What makes you think I'm going to make a big cake?" Haemi stared at CAP, her serious face on. Everyone stared at Haemi. 

"Aren't you?" Changjo asked. "There is quite a lot of us here..." 

"Why can't I just bake one small one for Ricky himself to eat?" Haemi demanded. "I can, can't I?" She said. Everyone stared at her, dumbstruck. They hadn't thought that Haemi would say it that way. When CAP opened his mouth to say something, Haemi grinned. "Just kidding." She laughed. "You should have seen the looks on your faces!" She giggled. "Priceless!"

"Alright, so here's the plan then..." L. Joe leaned forward.


A few days later... On the 27th of February. 

"Let's go to the arcade!" Ricky declared once they were released from school. "There's this racing game that they've installed just recently!"

"Sure, why not?" L. Joe grinned. 

As the boys headed off towards the arcade, Soyeong and Haemi proceeded the other way, easily avoiding Ricky's view. He didn't even notice the two girls were gone until a few hours later when they came out of the arcade.

"Where did Haemi and Soyeong-noona go?" Ricky blinked as if suddenly realizing that they were gone.

"Oh, they went back to change out of their school clothes." L. Joe stated. "They're not like us, you know. We always bring spare clothes out." L. Joe shrugged. 

"Oh." Ricky blinked and nodded. "So where to now? I'm a little hungry, what about you hyungs?" Ricky asked.

"I know a good place we can have dinner." Chunji said brightly. "It's this way." Chunji started leading the way. Ricky eagerly followed. The rest hung behind and then suddenly, Niel and Changjo both pounced on Ricky.

"AH! WHAT!" Ricky shouted in shock. Somebody covered his mouth.

"Geez, stop shouting so loudly already. People are looking at us weirdly." Niel told him.

"What's going on?" Ricky demanded.

"Just chill, alright?" Changjo laughed. "This is a secret place. Nobody knows about this place except for us. We figured it would surprise you. Aren't we great?" 

The others snickered. "Huh." Ricky sounded unconvinced but he reluctantly let the others blindfold him and lead him off.


"We're going to take the blindfold off now, okay?" Changjo said. "You can't shout out or anything." Changjo warned.

"Yeah, yeah." Ricky muttered, bored.

"One, two three!" Changjo easily removed the blindfold and as Ricky's eyes adjusted to the brightness, he blinked in confusion.

He was at his own home. In the living room. "What's going on? This is my home!" He shouted. Then, he realized the banners and the food all around. He blinked in shock. "Wow..."

"SURPRISE! Happy Birthday, Ricky!" Haemi and Soyeong said together, brightly smiling. Both girls had spent hours in the kitchen with Ricky's mother just to prepare for this fantastic spread.

Ricky was beside himself. "You did this for me?" He was beyond touched. He had no idea the girls would actually do so much for him especially since they weren't that close to him. "I... I can't even use words to express how I feel." He whispered and the tears escaped him.

"Woah, woah. No tears here. It's your birthday, Ricky!" L. Joe warned as he easily wiped off Ricky's tears. "Come on, let's eat then open your presents!"

"There are presents?" Ricky now looked bewildered. "This is more than enough!" He said.

"Of course there are presents! You're one of our maknaes! We give presents!" CAP grinned.

With that, the surprise birthday plan succeeded and it not only made the two ladies in the group closer but also tightened the bonds between Ricky and the others. 

For them, it was one day they would remember for the rest of their lives.


A/N: Done! :D How do you like this? It's actually sort of a tribute to Ricky for his birthday but unfortunately, I didn't manage to post it by 12AM KST time. |: Sorry to Ricky but still, Happy Birthday! (:

To my readers, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter! It's basically speeding through February. I realized that there wasn't any sort of month or exact day in the story so I decided to add this bit in! Enjoy! <3

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Quackerz #1
Soomin is sooo jealous of Haemi
Update soon!
Quackerz #2
Update soon!!
Quackerz #3 subbie here, update soon!
they are so cute together! but did teen top do that on purpose?
i hope you update soon! thanks! <3
hahah! Chunji likes Haemi! i cant believe ljoe and teen top planned this...
so cute! chunji's reaction was so funny!
update please! thanks! <3<3<3