Part Four

The Wonders of Opposite Apartments


 “Awwwwww...... awwwwwwww” Yunho shouted between sobs. “It's so heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. I don't know what my emotions are doing!”


You're right,” Jaejoong agreed, trying to fight back tears.


It gets me every time!” he shouted in defeat, slumping down to rest his head on Jaejoong's shoulder. “You probably think I'm girly for acting like this, but I'll have you know that there is nothing wrong with a man showing his emotions every now and then. And anyway, if you didn't cry at that, you'd have to be a heartless monster!” His emotions were over-loading and causing his arms to flail around wildly while his head stayed unmoved on his shoulder.


I don't think you're girly,” Jaejoong assured with a smile, a little laugh escaping from his lips.


This didn't go unnoticed by Yunho who sprang himself forward, turning and staring directly into Jaejoong's eyes with a threatening – half serious - look plastered on his face. “I heard that!” he announced. “Don't laugh at me.”


What?! I didn't,” the laughter now bubbling up again.


You did, and now you're gonna go again, I can see it in your face.”


I'm not,” he scoffed, the laughter now escaping him entirely and doubling him over. Yunho took the opportunity of Jaejoong not looking at him to smile before reversing it back to a serious face as he pushed Jaejoong hard against the sofa, pinning him.


Thats it!” he shouted using the best menacing voice he could muster. “I'm gonna tickle you until you stop laughing and apologise.”


Jaejoong's eyes shot open in fear as Yunho's long slender fingers started tickling up his rib cage. But it did nothing to quell the laughter, in fact it just increased it.


Noooo-haha-noooooooo. ST-OPP!!”


Not until you apologise!”


I'm so-rry, I'm sorry!!” he shouted.


Smiling, he continued to tickle for a few seconds, then threw his arms up in victory. “I win,” he shouted, sticking his tongue out to seal the win.


Shut your face!” Jaejoong said, smiling equally as widely.


Never!....... So.... wanna watch another film?” Yunho asked.


Looking at his watch – it was now eleven o'clock - Jaejoong answered: “Its a bit late, but if you really want to, I guess we could.”


I want to. You pick this time.”


Okay then,” said Jaejoong as he got up to look at his DVDs. He scanned through them all contemplating what to watch before deciding on Pretty in Pink: another chick flick.


This one?” he asked, holding up the film.




Jaejoong promptly put the film in and went to sit down but was stopped by Yunho who cleared his throat in expectancy.


Another drink? If you insist.” Jaejoong huffed, then went to make the drinks.


All done, he made his way back to the the sofa that Yunho had once again made himself as comfortable as possible on, with the blanket pulled back so that Jaejoong could climb in.


Thank you,” he beamed as Jaejoong put the drinks down and made to sit on the sofa, covering him up before he even had chance to sit comfortably. Pulling him towards him again, he pressed play on the remote.





Half an hour into the film, Jaejoong was asleep. Yunho could hear his heavy breathing so he turned his head to look down at him. He looked so sweet when his was asleep, Yunho couldn't help but smile. An hour into the film and both men were asleep. Yunho's arm was comfortably s around Jaejoong's shoulder, holding him to him and Jaejoong's head was resting on Yunho's shoulder, his arm round his stomach. They stayed like this – cosy in each others embrace – for another couple of hours before Jaejoong awoke, lifting his head, letting out a long yawn and feeling a bit disorientated. Snuggling his head back down into his pillow, he jumped when he felt it move.


Jaejoong? I think we fell asleep,” Yunho said in a sleepy voice.


Everything becoming clear, Jaejoong sat up and started to look around the now dark room. “I think we did.”


What time is it?” asked Yunho.


Half past two. Wow, its late!”


Yeah. I should probably go,” said Yunho.


Uh huh. I should probably get to bed.”


They both got up and stretch simultaneously, lifting their arms high above their heads. Picking the cover up, Jaejoong discarded it on the sofa. Yunho headed for the door, Jaejoong following behind.


Well, thank you, I've had a really good time with you,” Yunho beamed, although rather groggily.


You're welcome. I had a nice time too,” he replied, his eyes barely open as he was still half asleep.


Goodnight,” Yunho said, instinctively leaning his body over to Jaejoong and planting a gentle lingering kiss on his lips, his hand resting on his left cheek. Pulling away he waved and exited the apartment, closing the door behind him. Jaejoong – who was in a zombie like state before – was now wide awake. As he lifted his hand up to touch his lips, a blush started to spread over his cheeks.


Feet controlling themselves, he shuffled to the sofa, recovered his blanket then walked to his bedroom. He roboticly stripped his clothes, put on his pyjamas – consisting of a pair of shorts and a t-shirt – and climbed into bed aiming to sleep. This didn't happen.


Yunho, similarly, shuffled to his apartment through the corridors, unlocked his door and entered, made his way to his bedroom and laid himself down on his bed.


Both men laid, wide awake, staring at their bedroom ceilings.


After laying like that for twenty minutes, Yunho abandoned all thoughts of going to sleep and instead went to his living room to watch TV. Jaejoong lasted twenty-five minutes before giving up too and going to make a drink. On his way through the kitchen, he couldn't help but look through his window to Yunho's apartment, confusion building at the light emitting from the window. 'maybe he can't sleep either' he thought.


Drink made he settled himself on a chair at the kitchen table, resting his elbow on the table and his head in his hand. Thoughts over took him.


'Did he really kiss me?' He thought, unable to distinguish between reality and dream as he was half asleep when it happened.


Yunho on the other hand was perfectly aware of what he did. He did kiss him and that was what was the plug that was preventing his sleep. It felt so perfect, the feel of his lips still lingering on his own, making them tingle. The TV was doing nothing to distract him for sleep. Feeling restless, he stood up and started to pace. He walked past his kitchen window, looking out of it absent-mindedly. When he saw that Jaejoong's light was on, his heart skipped. Without a second thought, he turned and walked to his door and out, making his determined way to Jaejoong's apartment, unsure of what he would do when he arrived.


Jaejoong was just taking a sip of his coffee when a loud hurried knock came to his door. Startled, he put his cup down and walked over to the door. Unlocking it with a clink, he pulled it open, relieving Yunho who stood panting, a clear sign that he'd just ran. Before he had chance to ask why he was there. Yunho lunged himself through the door, springing towards Jaejoong; his arms lifted and he held his face with his hands while capturing his lips in a searing kiss. As it lingered, Jaejoong's eyes were open in shock but slowly closed as he felt Yunho's thumbs his cheeks softly as his long hands cupped his face tenderly. Lifting his arms that were hanging limply down by his sides, he wrapped them around Yunho's back, while the others stayed on his face, now moving further back to lace into his hair. Slowly they tilted their heads to the side to mould their lips closer together, Jaejoong sighing in reaction to the way it felt. They stayed like this for several minutes both feeling like electric shocks were running through their veins before Yunho pulled away, fingers still in Jaejoong's hair. Slowly opening their eyes, they looked deeply into each others, the notorious blush spreading over Jaejoong's cheeks. Softly, Yunho's lips curled into a smile, followed by Jaejoong.


I've wanted to do that for a long time,” Yunho spoke, breaking the after-glow silence.


Blushing a deeper shade but not breaking eye contact, Jaejoong replied: “I...... I've wanted you to to do that for a long time.....”


They both laughed before Yunho closed the distance between them, kissing Jaejoong again. It was the second of many........








So that's the final chapter of what was originally going to be just a one-shot. Thank you for convincing me otherwise!! :p

YunJae was fun to write so maybe I'll write more :)

Thank you to everyone who has read it and I hope you enjoyed it!! *bear hug*



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Chapter 1: does jaejoong earn money just by watching he doesnt have a life
Chapter 4: *melts into a puddle of goo* that was so sweet ❤ ❤
JungBooJaeClans #3
Chapter 4: Awwwwww... This is scchuuuuweettt.... Thanks dear...
Chii in love with this fic~
Will you make this longer, Author san?? (*゚O゚*) pweeeaassee
Chapter 4: sweet,,yj fanboying each other
lanny01 #6
awww.... this is so sweeett.... *fangirling ^^
Tão fofo *-*
ooooooh that was so cuteeee! *.* Yunjae the best and cutest couple!
Ohman. That was REALLY good :'D
koreankendi #10
Oh breathtaking! :D
I loooooooove this fic a lot!