The first attack


TaeRi sit on the Jung living room. They are bored. The child are playing among themselves. They are jobless since they moving to Korea. JeTi leave earlier to their workplace. Both Jessica parents are actively involve in politic so they must be with the president. Krystal have to attend her class too. 

"OMO! What are we gonna do? We are running out of grocery..!"A voice in the kitchen attract them attention.

TaeRi look at each other and smile. They runs to the kitchen.

"We will buy it!"TaeRi said in unison.

The maid look kinda hesitated. TaeRi use their charm towards the maid. As expectation the maid finally give in. TaeRi cheer inside of them.

"Thanks beautiful.."Yuri winked.

The maid blush.

"We'll make sure we come back before the noon.."Taeyeon playfully give her a flying kiss.

The maid blush even more.

TaeRi runs to the living room and pick up their children.

"Princess, lets go shopping okay.."Taeyeon bring along Seohyun keroro bag.

"Yeah..."Seohyun cheer happily while clapping her hand.

"Yoong, do you want to bring anything?"Yuri look at Yoona.

"My cap.."Yoona said.

"Oh, right.. There... Anything else?"Yuri asked.

Yoona shook his head and smile. Then they hoop in the car and the driver send them to the mall.


Both TaeRi put their child in the trolley. They try to find the stuff according to the list given.

"Daddy!!"Yoona suddenly scream.

Both TaeRi jump a little as Seohyun crying. Taeyeon quickly pick her up.

"Yoong..!"Yuri hissed.

"Sorry.. I want that toy.."Yoona point to the car.

As much as Yuri wants to get angry but she couldn't seeing Yoona angelic face. Taeyeon pat her shoulders and smile. Yuri smile back.

"Okay, fine. Which one do you want?"

"The yellow one..."

"Lets get it then.. Shall we?"

"Dea.. Lets go..."Yoona said dorkily.


Just then..


A gunshot aim directly into TaeRi side. Luckily both of them manage to dodge the bullet and hide.

"Yoong, are you okay?"Yuri scan her son body.

Yoona body shook violently as he was scare like hell. Yuri hug him tight.


Seohyun kinda hard to breath as she was crying too much just now. Taeyeon open her Keroro bag and give her the green doll then pacifier. 

"How am I suppose to fight if Hyunnie was with me?"Taeyeon thought.

Taeyeon look back at Seohyun as the latter slowly drift to sleep. Taeyeon scan her surrounding and luckily they are in the children section.

"I must put Hyunnie in the strollers first.."Some idea pop in Taeyeon mind.

Taeyeon found many strollers on her left and decided to put her there. Then she randomly put others strollers to hide it. When she satisfied with the arrangement then she make her way to find Yuri and Yoona.


"Yoong.. Yoong please..."Yuri cupped Yoona face,

"Dadd... Dadd.. Daddyyy....."Yoona voice cracked.

"Look at me.. Remember the game that we saw?"

Yoona nod his head.

"Good boy.. This is just a game okay.. Daddy was part of it too.."Yuri smile.

Yoona finally smile.

"Daddy jjang!"

"Sshh... Yoong, stay here okay.. Don't move. Daddy gonna go and bring those others 'player' down okay?"


"Good boy.."Yuri pat his head and kiss his forehead.

Then she make her move. She look back at Yoona as the little boy wave and smile happily.

"I love you Yoong.."


TaeRi counter with each other and they hide.

"Why are they trying to kill us?"Taeyeon ask.

"I don't know.. But I am so gonna kill them!"Yuri clenched her fist as she remembered Yoona scaring expression.

"Lets move then.."Taeyeon said.

Both TaeRi grab a baseball bat and two softball. Their eyes scan for the environment. 

"Yul, nine o'clock..."Taeyeon said.

Yuri without hesitate throw the softball and it make one of the enemy slip his gun due to the impact.

Yuri then launched to the latter. Taeyeon quickly dodge an attack coming behind of her.

"Do you know its rude to attack from behind?"Taeyeon said.

The man swing his blade around. Taeyeon chuckled.

Taeyeon throw the softball but he manage to avoid dodge it.

"Its too big.. I needs a smaller one.."

Just then Taeyeon saw a golf balls. Taeyeon smirk.

"Small and.. Hard.. Perfect weapon..."

Taeyeon grab the ball and throw it rapidly to the enemy. The enemy groan in pain as the ball hit his knees, forehead and hands. 

Taeyeon use her baseball bat to lift up the enemy chin with it.

"Who send you here? Why are you trying to kill me?"

The man smirk.

"Not a nice choice..."Taeyeon swings the baseball bat and hit the man in the head hard.

The man stay unconscious. Then she make her way towards Yuri.

"You *punch* make *punch* my *punch* son *punch* *punch* scare *punch* *punch* *punch* "

Yuri non stop punching the man even though the man already unconscious and bleed all over his face. Taeyeon hold both of Yuri arms to stopping her. Yuri turn around and about to punch who stopping her but she stop when her saw Taeyeon.

"We should go Yul.. The police are outside."

TaeRi pick their child up and manage to escape using the back exit. YoonHyun was sleeping soundly when they pick them up. They make their way to the car as the driver nervously looking at the mall. TaeRi chuckled.

"Ahjussi.."Taeyeon pat the old man back.

The man turn around and glad that when he saw them.

"I though you two still in there Miss.."

"We leave long ago.."Taeyeon lied.

"I was so worried when I heard the gunshot and the policeman gather all over the mall.."

"It is so? I guess we are lucky to leave earlier then.."Taeyeon add.

"Where's the grocery then?"

"Owh, lets go to the other mall shall we? We kinda lost to find another mall nearby here.."Taeyeon explain calmly.

The old man buy Taeyeon lied and follow her instruction. Yuri stay silent as she hugs Yoona tight. Same goes as Taeyeon. They are worried while being thankful all of them manage to stay alive.

"We should act faster.."TaeRi thought.

Both of them stare at each other like they are reading each other mind and they nod their head.

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kryberforevertogethe #1
Oh My God can you please update this story!!! Please
dingkay09 #2
Chapter 11: update please!!!
Hope you still update this fic :(
lightningirl #4
update soon
vidaloca #5
No ByunReader...
Its not a joke..
As you can see from the last updated on chapter 10 is Tae idea right?
So its all Tae imagination.
While chapter 11 is their real plan.
Thats y I named chapter 11 is turned of the table.
another april fool jokes? -_-"
ohhh!!! i thought jeti found out already!
vidaloca #8
Just not the time yet for them to meet... ^^
deeculary #9
AHHH!! UPDATE SOON!!! what's gonna happen to JETI n TAERI??
OMG! now they know? O.o
what happen next??