Buds (OnTae)


„I’m home!“ Taemin yelled as he swung open the door to their dorm.


Despite his rather loud outburst, the only thing he was greeted with was silence, apart from a small mumbling coming from somewhere around the living room.

Sighing, he helped himself out of his shoes. He was in such a chuffed mood, too. He had something he wanted to show his hyungs, and he really had hoped for them to be home when he came back.

But who was he kidding; there was only one person Taemin really wanted to show his new accomplishment to.


Shuffling his way towards the kitchen with the ad joint living room, he couldn’t help but fumble with his left earring – a habit he adopted shortly after the piercing had stopped hurting. He wondered if the habit would spread in the future. He was a bit anxious. Did he get too many? Would it look weird? What if it didn’t suit him?

He poked his head around the corner and his eyes fell on the running TV, currently claiming that the displayed beverage had a ‘one hundred percent revitalizing effect!’. He took a mental note to keep Key from seeing the publicity. If he would, God only knew how many of these useless things he would buy.


Then, his eyes traveled to the couch, and a small smile spread across his lips.


Onew was spread out on the sofa, his eyes tightly shut and his mouth slightly opened as he breathed evenly, sometimes letting out a small snore. Taemin figured that he must have tried to stay awake until the rest of the members came home, but he had failed miserably.

Before he knew what he was doing, Taemin found himself bouncing towards the older male excitedly.


“Hyuuuung, wake uuuuup!” He urged, not caring about a gentle way to awake the other singer from his much deserved slumber. Taemin was still to excited, and finding out that there actually was someone home didn’t help in keeping his eagerness in check.


Onew jerked up, startled. His eyes were small and still almost shut, his lips formed into a confused line.

“W-what? What’s the matter?” He said, his voice still laced with the heaviness of sleep. He rubbed one eye, the other trying to adjust to the younger boy almost jumping up and down in front of him.


“Hyung, guess what? Can you see anything different about me?” Taemin asked with a voice as thrilled as it would have been if Onew just handed him a pack of banana milk.


Onew tried to look up, finding anything about Taemin that was not the way it should have been.

He didn’t see anything.

“Uhm, I don’t know Taemin-ah. Your hair?” It was a futile try, really. Taemin’s hair was as disheveled and short as it had been the last few weeks, albeit a little bit… weird. Something was off about it, but with his mind still fogged up by the aftermath of sleep, Onew couldn’t place what it was.


“Aaaw come on, hyung. Look more closely.” Taemin pouted. His bottom lip jutted out slightly, a habit he had whenever he was close to pout badly.

Once again Onew squinted his eyes at the sight in front of him, trying to focus in more closely. In that moment he wished that his eyes were ing camera lenses. Zoom in, zoom out. So easy.

Then Onew saw Taemin fumble around weirdly with his ears. He took a closer look, now realizing that the younger had tried to fold his hair away, making them stick out strangely. The sight of Taemin uncovering his ears was rare, and when it happened, everyone always thought something was weird about him.

“Your ears are sticking out.” Onew stated matter-of-factly. Taemin pouted more.


“Hyuuung, you’re not looking!” He whined and came closer. Onew almost groaned. He took one closer look, and then he saw them. The little black buds stood against the maknae's skin, adorning his ears like little stars; Taemin had gotten new piercings.

His right ear had a second earring, and a conch piercing. His left had an additional helix, and also a conch piercing.

He looked at Taemin’s ears, from the right to the left.

“Oh.” Was all he said.


“Hyung, do you like them? Do they look weird? They don’t right? I thought to maybe let the second conch one out, but then it wouldn’t have been three on each, and I didn’t want another second near the first, and -“

“No, they look good.” Onew said, interrupting Taemin’s babbling.


Taemin just looked at him, his smile growing wider by the second. “Really, hyung?”

“Really.” Onew said definitely, although his voice still betrayed that he mostly wanted to go back to sleep.

But Taemin was too elated to even notice.

He certainly wasn’t regretting getting more piercings done now. If Onew liked them, who could possibly not like them?





I don't even know what this is. Friendship or Fluff... Huh.

My first time writing anything OnTaeish. It was fun!~

805 words!~

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OnTae are so so adorable, great job.
I really liked the Jongkey Oneshot. It was really cute. Couldn't help but smile the whole time while reading it. (:
LOL, eating leftovers xDD
Kyaa, Tae's so cute!!! I don't like pepperoni's either .W.
AHH OMG I LOVE THE JONGHO FRIENDSHIP STORY. Minho being a douche and then falling for Taebaby. Face it, Minhohoho, you can't resist him.
The 2min is so cute. ...biased shipper is biased. XD
Pizza oneshot is so fluffy. =D
2min wedding T.T
Armer Schlüssel :3
Ich will Pizza