An unofficial KINGA



I’ll update whenever I have inspiration and of course, time, okay? : P 



Taemin’s P.O.V


I gloomily walked back to the classroom. ___ is not going back to class and I do not know anyone there. Images of the fans taking pictures of me and asking me for my autograph after class filled me with dread. Would there be obsessed fans in that class? I truly hope not! Or I’m so DEAD. I crept into the classroom hoping no one would notice me but the moment I entered, all eyes were on me. I feel like some caged animal in the zoo! Somebody please save me…


___’s P.O.V


I happily walked to the nurse’s office before realizing that I had left my bag in the classroom. Should I go back and get it? Or should I leave it there until tomorrow? Oh yeah, my wallet’s in there… Sigh… I hope I can still get in there after class. The best thing is that, I’m FINALLY out of the spotlight and my cover isn’t blown! What a  relief! But first, I have to think of a reason to tell taemin…. MAN, THIS IS FUSTRATING! I fell into a fitful sleep after laying on the bed for sick people. Somehow, thanks to SM, my acting skills were almost perfect.




‘RING!!!!!!!’ the bell went off. Being a light sleeper, the bell woke me up and I remembered that my bag was still left in class. I got off the bed, thanked the nurse and went back to class. The moment I got near to the classroom, screams and cries were heard. I understood after a mere second and pushed past the mob of people to where taemin was sitting…


Taemin’s P.O.V


I kept my head low and sighed… I’m NEVER going to get out of here without a scene. Through all the crazy screaming of fans, both girls and boys, I wonder why a trainee from SM would be unpopular in a school… than, I heard ___’s sweet voice coming from the crowd. It must be me and my imagination. No wait, I hear it again! That means… I looked up in surprise. Flashes of cameras went off and blinded me momentarily. By the time I snapped out of it, ___’s bag was gone from her seat. My shoulders sagged in dissapointment and I took my bag and pushed through the crowd. Screams pierced my ears and right after I got through the crowd, I ran for my life, trying to outrun some of the fans that followed. Some people just don’t understand idol’s also need their personal space! Sometimes I wish I was not an idol…


___’s P.O.V


I pushed through the crowd and kept repeating ‘excuse me and sorry’ but I doubt they heard me. Once I went past the crowd, I saw taemin safe and sound just staring at the camera’s in a daze while flashes went off. I smiled at how funny he looked, took my bag and escaped to a quiet hallway in peace. Taemin is now an unofficial kinga. His school life and mine would never clash. At least, that was what I hoped.

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rockysavage #1
kamsahanmida 4 reading!!!!!!!!!!!!:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
ChemicalLuvs #2
I like this story :D<br />
update soon ^^
rockysavage #3
comments r luved:DDDDDDDD
rockysavage #4
Nana_monster #5
Nice story!!update soon^^