Who? You


Tzuyu and her mom had dropped Sana off at hers to get ready for later that evening


“Tzu you better head up stairs and fix the guests rooms” 

“Oh, is the foreign exchange student arriving earlier than we thought?” Tzuyu shoved an apple in  

“No, your older brother is coming to town” 


Tzuyu chocked on her apple 

“Woah slow down there buddy” her father came into the kitchen handing Tzuyu a glass a water 

“Minho is coming to town?!” 

“Well what other sibling pabo yah” 

Tzuyu burst in tears at the thought of her sibling that she hasn’t seen in years, She hasn’t seen Minho in a couple of years due to his abroad studies while her sister As far a she knows there were reasons why her sister wasn’t  around her. When Jisoo was 16 she ran away with her boyfriend at the time, she ended up getting pregnant, she hid the pregnancy from her dad and step mom very well until the day her water broke 2 months earlier than the baby was supposed to be born. She was taken to the hospital with a raging dad and a worried step mom in the car. She had sadly suffered from a miscarriage, and when she got home later that week, hell was waiting for her 


A little Tzuyu was shooting hoops with her older brother Minho, she had succeeded with a lay up when all of a sudden 


“BAAM” a loud door was heard making vases and paintings fall to the floor with of course the sound of loud creeks. 


Minho and Tzuyu were scared hearing Mr Chou yelling at the top of his lungs. The pair of siblings ran downstairs to see what was happening when another loud crash was heard 


The angry father and daughter shared a heated word session when Tzuyu couldn’t hold it anymore and let out a loud cry. 

“WAHHHHH” Minho tried to calm his little sister down by her head but everything had gotten worse as all the attention went to her. Minho stood there awkwardly while holding Tzuyu in his arms 


Mr and Mrs Chou made his way to Tzuyu and started to caress her face 

“PAPAAA” Tzuyu extended her arms to her father 

“Baby Papa is busy right now go with you brother to your room ok?” Mr Chou gave a glance to Minho 

“Let’s go baby” Minho held his baby sister 

Jisoo suddenly got up and smacked Tzuyu out of Minhos arms 

“YOU! YOU HAVE MADE MY LIFE HELL YOU BASTARD CHOU TZUYU I HATE YOU” Jisoo yelled while Tzuyu rolled down the stairs 

Mrs Chou and Minho went after Tzuyu who was falling on the stairs with trails of blood leaving on the stairs. Mrs Chou was not the type to get mad but when someone made your kid fall down stairs on PURPOSE she felt her teeth and jaw clench. 

“SMACK” For the first time, Chou Yen-Ling had hit someone in her life, she slapped Jisoo across the face 


Mr Chou followed in his wife’s footsteps but he did not hit Jisoo, he went upstairs while Yen-Ling and Jisoo argued and threw a bag at Jisoo with her clothes in it and pushed her to the door 



With that Tzuyu did not remember anything as her head had gotten various hits with the stairs, and that was the last time she heard of her sister, although Mr and Mrs Chou had a beautiful love story, when Yi-Cheng was younger, he had an affair but his one night stand had only showed up after he had gotten married, he explained to his wife what happened and to his surprise, she was not mad as she herself had a child after an affair. There was no bad blood between them whatsoever, and Tzuyu had made their life even better. 

As for Minho, He was Tzuyu’s best friend and idol growing up, he taught her how to shoot properly, how to play soccer, football, badminton and all the sports known to man, what Tzuyu remembers clearly though is that he was the one who taught her how to pick up the ladies. But when Minho received a scholarship all the way in Moscow, he moved away to pursue his dreams of being a lawyer and a all star track star. Both Tzuyu and her brother were devastated but it was for the better, they called every once in a while but that wasn’t enough as she preferred having him in person. When she would ask about her sister her parents would stay quiet and say she had moved away or she had never even existed. Tzuyu grew  angry at her parents thinking she was stupid not to remember anything. Turns out, her parents would keep in touch with Jisoo but she would never visit as she had dark memories with them despite they have moved houses where the incident had happened. Minho would visit over the summer but Tzuyu and his bond wasn’t as strong as before. 


“How are those sheets coming Tzuyu”

Tzuyu jumped 

“On it mom” 


Tzuyu stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around her waist while turning up her music. She brushed her teeth while looking at the mirror to see if she had paste on herself she saw her little sister staring at her

“Jesus, Wooyoung you scared the living lights out of me” 

“Yeah yeah, mom says you need to hurry Unnie and her family will be here soon” with that she skipped out of Tzuyu’s room 


Tzuyu shook her head and continued brushing her teeth, she went into her closet with the towel still wrapped around her and someone was there again

“Do we not use the term knocking in this house?” 

Tzuyu had her third scare of today. 

Her mother and father had various outfits in their hands. 

(To clear something’s out, Tzuyu has a female face but a male like body, she has a flat chest like a man or just imagine anything that floats yalls boat” 

Their parents attention was brought to their daughter 

“I See someones inherited the Chou genes” Mr Chou laughed while Mrs Chou started to cover her eyes 

“Chou Tzuyu put on a shirt” 

Tzuyu giggled 

“Haven’t you seen abs before Mom?” 

Tzuyu’s mom responded by handing her a shirt, Tzuyu put in on

“Your father and I have picked out your outfit since we know just how much you take while picking out your own outfits now hurry” Her mother and father left 


Tzuyu shook her head and took everything off her (ouuuuu) she put on her bottoms but still no pants on her, she applied lotion and all sorts of cremes on herself making her smell amazing, she blow dried and straightened her hair. One by one she dressed herself and lastly applied her perfume. Within a few minutes she put on earrings and expensive watches. She gave herself a thumbs up in the mirror and headed down stairs where her parents and little sister were sitting down on the couch. 

“That’s my kid” Mr Chou said proudly 

“My little Tzuyu collecting all the ladies” Mrs Chou teases 

Tzuyu just rolls her eyes and sits her baby sister on her lap. 


After waiting for 10 minutes the doorbell rings


“Yi-Cheng My man” Mr Minatozaki greets Mr Chou with a hug, The Chou’s and Minatozaki’s greet each other with a very warm welcome. 

When Tzuyu reaches Sana her jaw drops 

“Just when I thought you couldn’t get more beautiful love” Tzuyu kissed Sana’s temple sweetly

“Look at you, you are so breathless Tzuyu ah” Sana smiles 

Mr Chou suddenly calls 

“Love birds why don’t you come join us at the diner table” both families laugh whole the couple keeps their heads low. 

Mr Chou coughs as they sit down 

“Well, My wife and I would like to thank Mr and Mrs Minatozaki for giving Tzuyu a reason to be happy even though sometimes she can be so stubborn, for being amazing business partners that have become more like family, and Sana sweetheart, from being Tzuyu’s best friend to girlfriend, I thank you for breaking the ice in Tzuyu, welcome to the family” Mr Chou smiles widely 


Mr Minatozaki adds 

“The honor is all ours, my wife and I also thank you guys for being so cooperate with us, and being our right hand many times not only business wise, it is appreciated” he smiles 

“Let us begin with the feast” Mrs Chou smiles 



As the families are eating drinking and laughing the doorbell rings 

“Oh Tzuyu honey can you get that, must be your older brother” 

“Yes Mom” Tzuyu got up and walked to the door 

She did not bother to see who was there as she was expecting her brother. She opened the door and what was about to happen she was not prepared for 


A young women in her early 20’s and a kid next to her that looked like he was 7 or 8 was standing next to her. 

“H-Hello?” Tzuyu manages to cough out 

“M-May I He-Help you Ma-Ma’am?” 

The lady and Tzuyu stared at each other 

The young women had in panic in her eyes 

“Tzuyu let your brother in” Mrs Chou made her way to the door and her jaw dropped it feels as if his tongue had gotten cut off and couldn’t speak. 

A sudden thunder went off with loud rain along with it 

“Miss, step in please I wouldn’t want you or this bud here getting wet” Tzuyu offered the young lady jacket her jacket 

Sana raised her eyebrow at the sight of Tzuyu taking her coat off. 

“Well I should go check on them” Mr Chou got up awkwardly from his seat 

As he got there he felt his knees weak and his mouth suddenly dry 

“J-Jisoo?!” He broke into tears 

Mrs Chou gasped followed by the Minatozakis who came to the front door to see what was up

Mr Chou was getting ready to cry at this point, and “Jisoo” was already letting out rivers of tears 

“M-Miss, it wouldn’t be nice for you to cry” Tzuyu handed the young lady her tissue in her pocket which the young lady gladly accepted. 

Mr Chou went up to the young lady and gave her a long hug followed by their weeping, Mrs Chou followed in on the hug and both Chous apologized 

“Jisoo Im so sorry for what happened” Mrs Chou let out a loud cry 

“We should’ve known that the only reason you were rebellious was just to catch our attention” 

The Minatozaki’s all started at Tzuyu and she responded with a shrug of shoulders with a very very VERY confused face, who was the young miss and kid? 


“Tzuyu, this is you older sister Jisoo” 

“JISOO?!” Tzuyu screamed 

“Wow Mom and Dad how smooth to try to hide the fact of me having an older sister, why couldn’t have you been honest about it” Tzuyu said in a mad tone 

“13 years, 13 years without hearing anything from her, or from my nephew, you guys deserve a best parent of the year award” Tzuyu was raging at this point 

Sana stood infront of Tzuyu and started to her shoulders in hopes of calming her down, and it being Sana, Tzuyu inhaled and placed her hands on top of Sanas. 

“So, you’re my N-Noona?” 

Jisoo nodded her head feeling a tingle in her stomach as her little sibling had called her that for that first time ever 

Although Tzuyu has never met her, she had the urge to hug her older sister and so she did, Jisoo hugged back and cried even louder than with parents, speaking of her parents Mr and Mrs Chou were waterfalls of tears, Mr and Mrs Minatozaki has heard of the situation regarding the Chous past with the eldest daughter while Sana spotted Wooyoung coming down the stairs 

“Oppaaa” She started crying seeing Tzuyu cry 

She ran to Tzuyu’s leg and hugged it 

After Tzuyu finished hugging Jisoo she bent down with red puffy eyes and squatted next to the little boy next to Jisoo

“Whats your name bud?” 

“Jisung” He said shyly 

“I’m Tzuyu nice to meet you” 

To her surprise he hugged her tightly 

“Well uh we should get going this rain might get worse, thank you for the dinner good night” The Minatozaki’s bid their good bye 

Jisoo and Jisung stepped into the living room 

“We have a lot of explaining to do” Tzuyu sighed  




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Chapter 6: WHOA!!!!
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Chapter 1: <3
sinrinjensooyulsic08 #5
Chapter 2: This is soooo cute!!!