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The night is like always and he hates it, the same circle of things happen and the same usual stuff going. People die and he doesn’t even give a damn. This forest is his, this mountain is his and he owns it. One by one people enter and commit suicide making this forest some kind of shared place and he despises the idea of it. But maybe things changed…

The twins who never ages, who always here playing, spoke about her, about a girl that lives in nearby Shrine and her ability to see this world. The thought of something different and the thought of interesting seem to creep into his mind. He wants to own her, he wants to make her his, he wants to takes her away.

The constant call of her, the constant visit to her and she never bats even an eyelash. He likes the challenge as what he will receive later is the feeling of winning and thus she gives him the great challenge that he wanted. The arrogant and the ignorance like this other side of the world never exist at all. But she will eventually agree about it, admit, and want it as he is there.

The times he takes to eventually make her step into the dark forest is worth it when on the night of the full moon, when the activity in the forest rose to the highest degree when she takes her first step into the forest. He can’t fake a smile, can’t fake the happiness he felt that night when she walks deeper and deeper into the forest without knowing where her destination is. He can hear it, her heart crying for death but her soul is pure like everything is just a ploy that not a ploy.

He follows her step by step as she takes her step, staying side to her but far from her watch. He only watching is what he interested at that moment. Suddenly just follow her aren’t interesting anymore, his step began to quicken taking his own rhythm into it, playfully and he heard her pair of footstep quicken to match him. He smiled at the sense of playful that comes he began to challenge her by going faster and so does she trying to catch his fast step.

He stopped at a falling tree waiting for her to see him. Eyes directed toward the moon that somehow shining this part of the forest, to him. Giving him the best spotlight ever received. Later when he heard her footstep that closer step by step and stopped he looked toward her. Their eyes locked for a mere few second that he feels minutes even though he never really got the sense of time right. His time and others time moves differently.

He doesn’t know it but somehow he smirked toward her like it is his nature and he did it out of pure instinct. He jumped down from the tree and start running, walking or whatever anyone would call, but he says it is his own step and wish for her to follow along. He knows he right when she shouts to him to wait but he won’t.

His steps playfully played and faster to her not know his destination and he played around, giving her a glance, a smirk to tempt her. She follows with her breath hard and he just can’t help to smile at it. Contrast to him who have no difficulties in it but he won’t slow down to match her, he just won’t like, it is his pride.

He stops at his place, his house or his hideout; anything that can be called owned by him. It is a cave in which he dwelt in, he stayed in when he wants to, where he comes from too. Eyes on her waiting for her to see him there and to catch him when she close enough and she sees his smirk, he enters the cave.

The dark icy cave is where he stayed. Who says hell is burning with fire? Hell is cold with ice all around it. When she enters the cave he watches her from somewhere. His eyes not like her, he can see in the dark while she even her eyes get used to it, and she can’t. In this place at least her eyes function won’t work that way.

He watches her looked around and try to get used to the darkness in which won’t happen. In this complete darkness, he says “You’re daring” and she started moving in a circle searching from where the sound comes from. But this cave makes his voice comes from everywhere.

“Where are you?” she asked and he laughs at that absurd question. He thought “I like her more than ever” before says verbally with his mouth “You know you should be asking ‘Who I am?’ rather than ‘Where I am?’ Don’t you think so?”

Like before he can see her moves; trying to figure when he comes from but it is a futile move as she won’t ever know. “What the matter about whom you are? You’re either someone here who wants to suicide or maybe a Yūrei that want to eat me” when that comes from her something tick into him like a light suddenly lighten or a ring of a bell.

He steps into her vision, her limited vision in which way closer than she can imagine or else she won’t see him. “Why you think I’m either two? I might be someone who comes to camp or someone to looks for anyone who will commit suicide?” he asked this since he knows they exist. He meets this type of people sometimes and of course, he will look from far away and not approach them. What the good for him to meet them?

“You look nothing of that two. And in a matter of fact, you don’t look like someone who would commit suicide too. That leaves you’re a Yūrei” she says and he can’t believe she says that since Yūrei is someone who commits suicide and can’t leave this place and in which he not. He can do what he wants no matter what; even leave this place if he wants to.

However, to her question, he wants to play along with it saying, asking “Funny. What if I am…? Aren’t you scared little Rotkäppchen?”

Her answer then catch him dumbfounded when she asked “A wolf then?” and makes him laugh at her thinking. She funny and he loves it but not until she tries to touch him that he senses it too good and makes him back away a few centimetres away.

He never expect because of his small movement makes her ask him if he is a Yūrei. Ask “Yūrei… You’re Yūrei right?” he doesn’t like it. To be categorized with these filthy being.

“You should know I’m not” he says inside as he takes his step toward her, closer than ever and she needs to looked up when he is taller than her. Both of their eyes catch, locked and it is due to him prop it with his hand on her cheek; making it locked without much hardness.

“You’re mine” he says on inside before lean closer and kisses her right on her lips. And with his kiss, she falls into something called a dream, sleeps, good night.

He catches her before she can fall into the cold ground and hugged her close. She looks extremely pretty that he can’t help to smile. He raises her up and princess cradle her into the depth of the cave putting her into the icy bed in which he propped with the wolf skin to makes sure she not cold. Human skin is especially delicate and he cares deeply for her to care for it.

“You’re beautiful” he says as he caresses her cheek; lean just next to her to get a great view of her. At this time her red ribbon in which ties her hair slightly catch his eyes. He takes it off and holds it into his hand; kissing it softly.

“This red ribbon suits your black hair, your fair skin” he says as he wraps it on her neck two times, smiling at it. “I think the colour of red on your neck would look really great” he says before pulling the two end of the ribbon, making the wrap strangles her. He pulled it slowly and then he gradually increase his strength and he can hear her choking sound out of lack of oxygen but she not waking up. He stopped when he knows she can’t handle it and lean down to give her a chaste kiss.

He carries her out of the cave in princess cradle and at that time the twin comes and running in a circle around him as he walks. “This is her right? The girl from the shrine?” asked one of the twins.

“It is her. I remember her face” says another one.

“At last, she steps into the forest”

“Where are you bringing her? She should stay in the cave”

“I’m going to send her home”

“What? Why?”

“It’s not the time yet. I need to wait for a while. She needs to be ready” he says and the twin stopped following while looked at both of them leaving; headed to the shrine.

He opens the door to her room from the garden and put her down. Walk on her room and takes her nightgown and change her into it. He then put her into the futon and smiled. “Good night, my lady” he says before giving a kiss on her forehead and walked out of her room as he closes the door.


He is back to his place and relaxed for a while when the time changed into morning and he can faintly hear her asking about what happened to her. He can’t help to say it; to say “You’re mine….” That he knows she faintly will hear it.

There a few books open on the floor and one in his hand in which sometimes he finds fun in reading the book that human possesses. He got all the time he can to do what he wants and this is how he likes to spend his time.

The faint sound of her voice and the giggle of the twin make his eyes directed away from the book. “These two” he says before he drops the book to the floor and starts to walk out of the cave. His step getting closer to the place and when he close enough he sees the twin running p

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