Teenage Tendencies

"Oppa, why can't I go?" Dahyun pouts as she stared at her older brother, Kim Mingyu.

"Stop pouting Dubu, you look like a constipated old hag." With a quick flick of her wrist, Mingyu was writhing in pain. Dahyun grinned satisfactorily as she watched her older brother rub the arm she slapped.

Serves him right, she thought to herself. He shouldn't leave me alone in this boring house.

"Bring me with you." Once again, she stood firm. She really wanted to join her brother and his friends as they celebrated new year at one of his friend's town house. She thinks his name was Hans or something.
With an exasperated sigh, Mingyu looked back at his sister with a hard gaze.



Kim Dahyun was whining, again, and it was making Mingyu irritated. All he wanted was a few days with only his friends; is that too much to ask?

Mingyu started to walk out the door but Dahyun was quick to grab his arm and pulled him into a back hug.

"Please don't leave me," she whispered in a soft voice, which made Mingyu sigh even more.

"It'll only be a few days," he said. He turned to face his little sister and started to mess her hair, making her frown even more. "Don't worry, I'll buy you souvenirs once we get there." Smiling, he turned his back on his little sister as he started to walk out the door, leaving Dahyun and the maids enclosed inside their prison like mansion.

Sighing without a choice, Dahyun started to walk up the huge staircase, thinking of how she would spend her new year all alone.

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So yeah this is my first ever fanfic. 😶 Please leave a comment or upvote if you think it's worth the read. Thank you, lovelies! 💙


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