The Wonders of Opposite Apartments

The Wonders of Opposite Apartments



“Damn it! Move, move, move, move, move!” Jaejoong yelled while flailing his arms around wildly.


“God-damn bird. If you don't move I swear I..... oh,” he got his wish, shouting after it: “its a good job too!” waving his fist in the air. “Now a lovely clear view.”


Jaejoong sat in a chair pulled up to his kitchen window, elbows resting on the window sill, head resting on elbows, face as close to the glass as was possible, staring out intently. The apartment block where he lived was built around a square courtyard, with all of the apartments facing out into it. His gaze was directed straight ahead of him into the window of the apartment opposite. He wasn't just staring idly into the apartment, looking for decorating tips or surveying the furniture, he was waiting for something specific to appear. Or rather someone specific. A man. They had lived in the same building for one year and eight months now. It started with simple intrigue, or maybe even nosiness. Hearing that someone new – a dancer – was moving in to the building, he would look through the window at the empty flat just to catch a glimpse. The day he moved in was the day the watching – obsession – started. It was a warm sunny day in the middle of summer when Jaejoong – who had been eating cereal while watching though the window – noticed movement. The apartments were pretty much open plan so you could see a lot of it. The front door opened relieving a man carrying a big box who walked over to the kitchen work surface and planted it down. Said work surface was directly under the kitchen window, so when the box was fully down on it, Jaejoong could see the man's face and torso clearly. He was gorgeous. Mouth agape, Jaejoong attempted to continue eating his cereal, not really looking where he was putting his spoon or where he was bringing the spoon to; the end result being a milky chin and a cereal covered lap. But he didn't notice, he just carried on trying to eat it. The man in the apartment continued the process of bringing in boxes and dumping them somewhere in the apartment for about half an hour before he was finished, closing the door and making his way to the boxes to start unpacking. Jaejoong hadn't moved apart from his head, which was significantly closer to the glass. He watched him unpack. Watched him make his lunch. Then watched him relax in front of the television. He was addicted already. One year and eight months later and he's still addicted and the funny thing about it is that he knows so much about this man from watching him about his daily routine, but he doesn't even know his name. The simple detail of a name.




The time was nearing twelve O'clock when the man Jaejoong sought for entered his apartment, instantly snapping Jaejoong out of his half-asleep half-awake state. Leaning closer to the glass, he observed his every movement again. He seemed stressed about something, walking into his living area and throwing his bags down onto the sofa. Where could he have been so late at night? Out with a friend maybe? A lover? Maybe they argued? Then he stood up and walked over to the window, looking out into the courtyard then scanning the apartments. When his eyes reached Jaejoong's, the watching man instantly threw himself of his chair, hurtling onto the floor with a crash, banging his knee in the process. Jaejoong had forgot to turn his light off so his stalking was in full view. Rolling over onto his back defeated, he thought to himself: nearly two years I have spent doing this. It has to stop, I need a life. Standing up and leaving, not bothering to even look out of the window again, Jaejoong went to bed. Since he didn't look, he didn't notice that the man was staring intently at his window, a gently smile playing across his lips.


The next morning, Jaejoong got his breakfast and, in his resolve to not look though the window, made his way to his living room sofa. On the way there, out of pure habit, he glanced to the side, eyes fixing directly on the apartment opposite. What he saw nearly made him spit his cereal out everywhere, and was enough to make him give up and resume his seat at the window. The man was dancing. Jaejoong couldn't hear the music, he could just see the man moving and twirling his body in an almost mesmerizing fashion. He knew he was a dance, but in all his time of watching him, he had never seen him dance. He really was a fantastic dancer, entrancing Jaejoong further and further with every move. I can't stop watching this man. This went on for about twenty minutes before the man stopped and made his way to what Jaejoong presumed was the bathroom to wash up. He returned ten minutes later, clad in new clothes with a towel over his head that was being rubbed vigorously. Jaejoong was entranced even by as simple act as that. Oh my goodness. Jaejoong tilted his head to the side, a wide smile plastering over his face and his eyes lidding in a dreamy haze and it was that moment that the man took it upon himself to look out of his window again, the same as the night before, scanning the grounds then working his way across the apartments stopping – once again – at Jaejoong's apartment. Eyes fixed on Jaejoong, the man slowly slipped the towel slowly of his head revealing his messy hair and another gently smile gracing his features. Jaejoong was still obviously staring into the man's apartment – that much was clear – but he wasn't even slightly aware that the man was staring back, he was too deep in a floaty daydream to notice. After a couple of minutes looking at him, the man turned and walked away, laughing softly to himself. When Jaejoong finally snapped out of his trance, the man was no where is sight.





It was around two O'clock when he appeared again, when Jaejoong was making some lunch. He just casually looked out of the window only to see the back of the man disappearing through his front door.


“You've only just shown yourself, why go so quick damn it!” He protested, running quickly over to food that was starting to burn. “AISH!” He plated up and made his way over to his kitchen table, placing it down and seating himself in front of it. He had just picked up his chopsticks when there was a knock at the door.


“Inconvenient,” huffed Jaejoong, practically throwing his chopsticks down and stopping to the door – evidently still in a bad mood from only seeing a glimpse of the man.


“What do you wan........” his word were cut off when he realised who it was at the door.


It was the man......


Unable to find his words, he just stood there in a stunned silence, mouth slightly parted. The man – who it was discovered was taller than him – looked down at him with soft eyes. He was slightly amused by the look on the man's face but kept his composure.


“Erm, hello. I live in this building and I've just run out of sugar. Could I please borrow some from you?” His voice sending waves though Jaejoong. This man had long just been a visual stimulation for him, but now he could hear his voice. It was driving him wild.


When the man received no reply, just the same stunned silence and gormless look, he added: “I will buy you some back when I go to the shop.” Still no reply. What is wrong with him? Bring his hand up to Jaejoong face, he clicked his fingers. This worked, eliciting a slight yelp from the stunned man, and making his brain come back into focus.


“Oh! Er.... yeah. Come in,” he eventually answered while pulling the door fully open to allow the man to come in. And he did, smiling as he entered. Jaejoong closed the door behind him and made his way over to his kitchen, legs feeling like jelly. He was wobbling a bit, but he managed it. The man followed close behind, surveying the surroundings as he went.

“This is a nice apartment,” he said, offering a big smile.


“Th-thank you,” was the shakey reply.


“How long have you lived here?” The man asked, clearly curious.


Reaching for his sugar in the cupboard, Jaejoong answered: “um, about four years.... I think.”


“Oh, so you're familiar with the building and the surroundings. That's cool.” He continued to look around, his eyes fixing on a pair of binoculars that were placed in the kitchen window just as Jaejoong was approaching him with the sugar.


“YES!” he shouted, trying to direct his attention away from the tell tale binoculars, throwing a tea-towel over them when he had his attention. “Yes. I'm very familiar.” this time softer. The man just looked at him bemusedly, taking the sugar that was being offered to him.


“Thank you very much,” he smiled. “I'll be going then. I'm Yunho by the way.” He said bowing and extending his free hand towards him, which Jaejoong stared at like it was the hand of God before taking a hold. Jaejoong felt like his stomach was on a bouncy castle as Yunho returned the grasp, moving his hand up and down gently. He had a firm but soft grasp and his hands were soft. “Its nice to meet you.” he said before turning and heading for the door.


Yes! Yes it is! Jaejoong screamed in his head, nodding furiously, hand tingly.


When the man reached the door, he reached for the handle but paused when they met. Turning his head slightly to the side, he said:


“Oh, by the way....... I've seen you watching me.” that now familiar smile playing on his lips. “Why?”


Shocked at the sudden revelation, Jaejoong tried to stutter out a panicked answer, knowing he had to say something. “I..I..I j-just l-like to l-look out of m-my window. I w-wasn't looking a-anywhere in p-particular.....”


Doing a full turn now and looking into Jaejoong's face, the man said almost teasingly: “are you sure?” He took one step forward.




“You promise?” He took another step forward.


“I I p-promise,” voice now more panicked than ever.


“I don't believe you” he announced, making the gap between them only a foot long by taking yet another step forward.


All Jaejoong could do was look up at the taller man, his head now a mess of thoughts screaming at him. Slowly, Yunho reached down and put the sugar on the floor, freeing up both his hands.


“I don't believe you one bit.” he said again, putting both his hands on his shoulders and pushing him gently towards the wall behind him. A hand either side of his head, he looked intently into the man's face. Now that he could get a close look, he realised how beautiful Jaejoong really was, his big eyes displaying a deer-in-the-headlights look which Yunho could only smirk at again. Noticing him starting to fidget uncomfortably beneath him, Yunho tried to comfort him by saying: “calm down,” followed by: “I'm not going to hurt you. I just want you to answer my question. Why do you always look into my apartment window?” His eyes were now staring directly into Yunho's soft brown eyes that were mere inches away from his own. He wasn't scared he was going to hurt him, he just didn't trust his legs to hold him up with him being in such close proximity to the man he was deeply obsessed with.


“Mhmmm” Yunho prompted when he got no answer, tilting his head slightly. “Don't you know why?” he asked using a teasing tone. Moving his head slowly to the side of Jaejoong's face, bringing his lips next to his ear, he whispered: “want me to help?” Without warning, he gently started to kiss Jaejoong's ear. From the shock, Jaejoong's legs gave in an decided to give way beneath him, leaving him sliding down the wall slightly, only to be stopped by Yunho, who moved his arms from either side of Jaejoong's head to place them on his sides, up near his armpits, holding him up. Once stable, he continued his soft kissed, moving painfully slowly down his ear and onto his neck. Each kiss sent shock waves through Jaejoong and he couldn't help but let out a little sigh. Hearing this, Yunho paused for a second, his lips still on his neck, before moving back and looking into Jaejoong's eyes.


“That help?” He asked teasingly.


Jaejoong opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. Yunho noticed this and laughed softly. He also noticed the prominent blush that was spread over his cheeks.


“I think that's answer enough.” he smiled. Deciding he'd tortured the man enough, he slowly walked him over to a chair in the kitchen, promoting him to sit. “I'll be going then” he said, walking to the door again. Reaching it, he turned around, a massive grin now taking over his face.


“Why not come over next time instead of staring though my window like a creeper?” his tone teasing.


Then he opened the door and left, leaving Jaejoong in a catatonic state while, inside his head, his brain was having a party, screaming and cheering at what had just happened. Rousing, wanting to see more of Yunho, he turned around and almost manically headed for the window, leaning on it and staring out again towards Yunho's apartment. To his surprise, Yunho was at his window staring back at his window, as if almost expecting him to do that. When he noticed Jaejoong looking, he lifted his hand up and pointed his index finger at him, staring at him sternly; teasingly. Then he turned and walked quickly towards his front door again, opening it and walking out like someone in a mad hurry. Jaejoong watched intently, a confused look on his face, not quite understanding what that meant before his thoughts were interrupted by another knock at the door. Turning his head in the direction of the sound, he raised his eyebrows in surprise before lowering them, giving way to a slight knowing smile.......






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Chapter 1: does jaejoong earn money just by watching he doesnt have a life
Chapter 4: *melts into a puddle of goo* that was so sweet ❤ ❤
JungBooJaeClans #3
Chapter 4: Awwwwww... This is scchuuuuweettt.... Thanks dear...
Chii in love with this fic~
Will you make this longer, Author san?? (*゚O゚*) pweeeaassee
Chapter 4: sweet,,yj fanboying each other
lanny01 #6
awww.... this is so sweeett.... *fangirling ^^
Tão fofo *-*
ooooooh that was so cuteeee! *.* Yunjae the best and cutest couple!
Ohman. That was REALLY good :'D
koreankendi #10
Oh breathtaking! :D
I loooooooove this fic a lot!