Flirty Jiyong?!

Aiming For Your Love

It’s been three days since Tao first came back to Korea. I don’t know why, but I feel much closer to him than ever. Well, he’s still as annoying as he is before, but he seemed to understands my feelings more than anyone.

And now, he’s going back to China.

And I’m going to miss him calling me Corn Alien. Wow, I sounded like a girl who had been dumped by her boyfriend.

Anyway, I’m not going to the airport to accompany him, because I had school today.

I freaking hate you, school!

I wonder when will I see him again.


       I looked at the blue, bright sky. Suddenly, a plane crossed the sky. Hmm. That must be the plane that Tao got on.

I hope he will have a safe flight and have a good girlfriend one day, despite his annoying attitude.

“Hey. You must be thinking about Tao again, don’t you?” I heard a guy’s voice said to me.

I looked up, and see Jiyong smiling brightly at me.

I smiled back and nodded.

“Here, yours. Recess almost over, you know. Eat that quickly.” He said, before handing me a cup of corn.

I smiled and took it from him.

Yup. He did gained back his memories.

We don’t need to say anything.

Let our hearts do the talking.


      “Bommie-yah, wanna go on a date today?” Jiyong asked me, while giving me his pure smile. Yes. The smile that I have missed.

I nodded happily. “You don’t need to ask me that, you know.” I replied, while smiling.

“Aigoo~ since when have you been so cheeky huh?” He said, while pinching my cheeks.

“Since you came into my life~” I sang while skipping away from him.

“Now you’re being cheesy? Aigoo, you’ve really changed, huh?” He said again, while came up to me and holding my hand.

I just giggled.

“Now, let’s goo~” He sang out, while moving our intertwined hand back and forth.

After a few minutes, we’ve arrived at the Lotte World.

Woah. The last time I gone here, Siwon was with me and Jiyong was just being an back then.

But now, I’m going on a date with Jiyong.

Oh the irony.

I smiled when I thought about those times when I hated him so much.

“Hey, what were you thinking about? If you’re not thinking about me while smiling like that, I’m gonna be sad~” Jiyong suddenly asked with a really soft tone.

I really love it whenever he talks to me with that kind of tone. It makes my heart flutter.

“Let’s go on that ride.” He suddenly said, while pointing towards the roller coaster.

I shook my head. I don’t want to go on that kind of ride. It’s scary.

He seemed to understand and just shrugged.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to. We’ll just go there.” He finally said, before dragging me to somewhere.

I glanced at the signboard before getting inside.


This guy is still an !!! He knows I’m afraid of ghosts, and he’s dragging me here?!

“Yah!!! Why are you dragging me here?!” I yelled, making everyone looking at us.

“Shh, be quiet. I just wanted to go to a place that no one can see us.” He whispered to me.

“Huh? What do you mean?” I asked back.

“I want to kiss you without anyone seeing.” He whispered again, making me blush.

Is it the time for his hormones or what?

He seemed to be so flirty these days. I have to be careful. My grandma said that guys can’t be trusted.

Hmm. I should be careful.

A/N: Yay!! Double update!! So, just wanna remind you guys, there's 3 chapters left before this fic ends... though I don't want it to end... T^T

See you guys on next week update! :-)

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Final chapter posted! I'll miss you guys! *gives flying kisses* XD


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perghsukadia #1
Chapter 36: this story..
hanhyosang #2
Chapter 36: I think I wanted more kisses ! :)) .. But, it turned out very good ! ~ .. I really enjoyed this fic ! :X . ^___^ .
hanhyosang #3
Chapter 35: :)) .. I simply love Park sisters ! :X
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Chapter 34: :(( ... I'm so sorry for Siwon !
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Chapter 32: I think I wanted something between Tao and Dara :( .
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Chapter 31: I love her cousin ! hehe :)) .
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Chapter 20: Poor Bom :( .
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Chapter 19: I really needed this chapter ! ~ .
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Chapter 17: OMO !! Their first kiss ! ^___^ .
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Chapter 15: They are so sweet ! :X