Chapter 4 : A mother's love for her baby

Baby, You're mine.

{Eunmi's point of view}

I turn around in surprise as the door suddenly open. I turn over and i saw...


"Good morning, Young Lady. We're about to land. Please have a sit while i get you a drink."      A maid.


I sat down on one of the couch and look around. I must be on our private plane. No doubt. The maid earlier came back shortly with a plastic cup.

"Here is water and the letter that madame left here."

"Thank you."


I look at the letter and it wrote EunMi on it. Definitely me. Here it goes~

"Dear EunMi,

Firstly, Happy 19th Birthday, my precious baby!

I want you to know that you’re the best gift God has given to me. Without you, my life would have been meaningless and without direction. You brought color to my world. You are that miracle that came to my life and I love you so so much in every ways. Because you were my most precious diamond in my life, I wanted you to be protected and kept away from harm.

But. I am growing old and I will leave this place one day.

EunMi, I want you to be in good hands and live your life from now on.

Always know that every second and minute i will be missing you and loving you and it will never ever change. I love you so much my precious baby.

Please be safe.

Love Mom."


I wrap the paper to my chest as tears roll down out of control.



I accidentally deleted the half written chapter 4 on my IPod. But I'm glad i did. Cause this version is wayyyyyy better. Touching isn't it? I didn't cry but there is tears in my eyes as i try to stand in the foot of a mother. It's reallyyyyyy hard to write!! But i did! Is it okay? or does it ?

Please give this story lots of attention and care!

Please do comment and tell me what you guys think and what you think could happen! Comeon, give me some ideas! Hahaha!

Sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes. I will continue to work harder!

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athirah_nichkhun #1
Chapter 26: pls update your ff unnie :)
G-DestherKwon #2
Chapter 26: I re-read your story so many times please update soon
jenidragon #3
update soon please
crazed #4
Chapter 26: please update this story sooon
Chapter 26: please update soon
jenidragon #6
Chapter 21: mollayo = i don't know
geojima = lie (thank goodness for BIGBANG ^^)
jinjiayou = really (?)
Chapter 26: Thank you everyone who read this fanfic!!
Chapter 26: Please support and love "My Lovely Baby Daughter (Super Junior Hello Baby)"! <3
Chapter 26: So in this new account, I have an upcoming fanfic about Super Junior and a baby. I will be writing chapters before hand and updating one per week.
Chapter 26: So to avoid such things to happen in the future, I changed my methods. I plan the entire story before writing them.