Let’s talk about love



Sana woke up in the middle of the night realizing she had fallen asleep at Tzu’s, she had 19 missed calls from her Aunt it was 3:45 am meaning she could not text her back and she expected a scolding when she would’ve come back home 


She then felt movement above her


“Sana?” A husky voice asked 


Sana hummed in response 


“Why are you up so early?” 


“I couldn’t sleep” Sana added 


Instead of replying Tzuyu started Sana’s hair, Sana then realized where she was. She was sleeping on Tzuyu’s crotch, no wonder she felt a long rod hitting the back of her head at night. She wasn’t going to lie she enjoyed the feeling of being between Tzuyu’s legs, she had fantasies about Tzuyu doing her ever since 8 grade when she saw Tzuyu in the gym with those shorts that fit her godly, Sana remembers seeing Tzuyu’s strong calves every time she ran for the ball and when she jumped her shirt lifted up revealing her well crafted abs. The cheerleaders mouths were watering over the sight of Tzuyu’s godly body. 


Tzuyu has been playing basketball since 3 grade and she could play almost every sport out there, and of course she was mvp for all her teams. She had an amazing reputation across the school, straight A’s, she was fit and all her teachers loved her. 


(Present time) 


Sana soon went back to sleep and that same morning she left with her aunt saying goodbye to Tzuyu. Sana was going upstate to visit her grandparents that lived in the neighboring town. Sana was a little sad as Tzuyu had invited her to go out with her to the movies to watch the continuation of their favorite film but Tzuyu reassured her that she didn’t mind and would wait for her. 


It was a cold and stormy Saturday and Tzuyu had to run track with her father. Nothing special happened that weekend expect Victoria and her squad were flirting with Tzuyu at the park 


“Tzuyu ah” she heard a annoying voice call 


She snapped her head back to see the source of the voice and was disgusted by the sight, Victoria and her friends wearing the shortest shorts they could find and crop tops hugging their chests tightly. 


Tzuyu didn’t respond 


“Like what you see?” Analiza smirked 


Tzuyu shook her head and gave a disgusted look as she got up to see if her dad was finished talking to some kids who recognized Tzuyu’s father as the famous coach of the basketball team in the town. 


“Don’t leave just yet” Victoria said backhugging Tzuyu 


Tzuyu did not reply and shook her way out of Victoria’s arms. 


“Tsk when will she understand” A furious yet calm Tzuyu walked away 


“Dad are we ready?” Tzuyu asked 


“Yes Kid” His father replied with a smile 


“By the way, who were those girls around you? Are you perhaps dating on of them?” The older Chou replied wiggling his eyebrows 


Tzuyu could only cringe at the idea of her dating anyone from that girl squad or the Oompah Loompa squad as she called them 


“No, not even in their dreams” she replied coldly 


“Well, do you have your eyes on anyone?” Her dad questioned 


“Actually, yes” Tzuyu replied 




“Sana” Tzuyu mumbled but her father had luckily heard 


“Sana? As in the girl who’s aunt lives next door to us? The one who sounds straight out of an anime?” Her father chuckled at the last party 


Tzuyu nodded and blushed at the thought of Sana 


“I think she’s a wonderful young women, and if she could open your cold heart kid, than I think she’s the one for you” Her father said honestly 


“But, I think she would never like me” Tzuyu kept her head low as they started to walk to their car 


“Why so?” 


“She needs someone older than her to protect her, I’m younger than her, what do I have to offer, in her eyes I’m just a kid” 


“Don’t say that, here tell you what, when I was your age the same thing happened to me, I was the scrawny kid, the youngest in my grade too, I had my eyes on the most popular girl in school but who was I to ask her out, one day I promised myself I would work hard to give myself a name so she wouldn’t be dating a nobody” Her father said warmly 


Tzuyu could only smile as she has only heard this story once and a long time ago 


“I was never the brightest kid in class either, My teachers liked me, but not enough to make my grades go up, Every now and then I’d steal glances at her in class and, wow was she a beautiful person both inside and out. Her father knew that I had eyes on his daughter and one day he pulled me aside from class and said, which to this day I remember clearly 


“Chou, if you want to get anywhere near my daughter you need to change for her, if you love her as you say” 


“After hearing those words, I knew that I needed to do something” He added while his eyes were on the road 


“I had a tutor come over and help me with all of my classes, I even stayed after school to get extra help, I started to work out and found my passion for basketball” He smiled 


“Of course this didn’t go unseen by her father, then it was at that one night that changed it all, it was the final of the championship that would mark us the state champions, I scored like crazy, had amazing skills and I was marked the mvp of the school, after the game her father called me and patted me on the back saying 


“Welcome to the family, son”


“With that, I started talking to her and it all happened so wonderful, we were together and so happy, and when we thought life couldn’t get any better, we were both accepted into our dream schools, after we graduated god sent us a gift, a very huge one too. Any guesses as to what it is Tzu?” Her father asked with a huge smile 


“Me?” She smiled 


He nodded his head and held his daughters hand, “You are the best gift we had ever gotten kid, if I The scrawny and dumb kid got together with the most popular girl in school, what makes you say that you, who only has a 3 year difference with her can’t have a chance with her?” He squeezed his daughters hand 


“You’re right dad, I’m going to show her what love is, I’ll treat her right and prove to her I am not a kid” She said with full confidence 


“That’s the Chou spirit” He laughed 


~Next Day~ 


As Tzuyu walked into school, her group of friends walked over to her and greeted her with handshakes, girls from all grade levels smiled into Tzuyu’s direction, the whole school had crushes on the Chou, Who wouldn’t fall for a tall, lean, peach skin, and amazing body proportion right? Her dimple smile was to die for, but her heart already had an owner and that person was Minatozaki Sana, or, Chou Sana as Tzuyu thought to herself 


Monday went by quick surprisingly, well maybe it was because after school Sana and Tzuyu were going to have a small date by the river and walk around the crowded city. 


When Tzuyu arrives home she threw her stuff on the floor and ran upstairs to her room to fix herself for her date with Sana 




Tzuyu just bagged and left downstairs picking her mess up 


39 minutes later Tzuyu makes her way out to the Park and smiles at te thought of her Sana spending time together. 


She arrives and sees the love of her life smiling sitting down at a bench on her phone, when the beauty looks up and smiles even wider if that is possible. She skips her way over to Tzuyu and extends her arm for a hug. 


“Hey Chewyyy” She says while in Tzuyus arms 


“Hello Shiba” Tzuyu teases 


“Heyyyy” Sana playfully punched her chest 


Tzuyu held Sanas arms around her and pulled her in closer for a hug. They didn’t know just how much they missed each other embrace over the years, it is as if the butterflies that were there once before came back, or have they even left? 


After almost 10 minutes of hugging Tzuyu pulled back and smiled at Sanas cute small pout


“Hey hey, we still have a whole night packed with activities so don’t give me that pout?” 


“Ok ok, so what are we going Tzuyu?” Sana smiled 


“Hmm well since it is getting kinda of” 

Tzuyu got cut off by the sound of her phone ringing 


“Yes mom?” 


“Oh” Tzuyu blushed 

“I’ll ask” 


Sana looked at her confused 


“Mom said if you want to have dinner over at ours” Tzuyu said showing her dimple 


“I would love to” Sana smiled 


~Time skip~ 


“Thank you for the dinner Mrs Chou” Sana bowed 


“It’s no problem Sana, Tzu how come you didn’t tell me she was going out with you?” 


“What” Tzuyu coughed 


“Well you know, Aren’t you and Sana dating? In 5 grade I read your diary and you wrote in there that you had sincere feelings for Sana, also that with her around your day got better” Mrs Chou said cupping Tzuyus cheeks 


“Mooommm” Tzuyu blushed 


Sana giggled and smiled 


“You liked me Chou?” 


“Just a little” Tzuyu blushed 


“A little? You were crazy about her baby, I remember you staring at her as if she was the center of the earth anddddd you were such a cold child but if Sana was around you’d be soft” Her mother chuckled 


Tzuyu kept her head down low in embarrassment while Sana patted her back and giggled 


“You guys would make a cute couple, I can’t wait until you guys get married and give me cute grandchildren”


Both Sana and Tzuyu chocked on their food 


“What?” Tzuyu blushed 


“You heard me” Her mother winked 


“Well Noona and I have to get going I’ll see you soon mommy” Tzuyu pecked Her moms cheek 


“Thank you Mrs Chou” Sana bowed 


Sana was picking the plates up but she was interrupted by Mrs Chou 


“Aaa Sana I’ll do it, you go out with our girlfriend” Mrs Chou winked 


Tzuyu responded by holding Sanas hand out the door. 


“Don’t mind her please” Tzuyu had her head hung low 


“Aaa it’s ok” Sana smiled 


“She’s wanted me to date someone for the longest time I swear” Tzuyu rolled her eyes 


“Well I think that’s a good thing right? She was just looking out for you” Sana giggled 


Tzuyu could only shake her head in response 


“Tzuyu ah, do you have your eyes on anyone?” Sana asked while they started to walk 


“Well, yes” Tzuyu smiled 


Sana felt a tingle in her heart “What is this feeling?” She thought to herself 


“Who?” Sana said trying to sound as normal as possible 


“I’m not telling” Tzuyu teased and started running 


“HEYYYY GET BACK HERE CHOU” Sana tan after her 


The friends kept running around until Sanas clumsiness got the best of her and tripped 


“OUCH” Sana yelped 


“NOONA” Tzuyu ran towards her Noona 


Sana let out a soft cry 


“Noonaaa, I’ve told you to be careful when you run” Tzuyu helped the girl on the floor 


“Tzuyu ah it hurtss” Sana yelped


Tzuyu didn’t reply but responded by picking Sana up bridal style 


Sana felt as if she were in heaven, she leant her head on Tzuyus chest feeling warm and safe against her. She felt Tzuyus strong arms grabbing her she looked up and saw a beautiful view, Tzuyu smiling at her and the sunset behind her. She knew she would cherish this moment forever 


“Where do you wanna go?” Tzuyu asked with a smile 


“Wherever is fine” Sana smiled back 


“To the “lakes” pier?” Tzuyu asked 


“Sounds fun” Sana giggled 


The lake was man made when they first had built houses around the block. But, it did give a beautiful view of the sunset and the city lights in the background 


As they got there Tzuyu propped Sana onto the pier


Kids were running around the park next to the lake it was a peaceful Monday afternoon. Sana and Tzuyu were next to each other with their hands almost touching. Sana decided to close he distanced, when she was about to hold Tzuyus hand Tzuyu got up 


“I’ll be back” Tzuyu ran 


“Nice one Minatozaki, you blew it” Sana thought to herself 


5 minutes passed and no sign of Tzuyu, Sana sighed when she was interrupted by someone 


“Noona” Tzuyu smiled 


Sana looked up to see Tzuyu with Sanas favorite flowers and chocolates. Tzuyu went up to Sana and handed the things over to her with a peck on the cheek. 


There was a note on the chocolate 


“For the prettiest, smartest, funny and clumsiest girl ever, MY Sana Noona” Sana blushed at how the”my” part was emphasized. 


“Thank you Tzuyu, I love it” Sana smiled 


Tzuyu turned her head showing her cheek as she raised an eyebrow and winked 


“I like my thank you’s in kisses Noona” Tzuyu smiled 


Sana giggled and kissed Tzuyus cheek for a good 10 seconds 


Tzuyu smiled and sat next to Sana 


She signaled for Sana to rest her head on her shoulder and Sana did. Tzuyu put one arm around Sana and her free hand to hold Sanas hand 


Both smiled and loved having each other comfort 


“Tzuyu” Sana asked 


Tzuyu hummed 


“Can I ask you something?” Sana asked 


“Yes” Tzuyu smiled 


“Would you fall for you best friend” Sana dared to ask 


“Well, I kinda of have” Tzuyu mumbled 


“I think I have too” Sana smiled 


“Really?” Tzuyu said crushed 


“Yes” Sana smiled 


“Sana” Tzuyu said 


Sana hummed 


“I need to tell you something but I understand if you don’t want to hear this” 


Tzuyu got on the floor and on her knees while pulling out more flowers and balloons with the sunset behind her 


“Noona, I’ve never liked anyone as I have liked you, you make my days better just by smiling, I didn’t know how much I needed you until we weren’t together anymore. It’s as if my question and your answers fit together like puzzle pieces. I want to tell you just how beautiful you are from where I’m standing. To make it short, I want to be with you until life takes us apart and even then, my heart will only beat just for you. Minatozaki Sana, would you like to be be girlfriend?” Tzuyu asked with a sincere tone and smiled 


Sana was crying from all the words that Tzuyu had said to her. 


“Sana are you ok? I understand if-“ Tzuyu got cut off by Sana jumping on her waist and making her fall 




Tzuyu wrapped her arms around Sanas waist and smiled. Sana was on top of Tzuyu with no space between them


Both of Tzuyu and Sana were staring right at each other with their list full eyes 


“You’re so beautiful Sana” Tzuyu cupped Sanas cheek 


“Have you seen yourself? You’re a whole god Tzu” Sana blushed 


“I have, but I don’t think there is anyone more beautiful than MY Sana” Tzuyu smiled in confidence 


“Oh shut up” Sana smacked Tzuyu playfully 


As they looked up at each other, the gap between them closed and bam, butterflies in their stomachs were set free. It felt as if fireworks went off 


Sana tightened her grip against Tzuyu holding her neck while Tzuyu did the same but with Sanas waist 


They pulled back for air 


“Your lips taste like cherries” Sana blushed 


“Well I don’t think it’s my lips but my lip balm” Tzuyu laughed 


“Even when we’re dating you don’t change Chou” Sana rolled her eyes playfully 


“Well, there’s no difference between us than before but I can do this without being scared” Tzuyu said as she kissed Sana taking her by surprise


Sana blushed and hid her face in the crook of Tzuyu’s neck 


“Stop being so shy will you?” Tzuyu laughed at her girlfriends antics 


The couple were interrupted by a phone call 






“Coming” Sana said in a scared tone 


“Well we should get going baby” Tzuyu giggled 


“I’ll drop you off don’t worry” She added 


The couple made their way to Sanas aunts house which was next door 


“MINATOZAKI SANA WHERE HAVE YO-“ Sanas aunt cut herself off 


“Sana who’s this?” Sanas aunt eyed Tzuyu up and down with a small smirk on her face 


“My girlfriend” Sana said proudly 


“Oh” Her aunt said with a tone of disappointment 


Sana rolled her eyes and bid Tzuyu goodbye 


“Bye baby see you at school tomorrow” Sana smiled while wrapping her arms around the tall 


“Bye baby girl” Tzuyu said whole placing her chin in Sanas head 


5 minutes had passed and still no sign of letting go 


“Baby it’s dark already I need to get home” Tzuyu said 


“I don’t want you to” Sana said with a pout which Tzuyu responded with a peck on her girlfriends pout 


“Baby you’ll see me tomorrow and we can call in just next door and out rooms are almost across from each other I’m not moving away or anything” She giggled 


“Ok ok bye baby” Sana kissed Tzuyu 


“Bye baby” Tzuyu smacked Sanas playfully 


“Chou I swear” Sana said but secretly she enjoyed it 




As Tzuyu walked through the door she yelled 




“Yes honey?” Her mom was in the living room reading a book 


“Guess what” Tzuyu said


“Chicken ” Her mom joked 


“No mom, you’ll like this news” Tzuyu replied 


“Go for it “ 


“I’m dating Sana” Tzuyu said with a squeal




“Calm down mom you were more excited than I was” She chuckled 


“Well Sana is an amazing girl, Anyways Tzuyu you need to head to bed it’s late and a school night” Her mom smiled 


“I know, good night mommy” Tzuyu pecked her mom’s cheek 


Tzuyu’s mom turned her cheek making Tzuyu pecking her lips 


“Ewww mom grosss” Tzuyu whined 


“Tzuyu you loved my peck kisses” 


“I was 5” Tzuyu whined once more 


“Whatever go to bed now” Her mom laughed 


“Nigh night” She smiled 


Tzuyu then went to bed with a smile on her face 


“Minatozaki Sana is my girlfriend” Tzuyu said to herself and smiled. With that the Chou has drifted off to sleep 



I’m sorry I haven’t updated in forever, school is being a pain in the . Thanks for reading I promise I’ll manage my time well, Love youuuu












“Sana?” A husky voice asked 


Sana hummed in response 


“Why are you up so early?” 


“I couldn’t sleep” Sana added 


Instead of replying Tzuyu started Sana’s hair, Sana then realized where she was. She was sleeping on Tzuyu’s crotch, no wonder she felt a long rod hitting the back of her head at night. She wasn’t going to lie she enjoyed the feeling of being between Tzuyu’s legs, she had fantasies about Tzuyu doing her ever since 8 grade when she saw Tzuyu in the gym with those shorts that fit her godly, Sana remembers seeing Tzuyu’s strong calves every time she ran for the ball and when she jumped her shirt lifted up revealing her well crafted abs. The cheerleaders mouths were watering over the sight of Tzuyu’s godly body. 


Tzuyu has been playing basketball since 3 grade and she could play almost every sport out there, and of course she was mvp for all her teams. She had an amazing reputation across the school, straight A’s, she was fit and all her teachers loved her. 


(Present time) 


Sana soon went back to sleep and that same morning she left with her aunt saying goodbye to Tzuyu. Sana was going upstate to visit her grandparents that lived in the neighboring town. Sana was a little sad as Tzuyu had invited her to go out with her to the movies to watch the continuation of their favorite film but Tzuyu reassured her that she didn’t mind and would wait for her. 


It was a cold and stormy Saturday and Tzuyu had to run track with her father. Nothing special happened that weekend expect Victoria and her squad were flirting with Tzuyu at the park 


“Tzuyu ah” she heard a annoying voice call 


She snapped her head back to see the source of the voice and was disgusted by the sight, Victoria and her friends wearing the shortest shorts they could find and crop tops hugging their chests tightly. 


Tzuyu didn’t respond 


“Like what you see?” Analiza smirked 


Tzuyu shook her head and gave a disgusted look as she got up to see if her dad was finished talking to some kids who recognized Tzuyu’s father as the famous coach of the basketball team in the town. 


“Don’t leave just yet” Victoria said backhugging Tzuyu 


Tzuyu did not reply and shook her way out of Victoria’s arms. 


“Tsk when will she understand” A furious yet calm Tzuyu walked away 


“Dad are we ready?” Tzuyu asked 


“Yes Kid” His father replied with a smile 


“By the way, who were those girls around you? Are you perhaps dating on of them?” The older Chou replied wiggling his eyebrows 


Tzuyu could only cringe at the idea of her dating anyone from that girl squad or the Oompah Loompa squad as she called them 


“No, not even in their dreams” she replied coldly 


“Well, do you have your eyes on anyone?” Her dad questioned 


“Actually, yes” Tzuyu replied 




“Sana” Tzuyu mumbled but her father had luckily heard 


“Sana? As in the girl who’s aunt lives next door to us? The one who sounds straight out of an anime?” Her father chuckled at the last party 


Tzuyu nodded and blushed at the thought of Sana 


“I think she’s a wonderful young women, and if she could open your cold heart kid, than I think she’s the one for you” Her father said honestly 


“But, I think she would never like me” Tzuyu kept her head low as they started to walk to their car 


“Why so?” 


“She needs someone older than her to protect her, I’m younger than her, what do I have to offer, in her eyes I’m just a kid” 


“Don’t say that, here tell you what, when I was your age the same thing happened to me, I was the scrawny kid, the youngest in my grade too, I had my eyes on the most popular girl in school but who was I to ask her out, one day I promised myself I would work hard to give myself a name so she wouldn’t be dating a nobody” Her father said warmly 


Tzuyu could only smile as she has only heard this story once and a long time ago 


“I was never the brightest kid in class either, My teachers liked me, but not enough to make my grades go up, Every now and then I’d steal glances at her in class and, wow was she a beautiful person both inside and out. Her father knew that I had eyes on his daughter and one day he pulled me aside from class and said, which to this day I remember clearly 


“Chou, if you want to get anywhere near my daughter you need to change for her, if you love her as you say” 


“After hearing those words, I knew that I needed to do something” He added while his eyes were on the road 


“I had a tutor come over and help me with all of my classes, I even stayed after school to get extra help, I started to work out and found my passion for basketball” He smiled 


“Of course this didn’t go unseen by her father, then it was at that one night that changed it all, it was the final of the championship that would mark us the state champions, I scored like crazy, had amazing skills and I was marked the mvp of the school, after the game her father called me and patted me on the back saying 


“Welcome to the family, son”


“With that, I started talking to her and it all happened so wonderful, we were together and so happy, and when we thought life couldn’t get any better, we were both accepted into our dream schools, after we graduated god sent us a gift, a very huge one too. Any guesses as to what it is Tzu?” Her father asked with a huge smile 


“Me?” She smiled 


He nodded his head and held his daughters hand, “You are the best gift we had ever gotten kid, if I The scrawny and dumb kid got together with the most popular girl in school, what makes you say that you, who only has a 3 year difference with her can’t have a chance with her?” He squeezed his daughters hand 


“You’re right dad, I’m going to show her what love is, I’ll treat her right and prove to her I am not a kid” She said with full confidence 


“That’s the Chou spirit” He laughed 


~Next Day~ 


As Tzuyu walked into school, her group of friends walked over to her and greeted her with handshakes, girls from all grade levels smiled into Tzuyu’s direction, the whole school had crushes on the Chou, Who wouldn’t fall for a tall, lean, peach skin, and amazing body proportion right? Her dimple smile was to die for, but her heart already had an owner and that person was Minatozaki Sana, or, Chou Sana as Tzuyu thought to herself 


Monday went by quick surprisingly, well maybe it was because after school Sana and Tzuyu were going to have a small date by the river and walk around the crowded city. 


When Tzuyu arrives home she threw her stuff on the floor and ran upstairs to her room to fix herself for her date with Sana 




Tzuyu just bagged and left downstairs picking her mess up 


39 minutes later Tzuyu makes her way out to the Park and smiles at te thought of her Sana spending time together. 


She arrives and sees the love of her life smiling sitting down at a bench on her phone, when the beauty looks up and smiles even wider if that is possible. She skips her way over to Tzuyu and extends her arm for a hug. 


“Hey Chewyyy” She says while in Tzuyus arms 


“Hello Shiba” Tzuyu teases 


“Heyyyy” Sana playfully punched her chest 


Tzuyu held Sanas arms around her and pulled her in closer for a hug. They didn’t know just how much they missed each other embrace over the years, it is as if the butterflies that were there once before came back, or have they even left? 


After almost 10 minutes of hugging Tzuyu pulled back and smiled at Sanas cute small pout


“Hey hey, we still have a whole night packed with activities so don’t give me that pout?” 


“Ok ok, so what are we going Tzuyu?” Sana smiled 


“Hmm well since it is getting kinda of” 

Tzuyu got cut off by the sound of her phone ringing 


“Yes mom?” 


“Oh” Tzuyu blushed 

“I’ll ask” 


Sana looked at her confused 


“Mom said if you want to have dinner over at ours” Tzuyu said showing her dimple 


“I would love to” Sana smiled 


~Time skip~ 


“Thank you for the dinner Mrs Chou” Sana bowed 


“It’s no problem Sana, Tzu how come you didn’t tell me she was going out with you?” 


“What” Tzuyu coughed 


“Well you know, Aren’t you and Sana dating? In 5 grade I read your diary and you wrote in there that you had sincere feelings for Sana, also that with her around your day got better” Mrs Chou said cupping Tzuyus cheeks 


“Mooommm” Tzuyu blushed 


Sana giggled and smiled 


“You liked me Chou?” 


“Just a little” Tzuyu blushed 


“A little? You were crazy about her baby, I remember you staring at her as if she was the center of the earth anddddd you were such a cold child but if Sana was around you’d be soft” Her mother chuckled 


Tzuyu kept her head down low in embarrassment while Sana patted her back and giggled 


“You guys would make a cute couple, I can’t wait until you guys get married and give me cute grandchildren”


Both Sana and Tzuyu chocked on their food 


“What?” Tzuyu blushed 


“You heard me” Her mother winked 


“Well Noona and I have to get going I’ll see you soon mommy” Tzuyu pecked Her moms cheek 


“Thank you Mrs Chou” Sana bowed 


Sana was picking the plates up but she was interrupted by Mrs Chou 


“Aaa Sana I’ll do it, you go out with our girlfriend” Mrs Chou winked 


Tzuyu responded by holding Sanas hand out the door. 


“Don’t mind her please” Tzuyu had her head hung low 


“Aaa it’s ok” Sana smiled 


“She’s wanted me to date someone for the longest time I swear” Tzuyu rolled her eyes 


“Well I think that’s a good thing right? She was just looking out for you” Sana giggled 


Tzuyu could only shake her head in response 


“Tzuyu ah, do you have your eyes on anyone?” Sana asked while they started to walk 


“Well, yes” Tzuyu smiled 


Sana felt a tingle in her heart “What is this feeling?” She thought to herself 


“Who?” Sana said trying to sound as normal as possible 


“I’m not telling” Tzuyu teased and started running 


“HEYYYY GET BACK HERE CHOU” Sana tan after her 


The friends kept running around until Sanas clumsiness got the best of her and tripped 


“OUCH” Sana yelped 


“NOONA” Tzuyu ran towards her Noona 


Sana let out a soft cry 


“Noonaaa, I’ve told you to be careful when you run” Tzuyu helped the girl on the floor 


“Tzuyu ah it hurtss” Sana yelped


Tzuyu didn’t reply but responded by picking Sana up bridal style 


Sana felt as if she were in heaven, she leant her head on Tzuyus chest feeling warm and safe against her. She felt Tzuyus strong arms grabbing her she looked up and saw a beautiful view, Tzuyu smiling at her and the sunset behind her. She knew she would cherish this moment forever 


“Where do you wanna go?” Tzuyu asked with a smile 


“Wherever is fine” Sana smiled back 


“To the “lakes” pier?” Tzuyu asked 


“Sounds fun” Sana giggled 


The lake was man made when they first had built houses around the block. But, it did give a beautiful view of the sunset and the city lights in the background 


As they got there Tzuyu propped Sana onto the pier


Kids were running around the park next to the lake it was a peaceful Monday afternoon. Sana and Tzuyu were next to each other with their hands almost touching. Sana decided to close he distanced, when she was about to hold Tzuyus hand Tzuyu got up 


“I’ll be back” Tzuyu ran 


“Nice one Minatozaki, you blew it” Sana thought to herself 


5 minutes passed and no sign of Tzuyu, Sana sighed when she was interrupted by someone 


“Noona” Tzuyu smiled 


Sana looked up to see Tzuyu with Sanas favorite flowers and chocolates. Tzuyu went up to Sana and handed the things over to her with a peck on the cheek. 


There was a note on the chocolate 


“For the prettiest, smartest, funny and clumsiest girl ever, MY Sana Noona” Sana blushed at how the”my” part was emphasized. 


“Thank you Tzuyu, I love it” Sana smiled 


Tzuyu turned her head showing her cheek as she raised an eyebrow and winked 


“I like my thank you’s in kisses Noona” Tzuyu smiled 


Sana giggled and kissed Tzuyus cheek for a good 10 seconds 


Tzuyu smiled and sat next to Sana 


She signaled for Sana to rest her head on her shoulder and Sana did. Tzuyu put one arm around Sana and her free hand to hold Sanas hand 


Both smiled and loved having each other comfort 


“Tzuyu” Sana asked 


Tzuyu hummed 


“Can I ask you something?” Sana asked 


“Yes” Tzuyu smiled 


“Would you fall for you best friend” Sana dared to ask 


“Well, I kinda of have” Tzuyu mumbled 


“I think I have too” Sana smiled 


“Really?” Tzuyu said crushed 


“Yes” Sana smiled 


“Sana” Tzuyu said 


Sana hummed 


“I need to tell you something but I understand if you don’t want to hear this” 


Tzuyu got on the floor and on her knees while pulling out more flowers and balloons with the sunset behind her 


“Noona, I’ve never liked anyone as I have liked you, you make my days better just by smiling, I didn’t know how much I needed you until we weren’t together anymore. It’s as if my question and your answers fit together like puzzle pieces. I want to tell you just how beautiful you are from where I’m standing. To make it short, I want to be with you until life takes us apart and even then, my heart will only beat just for you. Minatozaki Sana, would you like to be be girlfriend?” Tzuyu asked with a sincere tone and smiled 


Sana was crying from all the words that Tzuyu had said to her. 


“Sana are you ok? I understand if-“ Tzuyu got cut off by Sana jumping on her waist and making her fall 




Tzuyu wrapped her arms around Sanas waist and smiled. Sana was on top of Tzuyu with no space between them


Both of Tzuyu and Sana were staring right at each other with their list full eyes 


“You’re so beautiful Sana” Tzuyu cupped Sanas cheek 


“Have you seen yourself? You’re a whole god Tzu” Sana blushed 


“I have, but I don’t think there is anyone more beautiful than MY Sana” Tzuyu smiled in confidence 


“Oh shut up” Sana smacked Tzuyu playfully 


As they looked up at each other, the gap between them closed and bam, butterflies in their stomachs were set free. It felt as if fireworks went off 


Sana tightened her grip against Tzuyu holding her neck while Tzuyu did the same but with Sanas waist 


They pulled back for air 


“Your lips taste like cherries” Sana blushed 


“Well I don’t think it’s my lips but my lip balm” Tzuyu laughed 


“Even when we’re dating you don’t change Chou” Sana rolled her eyes playfully 


“Well, there’s no difference between us than before but I can do this without being scared” Tzuyu said as she kissed Sana taking her by surprise


Sana blushed and hid her face in the crook of Tzuyu’s neck 


“Stop being so shy will you?” Tzuyu laughed at her girlfriends antics 


The couple were interrupted by a phone call 






“Coming” Sana said in a scared tone 


“Well we should get going baby” Tzuyu giggled 


“I’ll drop you off don’t worry” She added 


The couple made their way to Sanas aunts house which was next door 


“MINATOZAKI SANA WHERE HAVE YO-“ Sanas aunt cut herself off 


“Sana who’s this?” Sanas aunt eyed Tzuyu up and down with a small smirk on her face 


“My girlfriend” Sana said proudly 


“Oh” Her aunt said with a tone of disappointment 


Sana rolled her eyes and bid Tzuyu goodbye 


“Bye baby see you at school tomorrow” Sana smiled while wrapping her arms around the tall 


“Bye baby girl” Tzuyu said whole placing her chin in Sanas head 


5 minutes had passed and still no sign of letting go 


“Baby it’s dark already I need to get home” Tzuyu said 


“I don’t want you to” Sana said with a pout which Tzuyu responded with a peck on her girlfriends pout 


“Baby you’ll see me tomorrow and we can call in just next door and out rooms are almost across from each other I’m not moving away or anything” She giggled 


“Ok ok bye baby” Sana kissed Tzuyu 


“Bye baby” Tzuyu smacked Sanas playfully 


“Chou I swear” Sana said but secretly she enjoyed it 




As Tzuyu walked through the door she yelled 




“Yes honey?” Her mom was in the living room reading a book 


“Guess what” Tzuyu said


“Chicken ” Her mom joked 


“No mom, you’ll like this news” Tzuyu replied 


“Go for it “ 


“I’m dating Sana” Tzuyu said with a squeal




“Calm down mom you were more excited than I was” She chuckled 


“Well Sana is an amazing girl, Anyways Tzuyu you need to head to bed it’s late and a school night” Her mom smiled 


“I know, good night mommy” Tzuyu pecked her mom’s cheek 


Tzuyu’s mom turned her cheek making Tzuyu pecking her lips 


“Ewww mom grosss” Tzuyu whined 


“Tzuyu you loved my peck kisses” 


“I was 5” Tzuyu whined once more 


“Whatever go to bed now” Her mom laughed 


“Nigh night” She smiled 


Tzuyu then went to bed with a smile on her face 


“Minatozaki Sana is my girlfriend” Tzuyu said to herself and smiled. With that the Chou has drifted off to sleep 



I’m sorry I haven’t updated in forever, school is being a pain in the . Thanks for reading I promise I’ll manage my time well, Love youuuu











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