Doojoon x Dongwoon

Unravel me life a flower
Walking around as no one could see him when he wore his hat, nor could he see anyone because there was no one there, it was strange cause everyday the street near the basketball court will be used, walking past the bare trees, it was winter, new year’s over, tomorrow he has to go back to his work, of taking people who are dead and judging their deeds, but who is to say he is God, when he doesn’t want to be a God but a man who had someone in his life. Love is precious in the world and so is the pure and true love. He couldn’t remember his past life, or the person he fell in love with, he couldn’t remember the crown he once wore that sat on his head, when he ruled, he couldn’t remember his last battle and losing the one he loved in front of his eyes, but when the dead soul’s look at him, all he could say is their time is up to go. Life moved, Time pass, and everything was anything if you can make it into something but, then why was this day so special, why was he looking at a boy who tried to pick up all the basketball and then has to pick it up again because the movement made the trolle topple. Why in the face of history was the boy standing right there ready to go after the ball after his feet, why was he the one that tried to pass him, why did he notice him and ask, if he was standing there watching, not realizing that he had his hat on at the time. Bending down to get the basketball for the boy, but the boy at the same time did it also, so when they both touched it brang sparks. Doojoon was different and then Dongwoon was not the same.
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