Part Three

The Wonders of Opposite Apartments






The next day came quicker than Jaejoong wanted it to. He'd spent the rest of the day before, after Yunho had left, recovering from the new stimulating encounter. Now it was six O'clock in the morning, and after a fitful nights sleep, he was wide awake. After several failed attempts of going back to sleep, Jaejoong gave in an got out out bed.


“Well I guess I have longer to prepare,” he muttered, defeated, as he shuffled his feet into his slippers and walked out of his bedroom, reaching his arms up in a long stretch. Shuffling his body into the kitchen, he made a cup of coffee and got himself a mammoth bowl of cereal, resting at the kitchen table to eat it. A couple of mouthfuls in, he gave up. There was no way his nerves would let him finish it. And he loved cereal. So he resorted to filling up his empty stomach with the coffee that seemed to be taking an age to cool down. After drinking it, he decided to make a start on tidying the apartment to try and take his mind off what the evening held in store for him.


The day passed impossibly quick as Jaejoong buzzed around, avoiding the window like the plague - that was the last thing he needed – making everywhere nice and tidy. Before he new it, it was five O'clock in the afternoon and he hadn't even been out to get the ingredients for the meal he was being forced to cook tonight..... he hadn't even decided what he was going to make..... Oh hell!


Rushing to his bedroom, nearly falling over his sofa in the process, he quickly dressed himself, grabbed his wallet and made his way out of the apartment, market bound. He'd better get a shuffle on if he wanted to be ready in time. He didn't fancy experiencing Yunho's wrath if he was late.




Yunho sat on a chair pulled up close to his window, peering into Jaejoong's apartment. He figured he was safe and could look as much as he wanted after the fright he had given Jaejoong the night before. He laughed at how he was running around like a headless chicken, clearly flustered. This evening was going to be fun.




Donning several new bumps and grazes, Jaejoong made it to the market. First he made his way over to the meat section to find some fish, deciding on making dukbokki. He was too flustered to even come up with anything fancy. Fish bought, he found the rest of the ingredients and set off back home to finish getting ready and make the food. By the time he reached home it was six thirty so he started to prepare the food straight away. He couldn't quite remember how to make it so he had to dig out his cook books to find the directions, draining away more of his time. When he had finally finished preparing and the food was simmering nicely in the pan, it was seven forty five so Jaejoong went to change his clothes in preparation. After looking at a few possible outfits, he decided on black jeans and a simple white shirt with sleeves that folded up to his elbows. Running his fingers through his long black hair to smooth it, he walked out of his bedroom just in time for the knock that came to his door.


Simultaneously smoothing his shirt and hair, he walked to the door, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves first before opening it. Stood at the opening was Yunho, wearing a fitted blue shirt and black skinny jeans, both accentuated his physique tortuously well. In his hand he held a beautiful bunch of roses; red ones.


“Good evening,” his velvety voice sang.

“Hello,” Jaejoong replied, stepping aside to let him enter.


Extending the bouquet forward, Yunho announced: “these are for you, as a thank you,” a smile pertaining almost to shyness present on his lips.


Blush almost matching the shade of the roses, Jaejoong accepted the flowers, bringing them to his nose so that he could take in their sweet scent. “T-They're beautiful. Roses are my favourite. Thank you.”


“You're very welcome.”


With Jaejoong leading, they made their way into the kitchen area, the smell of the nearly-ready food filling their nostrils, over powering the smell of the roses.


“mmmmmm, smells delicious,” Yunho complimented, eyes almost bugging out as he took in a big whiff. “I haven't had dukbokki in such a long time. It was my favourite dish when I was young.”


Pleased with himself for picking it, Jaejoong replied with a new burst of confidence: “Oh! Good! Its my speciality. I'll just put these in some water and the food should be ready. Sit at the table if you like.”


Yunho replied by walking over to a chair. Once seated, he scanned the table, a confused look spreading over his features. “No candles?” he asked, turning to Jaejoong, sounding almost disappointed.


Surprised, Jaejoong blurted: “N-no! Why would there be?!”


“Oh. Okay. Its just that I thought this was a date,” he replied, turning back to the table, sounding even more disappointed.


In a tizzy now thinking that Yunho wouldn't enjoy himself, and affected by his voice, Jaejoong hurriedly added: “But, I can get some. I-If you want.”


Like a little kid told he could have some sweets, Yunho sprang up from his seat. “Awesome. Where are they? I'll get them.”


Directed by Jaejoong's pointed finger, Yunho practically ran to the kitchen cupboard, recovering a box of pure white candles and two candle sticks. Taking two candles out, he replaced the box in the cupboard. Then he set about placing the candles on the table. While he was doing this, Jaejoong brought the food over and placed it all in the middle of the table, ready for them to dig in.


“What would you like to drink? Wine?” he enquired.


“Yes please,” Yunho answered, practically drooling over the food.


Jaejoong poured the wine into both their glasses and then sat down, signalling for Yunho to dig in.


They ate their food in silence. Jaejoong eyes seemed to have a mind of their own as, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop them from wondering to Yunho. The candles really were a good idea as the flickering yellow light they emitted only made Yunho looked more handsome. It felt strange, after watching him eat through the window so many times, to have him here in his apartment, eating his food. When Yunho caught him looking, he'd give him a soft smile, causing Jaejoong to look down at his food in embarrassment. When they had finished, Yunho commented teasingly: “still can't help stealing glances at me when you think I'm not looking,” restoring Jaejoong's blush back to rose red as he looked at him incredulously, in an attempt to deny all knowledge. No use.


“Don't look at me like that, I saw ever time. I'm somewhat skilled at sensing someone's eyes on me after all the practise you've given me,” he said, stamping the tease with a sticky-out-tongue. Laughing at Jaejoong's shocked red face, he changed the subject quickly to avoid him over-heating: “the food was delicious by-the-way. Thank you very much.”


“Y-You're w-welcome,” he stuttered the reply.


Yunho laughed again, standing up and starting to collect up the plates into a pile.

“Don't worry about cleaning them,” Jaejoong interjected. “I'll do them later or whatever.”


“Its fine. I don't mind. You did cook for me after all.”


“But this is a da...... a d-date. You shouldn't have to wash up.”


Stopping in his tracks by how cute Jaejoong was being, Yunho left the plates and walked over to him, leaning down and looking into his face. “What else do you have in store for me then?” he asked, a cheeky smile playing on his lips, followed by a look that showed he'd just thought of something.


Shocked – and thinking though all the connotations that question had – Jaejoong threw out an answer: “Film! You said we'd watch a......”. Stopped in his tracks by a soft wet feeling on his cheek, he pulled away and stared wide eyed at the man before him. He me!


Smiling cheekily again, he explained himself: “sorry, you had some of the dukbokki sauce on your cheek. Too delicious to let go to waste!What films have you got?”


Jaejoong directed him with a shakey pointed finger to a large stack by the TV. Yunho turned and set off, evidently unaffected by what he had just done and Jaejoong let out the breath he'd been holding.


After taking his time looking through them, Yunho picked – a very unmanly – romance film. “Is this okay?”


“Any you want” he answered before properly looking at what it was. Daring himself to move closer to get a look, he almost choked on his own saliva. “The Notebook?! How did that get there?!” he shouted, trying to cover for the fact that he had an extremely soppy film - that just so happened to be his favourite film – in his collection.


“What?! You don't like it? Its amazing!” Yunho asked, amazed.


“I've never seen it, I've just heard its really girly,” he replied, his voice subconscious getting deeper, trying to retain his manliness.


Not entirely believing him, Yunho announced: “well we definitely have to watch it then if you haven't seen it! You'll love it!”


“If you say so,” he answered, secretly doing a happy dance inside.


“Awesome,” Yunho said, turning the TV on and putting the DVD in. “Can we have a blanket and hot chocolate? Can't watch a chick flick without hot chocolate!” he announced.



[This night was progressively tuning into a girly night in]



“Erm yeah, I guess so,” he replied, turning to go back to the kitchen to make hot chocolate. While waiting for the milk to boil, he recovered his quilt from his bedroom and gave it to Yunho. Hot chocolate all done, he brought it to the living area and placed it down on the coffee table. Yunho, who had already turned off the light and snuggled himself under the quilt, lifted it up on one side to allow Jaejoong to slide under. Feeling a little apprehensive and untrusting of being under a quilt with a man who had just his cheek, Jaejoong stood still for a few seconds before being roused by Yunho.


“I won't bite you.”


Somehow unentirely convinced, but giving in anyway, Jaejoong climbed under to covers, placing himself as far away from Yunho as possible. This was all in vain as Yunho counteracted by placing an arm around him and pulled him to his side.


“Ahhhh, that's better now isn't it?”


Jaejoong's reply was a nervous nod.


“Time for the film!” Yunho shouted, pressing play on the remote.









Not the best thing ever, but since its taken me so long to update, I thought I'd put this in as a supplimentary chapter before something bigger happens.


Hope you enjoy!









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Chapter 1: does jaejoong earn money just by watching he doesnt have a life
Chapter 4: *melts into a puddle of goo* that was so sweet ❤ ❤
JungBooJaeClans #3
Chapter 4: Awwwwww... This is scchuuuuweettt.... Thanks dear...
Chii in love with this fic~
Will you make this longer, Author san?? (*゚O゚*) pweeeaassee
Chapter 4: sweet,,yj fanboying each other
lanny01 #6
awww.... this is so sweeett.... *fangirling ^^
Tão fofo *-*
ooooooh that was so cuteeee! *.* Yunjae the best and cutest couple!
Ohman. That was REALLY good :'D
koreankendi #10
Oh breathtaking! :D
I loooooooove this fic a lot!