i. I Want a Dragon

Chaeyoung Gets a Dragon

Disclaimer: I do not own any parts of the Pottermore Universe, including but not limited to: settings, characters, the mechanics of magic, etc. All of this belongs to the author of Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, and Warner Bros. respectively. Idol characters are purely fictional and have no affiliation with the actual person and/or group. Original characters may be present later in the plot.  


PART I: Getting a Dragon


“I want a dragon.”


Dahyun and Tzuyu blinked in confusion thinking they had misheard their friend.




“I want a dragon,” Chaeyoung repeated steadily.


The three friends were gathered around a table in the fourth-floor study area of Hogwarts Castle. Although the school term was still a few weeks fresh, students were already swamped with countless homework assignments – Dahyun, Tzuyu, and Chaeyoung being no exception. And so, the girls surrounded themselves with books, scrolls of parchment, quills, ink, and some snacks (hidden, of course) as they worked tirelessly on all of the readings and essays they had to finish by the end of the week.


That was until Chaeyoung decided otherwise.


Dahyun stared at her fellow short friend in disbelief, quickly glancing around before she leaned in. “Like a dragon-dragon. The one that breathes fire,” she hissed.


“Yep.” Chaeyoung nodded vigorously, trying to contain her excitement.


“The ginormous flying reptile.”




“As in the most dangerous beast out there.”


Chaeyoung’s grin grew, showing her dimple as she enthusiastically bounced up and down in her seat. “Yes, yes, yes!”


Dahyun drew in a sharp breath. She had to check one more time to make sure her dark haired friend was being as outrageous as she sounded. “A dra-gon. The creature that has been classified as level XXXXX in which only someone who is EXTREMELY STUPID WOULD DECIDE THAT SHE WANTS ONE!”


“Okay, okay! Don’t yell, people are staring,” Chaeyoung whined as she moved away from the pale girl, hands clamped over her ears. “But yeah, that kind of dragon. Tzuyu help me out.”


The tallest of the three frowned. “Chaeyoung, remind me exactly why you’re in Ravenclaw?”


Chaeyoung playfully winced at Tzuyu’s comment. “Ouch, wow. Look, I know this sounds crazy-”




“Oh, completely.”


“But don’t worry, I have it all figured out. This year Tzuyu and I can visit Hogsmeade, right? I found a way how I can get a dragon there. Er, an egg at least. You both in?”


Dahyun’s mind was whirling. Chaeyoung with a plan was always an equation for madness – and detention. Surely her friend couldn’t be serious. This had to be some sort of joke, like that one time they introduced muggle superglue to Peeves (a mistake); or that time when they swapped out all of the shampoo in the Prefects’ bathroom with green hair dye (another mistake); or last term when they charmed Tzuyu’s quill to sing out awful love poems whenever she used it (by far the biggest mistake). Dahyun waited for her friend to suddenly break face and shout out “Kidding!” or “Got you!”


But it never came. The pale girl saw a certain gleam in Chaeyoung’s eyes and knew her friend was dead serious. She actually had a plan on how to get a dragon.


“You know, when you approached us with ‘I have a confession to make,’ this is definitely not what I had in mind,” said Dahyun as she rubbed her temples with her fingers.


“C’mon Dubs. It’ll be fun, just think of it as another DubChaeng adventure.”


“B-but . . .” Dahyun fumbled with her tie nervously.


Chaeyoung gripped the edge of the table, tilting her head to the side and pouted. “Please?


Dahyun gulped. She tried to avoid her friend’s large, round eyes staring at her with all of the hope and pleading Dahyun was weak for. It wasn’t fair. Chaeyoung shouldn’t be allowed to pull that face each time she wanted something. She looked too adorable like a – what did muggles call that big cat with the stripes? – right, a tiger. A baby tiger cub.


Unable to resist the girl in front of her, Dahyun cursed internally as she reluctantly replied, “A-alright. If I know anything about you, I know you’re going to go through with this whether or not we’re there too. So . . . solely to make sure that you’re not alone – because this is still the craziest idea to ever come from that brain of yours – I guess . . . I’m . . . in.”


A high-pitched squeal left Chaeyoung’s lips as she clapped her hands in delight. She casually wrapped her arm around Dahyun’s shoulder and gave her a hard smack. “A Hufflepuff through-and-through! No wonder you’re my best friend! Your loyalty is much appreciated Miss Kim!”


Dahyun dipped her head in embarrassment and squirmed her way out of Chaeyoung’s embrace. “Sheesh, calm down.” Both she and Chaeyoung then turned to look at Tzuyu, anticipating the brunette’s answer.


Tzuyu glanced back and forth between the duo and shook her head. “Fine,” she sighed. “But we’re dragging Jeongyeon into this as well because I can’t take care of a dragon and the two of you.”


“WHOO-HOO!” Chaeyoung cheered loudly once again causing other students around the room to glare at the three. “I’ll tell Jeong about it later today. I can’t believe we’re going to get a dragon!” she gushed, bringing her voice back down to a whisper.


As soon as the words left Chaeyoung’s mouth, Dahyun felt instant regret. Oh no. What had she gotten herself into?


/ / /


Mina had been looking forward to the school year all summer break long. She was eager to get back into the groove of practicing her magic, and even more eager to get ready for her O.W.L.s (Ordinary Wizarding Level), the standardized tests that would lead her one step closer to a job at the Ministry of Magic. Of course, she had studied at home during the break, but there was only so much theory she could learn without actually attempting to test it out. And since students were forbidden from using magic outside of school, Mina had to wait until September rolled around.


Thus, as soon as Mina had found the free time, she grabbed an empty classroom to practice the necessary spells for the practical portion of the O.W.L.s.


“C’mon,” she muttered under her breath. The black-haired girl pointed her wand at an empty mug placed on the desk as she recited the incantation once again. The mug slowly changed color from its pale gray to a dark crimson. Mina beamed in satisfaction; the Color Change Charm wasn’t particularly difficult, but it had taken her a couple of tries to achieve complete results.


“Working hard, I see,” a voice called out. Startled, Mina whirled around toward her visitor, only to let out a sigh of relief when she saw who it was. Standing at the doorway was a short girl with shoulder-length, light brown hair and large brown eyes; on her robes shown the Gryffindor insignia alongside a shiny, new Prefect badge.


“Jihyo,” Mina greeted, smiling.


“Do you ever take a rest, Myoui?” teased Jihyo. She strolled in and examined the mug Mina had just charmed, letting out a loud whistle at the girl’s handiwork. “I already predict it, Outstanding on all of your O.W.L.s this year, completely going to blow everyone else out of the water.”


Mina blushed. “I still have a long way to go, I feel like I’m so behind. This summer I couldn’t do much. I only read through some of our textbooks.”


Jihyo gaped at her friend. “Behind? Mina, I assure you that you are way, way ahead of everyone. Do you know what I did this summer? I slept in. I relaxed. I thought about studying but didn’t because that’s what you do during a break. That’s why it’s called a break.”


Mina understood that Jihyo was only chiding her out of concern, yet she couldn’t help it. If Mina wanted to get a job at the Ministry of Magic, there was no time for breaks or relaxation – not until that goal was achieved.


“I just wanted to squeeze in some practice before my time gets preoccupied with other duties.”


“Ah, yes. Prefect duties.” Jihyo gave Mina a cheeky grin, tapping her badge. Both girls had been selected as prefects for their respective House this year, a surprise to absolutely no one. Prefects were chosen in the start of their fifth at Hogwarts by their Head of House and the Headmaster; they were delegated special authority and responsibilities around the school, serving as leaders within the student body. It was said to be a great honor to be picked as one.


Mina could totally see why Jihyo was picked as a prefect. Even before their fifth year, Jihyo had always been a leader. She often helped out with the younger students struggling with their studies or the school’s numerous of moving staircases; she considered others before herself despite House placement; she was caring and generous and all around, a genuine human being. Everyone liked the Gryffindor student, from other students to professors to the ghosts – heck, even Peeves the Poltergeist grudgingly respected her. And everyone knew that in time, Park Jihyo would become the Head Girl of Gryffindor.


However, Mina had her own doubts about why she was chosen.


“Stop that.” Jihyo’s loud voice broke Mina’s thoughts once again. “I know what you’re thinking and guess what – you’re already a prefect and there’s nothing you can do about it.” She gently placed a reassuring hand on Mina’s shoulder, adding, “Have a little confidence, you’ll do great – I know it! Ravenclaw is really lucky to have you. Think of it as prep for when you get that job at the Ministry.”


Mina smiled faintly and nodded. Her best friend always believed in her, even when she herself didn’t.


“Just remember to watch out for any trouble, there can be some students who are quite the handful. And also bring your own shampoo with you when you go to bathe.”


The two friends giggled recalling the memories from last year of each House prefect sporting vibrantly colored lime-green hair. Although Mina didn’t necessarily approve of it, the prank had been amusing. It was rumored that the dye had been enchanted so the victims couldn’t use magic to get rid of it and had to wait for the color to fade out naturally. (She hoped that it wouldn’t happen again though.)


“Hey, Hogsmeade is this weekend, we should get together with Nayeon and Sana for a small start-of-the-term butterbeer celebration at Three Broomsticks,” offered Jihyo. “Who knows how long we’ll have with Nayeon before she’s too overwhelmed with her N.E.W.T.s.”


Mina agreed; their time frame with their friend would be narrow. As a seventh-year student, Nayeon was busy preparing for the Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests, abbreviated as N.E.W.T.s, and post-graduation plans. She promised she’d make time for her underclassmen friends, but Mina had only seen her once since school began.


The castle’s clock tower chimed, telling the girls that it was time for dinner. Mina packed up her bag and sighed. She didn’t get to practice as much as she wanted to, but she was starting to get the hang of some of the new spells so at least there was progress.


On the third chime, Mina and Jihyo left the classroom hungry and wondering out loud what would be served for dinner.


/ / /


The cool, crisp September air was just the kind of weather Chaeyoung liked, especially when it came to Quidditch. She and the rest of the Ravenclaw team walked out onto the pitch, downed in their blue and bronze uniforms and brooms at hand. Even though it was just an evening practice, Chaeyoung was itching to get in the air and play.


She noticed another group of students leaving the area chatting with one another. They were dressed like Chaeyoung and her team, except their robes were a deep scarlet lined with gold. At the front led a tall, dark blonde-haired girl, which could only mean one thing.


“Yoo Jeongyeon!” Chaeyoung shouted, waving at the girl.


Jeongyeon smiled and gave a half salute at the short Ravenclaw student bounding towards her. Although the two were in different Houses – Chaeyoung in Ravenclaw, Jeongyeon in Gryffindor – they had quickly bonded within the last year and became close friends. To Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon was the definition of cool. Not only was she the Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and the best Keeper in the entire school, but she was also kind, responsible, chivalrous, organized, beautiful, hilarious, an excellent student, and could play a muggle instrument called the saxophone.


So cool.


Chaeyoung wasn’t entirely sure if it was deep admiration she held for Jeongyeon or if she had a tiny crush on the Gryffindor Captain, but it seemed like both. It was probably both.


“Hey kid, ready for the upcoming season?” Jeongyeon asked as she waved for her team to go on without her.


Chaeyoung looked over at her team before she replied. The Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain held up five fingers indicating that she had a little time to chat with her friend before practice began, then carried on with the rest of the Ravenclaw players to warm up.


“I think so, I practiced with my brother over the summer. There’s some new moves I want to try out.”


“Well, I know that Nayeon’s hungry for the Cup this year. She’s not even on the team, but she’s been pushing them to win. Last year to make it count, huh.”


“Yeah, I heard from Tzuyu that she goes around and wakes up the entire Slytherin team at four in the morning for practice every single day.”


“They must love her,” Jeongyeon chuckled. “I’m telling you though, after what I just saw from tonight, I bet one hundred Galleons that we’re going to win it. Our team is that good this year.”


Chaeyoung scrunched up her nose. “Bring it, Yoo. That Cup has our name on it again and you know it.”


“Sure, kid, sure.” Jeongyeon jokingly ruffled Chaeyoung’s long, black hair much like how one would do to a younger sister.


“By the way Jeongyeon, what are your plans for Hogsmeade this weekend?”


“Oh right, you and Tzuyu are old enough to join us now. Want me to show you two around? Three Broomsticks will probably be crowded as hell, but there’s always the Hog’s Head – though that place is a bit shady – Oh! And Honeydukes is a must –”


“Actually, I was wondering if you would join Dahyun, Tzuyu, and me on a little . . . expedition.”


Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow. Chaeyoung was no stranger to proposing ideas and adventures towards her older friend and usually Jeongyeon would agree to them (because she obviously liked their small escapades, and not because she made sure they didn’t blow things up). However, Chaeyoung wasn’t as keen on telling Jeongyeon about her wish to get a dragon as she was with her other two friends. She was sure that the second she said the word ‘dragon,’ the blonde would immediately shut her down. Dahyun and Tzuyu were fairly easy to persuade even if they were a bit skeptical at first, but with Jeongyeon, it would take a lot of work and a lot of bargaining.


So, it seemed like a better idea to save the true plan as a surprise.


“Am I going to regret this?”


“Do you ever regret doing things with us?”


“To be honest, all of the time. But you three are in need of some sort of supervision, and I suppose there isn’t anyone else volunteering for the job. I should charge you all a fee though for my services; every time I save you from exploding or falling or growing a third arm, I want ten sickles. From each of you. Actually, make it twenty from whoever is responsible for the chaos.”


“I assure you no one will be growing a third arm.”


Right,” said Jeongyeon, dubiously.


“Son Chaeyoung! Get over here now, practice is starting!” the Ravenclaw Captain shouted suddenly from above. Chaeyoung looked up and saw him on his broom, circling around the two impatiently. “Yoo, quit hogging our Seeker and trying to get our plays. Gryffindor won’t be able to even come close to us this year.”


“Aw, shut it Tuan!” the Gryffindor Captain yelled back. “We all know that your Seeker is secretly a Gryffindor at heart!” She turned back to Chaeyoung and winked. “Have fun at practice, kid. I’ll see you and the other two troublemakers at Hogsmeade.”


Chaeyoung watched as Jeongyeon left the pitch. She was enthusiastic to hear that Jeongyeon was in on the plan (for now, at least), but the older girl’s words felt like a weight in the pit of her stomach. They reminded Chaeyoung of a small anxiety she had worked so hard to ignore, and now that gnawing sensation was creeping back.


No. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. Think about the dragon.


She smiled to herself as she mounted her broom. She was one step closer to getting a dragon.


A/n: First chapter is up. Hoping for weekly updates, but we shall see. Cheers to the new year, everyone. 

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jiyeonkimtaetae #1
Chapter 29: i love this story so much oh my god i cant even put any words for this holy
Satzumitzu98 #2
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Oh goodnesss! I was waiting for this story to be updated! Thank you so much, Author-nim 😭😭😭
I really love the way you writing, very detail-oriented and the plot? Gosh, 1000/1 🔥🔥 perfectoo 💕💕
I really love how the way you describe something in this story. There was alot plot twist but didnt make story feel forced. It come out naturally. You're such a talented and amazing author 😁

I hope Mina meet with dragon soon hahaha
As for Tzuyu, im actually satzu stan. But i dont think i like this Tzuyu in the story. What was that? Breaking Sana's trust? No way, i dont like betrayal. But still, i hope we can know why Tzuyu betray Sana. And i hope Tzuyu will not become the next victim of Eads. Slytherin is more fragile to be manipulated by people with bad intention because of their Slytherin's fatal flaw.

Hope mina-chaeyoung, tzuyu-sana will get their closure.
(Secretly i hope Satzu will be the end game hehe, but whatever your decision, i know i will gonna love this story more than ever ❣)

And Dahyun? I love Dahyun being so loyal to Chae, but i dont like the way she lash out to Tzuyu just because she got jealous seeing Tzu get closer with Sana. No wonder Tzuyu always feel left out when she was with chae and dahyun. Her feeling/gut is right. For them, maybe Tzuyu just a 'school' friend. An additional. No matter how hard Tzuyu tried, she wont be able to catch up with them.

Cannot wait for the next updated! Hehe
Fighting Author-nim, just you know that we always waiting for you 🔥♥️
feltex #3
Chapter 22: Oh, sheet Tzuyu, what have you done. It's hard the gain someone's trust back once it was lost.
feltex #4
Chapter 1: First chapter and the story already sounds very promising. I'm eager to dig in for more.
Chapter 29: This is why cannot fully cheer for Chaeyoung. I know that her character is not one-sided and she's also kind and caring but I cannot take how she treats Mina's ambition. She may be coming from something that is not revealed yet but I don't like the way she belittles Mina's ambition. Like in Little Women, Mina's ambition might be different from her but that doesn't mean it's unimportant.

Anyways, the Nayeon-Jeongyeon situation is getting out of hand. Hope that Jeongyeon will treat it with a lot of caution. People in toxic relationships (Nayeon formed a highly-dependent bond with the manipulator Eads) tend to resist help when people around them just keep on saying that the person they are in relationship with is toxic. I pity her since no one sees her struggles (might be chalking it up to her bright and caring personality) so she was manipulated so hard.
rurimatsumoto #6
Qvesadillaz #7
Chapter 29: Finally! My Christmas just got better!
Riiicoollaaaa #8
Chapter 29: It really is CHRISMAAASSSS!!!!! HALLELUYYAA!!! i have read this story over nd over a thousand times im not kidding!!!!! I dream about this gorsh dang story LMAO!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH AND HAVE A HAPPY HOLYDAYS ND MERRY NEW YEAR!!!
Myrulesmylife #9
Chapter 29: Eagerly waiting for the next update
No_looksies #10
Chapter 27: I just finished binge reading this series and I am in awe of your writing! It was written so well and gave us insight into the personalities of all the characters.. The story was also really interesting and pulled me right in!
I will patiently wait for the updates! Thank you for writing this story author nim!
Ps- I know how difficult it is to juggle an interest in life with all the responsibilities so I wish you all the best in life author nim!😊