아파 (It Hurts)

Memories of a Dream ("My Guardian Angel" Sequel)

Chapter Seven: 아파 (It Hurts)


Please listen to this song while reading this chapter:


It Hurts by 2NE1


Nobody's P.O.V

You and Yoochun arrives infront your apartment building.

Inside the car...

Yoochun: _______~ah, I'll accompany you to your apartment.

You: okay Yoochun oppa.

The both of you takes off your seatbelts then the both of you goes outside the car and goes inside the apartment.

Inside the apartment...

You and Yoochun takes the elevator.

In the elevator...

You press the button to your apartment.

You and Yoochun have an awkward silence between each other and never talked about anything then the elevator opens up then you and Yoochun walks to your apartment.

After a few minutes...

You and Yoochun arrives infront of your apartment.

Yoochun: I had a great time... how about you _______?

You: I had fun but...

Then you take off the bracelet and give it to Yoochun while Yoochun takes the braclet.

Yoochun: _______~ah...

You start getting teary-eyed.

You: Yoochun oppa, before our emotions get more complicated...I want to tell it to you quickly.

Yoochun: maybe that's the best way to tell it.

You: mianhae Yoochun oppa.

you start bursting into tears then suddenly, Yoochun hugs you and says...

Yoochun: ______~ah, I understand if you have no feelings for me; I'm alright by just telling it to you. I feel glad that I told you my feelings for you.

You: oppa, I feel like I'm a bad person.

Yoochun: aniyo, you have a good heart and don't feel bad about yourself.

After that, Yoochun breaks the hug and wipes away your tears.

Yoochun: don't cry ________~ah, I don't like to see you like that.

You stop crying a little bit and just sigh.

Yoochun: well, good night and don't ever regret this day; always remember that.

You just nod at Yoochun.

Yoochun: you can keep the scarf and that's yours. I'll text you if I get home safely.

You: ah...ne Yoochun oppa.

Yoochun: annyong ______~ah.

You: annyong oppa.

Yoochun gives you a smile and you slightly smile back. After that, Yoochun leaves the apartment building and goes straight to his house while you go inside your apartment.

Inside your apartment...

You just sit down on your sofa and keep on thinking of what happened earlier.

Your P.O.V

I felt like I hurt two people who are important to me...Ji Yeon, Yoochun oppa and especially Jaejoong oppa...I hate this feeling.

Nobody's P.O.V

While at Yoochun's house...

Yoochun goes inside his house and goes upstairs to his bedroom.


Yoochun lies down on his bed then he gets his phone from his pocket and text messages you.

After that, he keeps thinking on what happened earlier.

Yoochun's P.O.V

Well...at least I told _______ my feelings for her; I know he only treats me as his brother; I'll just accept it with all my heart.


Sad Chapter :(

I hope all of you will still comment on my story and no silent readers please.





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kikwang and jaejoong! <3
mika762 #2
i love this story. its so good
LOL at Kikwang and Hyunseung watching a drama
pls update again :]
jaejoongsmininion #6
poor yoochun :( unrequited love...
update soon! :D ah love heaven's postman as well! :D
aww poor yoochun....
this chapter is sweet~~ ah love the pics! :D they just help spur my imagination! :D and awww i want more jj! :P
ahh yoochun <3 :D