So We Meet Again


“CHOU TZUYU WAKE UP” A voice could be heard from downstairs 

“Hmmm” a voice groans 

“I mean it” The voice responds 

“Ok ok I’m up” 

The girl called Tzuyu gets up and groans, she goes to her closet and picks out a outfit and calls her best friend Mina (This is wrong honorifics Ik But it sounds cute and no it’s no gender bender) 

“Good morning Mina Noona” says Tzuyu 

“Good Morning to you aswell Tzuyu what’s up?”

”Well I was wondering if I could come pick you up to head to school together” 

“Okk see you Tzuyu-ah” Says the voice beforr hanging up 

Tzuyu heads down starirs to see her mother and father in the kitchen 

“Morning Mama morning Papa” Tzuyu says as she pecks both of her parents cheeks, Tzuyu was a smart, good looking and charismatic young lady, she came from a wealthy family but none the less she was a verycdown to earth person and well mannered, thus at school she was very known and had one to many fangirls that would chase after her, but only one person was on her mind. 

“You finally woke up huh?” Hee father says whole chuckling

”I’ve told you one to many times to get off the phone at night, especially on school nights Tzuyu” her mother says

“Sorry Mama” she smiles adding her dimple 

No one could resist that dimple smile of hers 

“It’s ok now sit down and eat before your food gets cold” Her mother says while smiling 


On the other side of the city and girl can be seen up and ready waiting for her best friend to come

~Ring Ring~ 

“Momoring” the girl chuckles and picks up 

“Sana Im On my way!” 

“Ok” the girl says whole chuckling 

She kisses her parents goodbye and heads out the door to see her cute best friend since kinder 

“Good morning Momoring” 

“Morning shall we?” Momoring wiggles her eyebrows getting into the car 



Two cars can be seen entering the high school 

“Hey Momo” Calls Mina 

“Hey Minari” Momo replies while smiling 

“Sana Tzuyu Im guessing you both know each other” Momo chuckles awkwardly 

“Yes” They both say coldly, the thing is Sana and Tzuyu do not hate each other on the contrary, they have both liked each other since 5 grade they became best friends who caught feelings for each other until that one night 


“School dances are kinda dumb if you ask me it’s just a night where girls get to hoe around with an excuse right?” A 13 year old Tzuyu says while drinking her soda 

“You said it yoda, Im only happy for one reason” Sana said? 

“What is it Noona?” Tzuyu said 

“That Im not alone and I have you wit me to enjoy tonight” Both blushed at Sanas words, Tzuyu and Sana both liked each other very much, not liked but love, ever since they began to grow closer so did their feelings, They wanted nothing but to be with each other 24/7, but afraid that feelings would ruin the friendship both kept it to themselves 

They talked the whole night, sharing laughs, judging other people, the photo booth pictures that sure were something

“Sana, You uh uhm wanna da- dance?” Tzuyu said as red as a tomato 

“I would love too” Sana smiles 

Tzuyu grabbed Sanas hand and led her to the dance floor, the dj put on very up beat songs causing Sana to get tired after 45 minutes of nothing but jumping and screaming with her best friend and crush 

“Tzuyu im getting water” 

“Okie dokie” 


Sana was busy getting her drink when she heard the song change to a slow song, she looked up and that moment shattered her heart someone was kissing her crush, she knew that with Tzuyus good looks she attracted many girls and boys, Sana was never a fan of people clinging onto her crush, and fangirling over her but she could not do anything about it as they’re just “best friends” she dropped her drink and ran as far as her dress could take her, lucky for her, it was raining harshly, 


Tzuyus Pov 

As I was waiting for Sana, the most popular girl in my class Victoria made her way toward me and grabbed me by the neck 

“What are you do-” I was cut off my lips on mine, there goes my first kiss the one I wanted to waste on Sana, I stood there and heard people gasp. Victoria and I were shipped a lot as we were both very popular and good looking, the schools it couple, I heard a cup fall and feet start to take off 

“Sana” I thought and followed her footsteps leaving people in shock and Victoria raging 

“THAT ” 

~Third Person Pov~

Tzuyu ran following the footsteps that took her to the lake near the park she saw figure crying and the sky along with her, 

“Sana” She calles 

The girl looked away and got up 

Tzuyu ran up to her and gave her jacket to the latter as it was freezing

“Sana please I did not kiss her she kissed me” Tzuyu said with honesty 

“then *hic* why did you *hic* not do anything” The girl responded 

“I was too shocked to say anything” Tzuyu said 

“Sana, please forgive me” Tzuyu pulled Sana in for a hug which Sana gave back, 

“You Want me to take you home Noona?” 

“I’d love it” The latter says while smiling and clung her hands around the tall 

But after that day Sana would ignore Tzuyu causing the other girl to be confused and it’s been like that ever since 7 grade little does Tzuyu know the reason as to why Sana ignored her 


~Present time~

“Well Momo and I are heading to class,” Mina smiles

 “Tzuyu why don’t you take Sana to class don’t you guys have first period together?” She ads 

Surprisingly Tzuyu nods and extends her hand 

“You ready!” She asks with her dimple smile 

“Sure” Sana says rolling her eyes little does Tzuyu know Sana is happy with the idea of being with her best friend again 


Tzuyu Pov 


I tired not to make the situation awkward and tried to make a conversation 


“So umm have you done the homework?” 

“Yes” Sana answers coldly 

“That’s good” I respond almost mumbling 


As we walked through the halls many people mumbled seeing us together after everything that happened in middle school 

“Weren’t they best friends” 

“Do you think they’re back together?”

“Just wait until Victoria sees this”  

“They would make a cute couple” 

We both were flustered after that last comment, to be honest I do not care as to what anyone says as long as I can get Sana back

As we turned towards the 300 hall the unexpected happened Victoria and her clan came 

“Well well Well” One of them said 

“What do we have here” 

“Does Tzuyu have a girlfriend 

I put my arms around Sana and told her not to listen to them she nodded and hugged me back 

“Such a shame you would waste your time on this ” Victoria said and laughed 

“She has nothing to do with you now excuse us we’ll be going” I said harshly and grabbed Sana by the waist and walked away 

“Your is still mine Chou” Victoria yelled 

Sana knows about my very special condition, when we first became friends she always wondered why I wore boy pants I claimed they were for fashion purposes until one day at a sleepover she cuddled with me and felt it, she was fine with it to my surprise and claimed she still loved be for who I am not what I am, 

(Skip To Class) 

Sana and I would steal glances every now and then the whole 1 hour there was something about that always seemed to attract me to her whether it be her hazel eyes that shine, her nose carved by the gods and her strawberry scent 

“We will be doing a project over this units topic, consisting of a slideshow, a model of the project and lastly you will work in partners that I have assigned already this is due on Friday as this is an easy topic” Ms. Johnson called 

After her calling multiple names all of a sudden 

“Chou Tzuyu and Minatozaki Sana” 

The bell rang and I walked behind Sana 

“Hey Noona you wanna umm c-ome ov-er for our project?” I said flushed and looking down 

“Sure meet you after school Chou” she replied with a smile to my luck 

Oh boy was this going to be the start of something new 

I’m so sorry for updating late I had written te chapter since Saturday but I just started school today and I postponed this this chapter as I needed to finish a project. Hope you guys don’t mind, and I wish that you guys enjoy this roller coaster full story ~wink wonk

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Chapter 6: WHOA!!!!
Chapter 4: They are sooooo cute!!! But I’m sure Victoria has some bull up her sleeve... :-(
Chapter 3: Is it my phone that glitched or there's a repeat in this chapter?
Chapter 1: <3
sinrinjensooyulsic08 #5
Chapter 2: This is soooo cute!!!