

Your eyes flutter open. All you can see is soft light coming from various candelabras, and you realize you are in a bed. You sit up, and, as your vision clears, you notice a man sitting in a dark corner of the room. 


"How are you feeling?" he asks, slowly moving out of the chair. 


You look at him in astonishment. "How do you think I feel? Where the hell am I?" Trying to get out of the bed, your arm pangs, and brings you the memory of what happened at the store. You look down to see your arm in a sling. 


"Don't worry," says the man, "it will hurt for a bit, but the bone is healed. I'll go tell the others you're awake." And with that, he leaves the room. 


You sit on the edge of the bed, recalling last night and trying to make sense of everything. The teeth, the glowing eyes, the inhuman strength... "There's no way," you whisper to yourself.  

"Oh, but there is." A familiar voice, all too happy to see you. You look up to see the one you stabbed in the stomach, apparently named Chen. 


He sits next to you, "How's your arm?" The concern in his voice takes you aback momentarily, then you remember he's the one who did this to you. You glare up at him. "Piss. Off."


"Ah, don't be like that, jagi." He places a hand on your shoulder, but you shrug it away. He sighs and puts his hands in his lap. "I'm really sorry. Really! I mean, what you did was pretty dirty, but I never meant to hurt you," he pleads. "It's just that, well, I'm the newest member, and..." he reaches out to you again, but you lean away. "I haven't quite learned how to control myself yet." he sighs, defeated, then looks you in the eye, "I really am sorry."  


The sadness in his eyes surprises you. If things were different, you could easily forgive this face. But he wasn't just some guy who knocked you down on the street because he was late for work. He attacked you, and broke your ing arm. You shake your head in disbelief, avoiding further eye contact with him. Then there is a knock at the door.  


The man who had been watching over you walks in. "He'd like to speak with you now. Please come with me." 


"'He' who?" you question.  

"He will answer all your questions,” he replies, and with a friendly smile on his face, he stretches out a hand and gestures you over. He is tall and thin, looking much more fragile than the 3 you met last night. His face is kind, and he seems trustworthy. 

You glance back to Chen, sadness still in his eyes.  


With little to no options, you get off the bed and follow the man out the door and down a long hallway. You notice the decor is quite odd. Several fine, Victorian paintings line the walls, with the occasional, randomly placed rock band posters. A beautiful Grecian statue stands on one side of the entrance to a grand room. On the other side, an anime figurine.  


You enter the room. 


The paint is new, but the rugs are old. Lightning is provided mostly by candle light, yet there is a large flat screen tv on the wall. Then you see a man in a chair by the fireplace, nose stuffed in a book. He holds up a finger, directing you to wait until he has finished his page.  

"Go ahead and have a seat," your says as he gently pushes you toward the couch. "I know you're afraid, but everything will be alright," he smiles, then leaves the room. 

The man in the chair closes his book and looks at you. "I must apologize for your arm," he begins, annoyance on his face. "But I trust you are doing well. Lay is an excellent healer,” he points a finger toward the man who just left. “This is a rambunctious group, training has been... difficult. But lineage is lineage,” he sighs. 

You sit in confused silence as he leans forward, elbows on his knees, looking you over, studying you. "Which brings us to why you're here." 

"Yes!" you interject, "Why am I here? Are you going to murder me like you did all those other girls? And why on Earth did you fix my arm if you're just going kill me?" 

He raises a hand, cutting you off. "I know you're full of questions, my dear, but the answer is simple. In fact, I just told you." 

You raise an eyebrow, not following his words. He smiles, opening his arms, gesturing that the answer was right there. "Lineage." 

"Excuse me?" you respond, more lost than before. 

He pushes himself off the chair and begins to pace around the rug in front of the fireplace. "You're a smart girl. This may be a bit hard to believe at first, but just open your mind, and it will all fall into place." 

You settle into your seat, awaiting the absurdity you are sure is about to come from his mouth. 

"My name is Suho, and, as I'm sure you've figured out by now, we are, indeed, vampires. Only, we're not quite the same as what the portray in Hollywood. Granted, our ancestors were barbaric, but over the centuries we have learned many ways to control ourselves. For example, a juicy rare-cooked steak does wonders to satisfy thirst." An unusual delight on his face. 


You roll your eyes, absurdity confirmed. 


He continues his speech, but stops his pacing and looks thoughtfully into the distance. "Also, we don't turn people into vampires. It's more of a, 'genetic affliction', some might say." 


"HA! 'Genetic affliction'?" you question, mockingly. "Are you telling me you're some sort of mutant? Like the X-Men?" 


A burst of laughter from behind you causes you to jump, and you hit your arm in the process. You wince at the pain and hold your arm close to you. 


"Oh, I'm sorry," he says, leaning over your shoulder. "Are you okay?" You look up and see a man mere centimeters from your face, way too close for comfort. "Hello," he beams, wavy, dark red locks almost brushing your face. 


You let out a noise somewhere between a gasp and a scream, and try to scooch away. 


"Yah, back off a little, Chanyeol," the man who had “rescued” you last night scolds as he pulls the man away by an ear. 


You see that others have gathered now, too, then you feel a hand on your arm. “Jagi, are you okay?” Chen is sitting next you on the couch, and you pull away from his hand.  


“Look,” you shout, frustrated, “I’ve had enough of this , okay! Let’s just cut to the chase.” 


“Yes,” Suho continues his pacing with a clap. “As I was saying, Vampirism is more of a, mutation, as you called it, passed down through the generations. However, one isn’t born with the thirst, or supernatural powers. They arise later in life, somewhat like puberty.” 


“I said, get to the point,” you growl. “I don’t want or need a history lesson of your ed up medical condition. Tell me why I’m here.” 


Suho stops to look at you, slightly disappointed, slightly disgusted. “I’m getting to that, but you must understand your family’s past before you can accept your future. Now please, let me finish.” 


Your eyes widen at his response, mouth open in a scoff. “MY family’s past?” you think. 


He sits back down in his chair, crossing his legs in a powerful, yet regal manner. “Like many genetic disorders, not every generation is affected. Take Chen for example, our newest member. The last vampire from his family died 100 years ago. While others are more directly related. Like Kai,” he gestures to the platinum haired boy, “whose grandfather passed it down to him. Each one of these young men comes from a line of Vampiric blood, however we have no way of knowing which generation will be gifted. And our numbers are dwindling.” 


At this point, you decide you must be dreaming. You must have hit your head during the attack at the store, and are having some crazy, coma dream in the hospital. “Assuming any of this is true, which I don’t believe, by the way, what the hell does this have to do with me?” 


Suho relaxes into his chair, face breaking into a smile. “You, my dear, have a special lineage, as well.” 

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Chapter 5: I just came across this story and wanted to say that you have piqued my interest with this one. I'm a er for supernatural aus, especially ones involving exo so I'm happy lol. I look forward to seeing how this story progress in the future and can't wait to see how her powers evolve, as well as her relationships with the boys. Keep up the good work! :D
Chapter 4: Hey i have a question what's the girls name ?
Chapter 3: Test ? Witch ? Whaaat ! This is getting even more interesting hmm so what now is she their witch mate or do they want her just as an ally and then they will fall for her and find out she's their mate ? Uuh i'm excited :D
Chapter 2: So they kidnapped her just so she can be their baby producing machine!! Hope not ugh this made me more interested in the story can't wait for the next chapter ❤
Chapter 1: Well hello there ❤ this story seems interesting i hope it turns out great i liked this chapter but is this a revers harem ? Anyway good job writing this one ❤