Chapter Four: Birth of the Princess

Don't Forget Our Little Kiss!

Picking up the pace Lian was kind of angry someone was following her. People normally knew not to because she would beat the crap out of them. After a few more minute of walking Lian stood in front of a building that said South Town in bright lights. It was a local club run by South Korean Americans.

Before going in she turned around and looked at the people around her to see if she could spot the person following her. Nothing, it was as if the person disappeared. Looking at the line to get in, the girl just laughed and walked up to the bouncer.

“Hey Ray!” Lian said as she approached him. Those that stood in line looked at her with sparkling eyes. She was very well known in this area especially at South Town. 

“Ah Princess you’re here! Better hurry in your Oppa is getting very angry and impatient.” Ray, the bouncer said to Lian opeing the door for her and sooing her in. No one messed with her because she was like royalty. To Joon’s gang she was their inspiration because of what happened after she moved to California.


“Lian there are a few rules that you will have to follow no matter what while staying here.” Her aunt Emilie said holding thirteen year old Lian’s hands and looking her straight in the eyes. Continuing she said, “When it gets dark you can’t go out into the city streets, never no matter what time of day can you be alone outside.” Her aunt went off listing the rules she had.

Lian went into her room afterward. No one else in the house talked to her. Her cousin’s treated her like a Stanger and her aunt and uncle suffocated her with attention. Lian didn’t know how to react to all this she just wanted to be treated normally and given some space. 

Locking her door, Lian opened her window and did exactly what her aunt didn’t want her to do. Go out during the night and alone at that. No one understood her, she was abandon and abused by the man who loved her since she was born and thought was her father. If that wasn’t enough she felt betrayed by her mother who choose her husband over child, not protecting her or anything. Being beaten for no reason and surrounded by bottles of alcohol. Not being able to say anything to anyone and living in hell.

Walking down the street in the dark, Lian felt at ease since no one bothered her but her own mind. Before she knew it she got herself lost and in a sketchy looking neighborhood. Turning around she was going to walk back home but as she turned around there was a group of five Asian guys blocking her way.

“Look guys we got fresh meat!” the guys said in Korean their lips. They all said a bunch of lude things.

Lian wasn’t stupid to know what they were planning to do. She knew exactly that the men in front of her were planning to take advantage of her body. Taking some small steps backwards she looked around seeing other people pretending not to see anything. Closing her eyes she was scared to death but became enraged that no one was coming to save her. They reminded her of her mother who allowed her father to do what he wanted bring her close to death so many times.

Balling her hands into fists, Lian snapped her eyes open. She had only fought in school when picked on but this was different, it was life or death to her.

“If you think I will let you do what you want you are mistaken Oppa’s” Lian said in Korean which surprised the men because she had no Asian heritage in her.

Smirking they approached her and it was then that Lian jumped and started to beat them up. At first she had the element of surprise but then after a few minutes she grew tired and the guys overpowered her being at least six years older then her. They did what they had set out to, they her not stopping till she lost consciousness.

When she woke up, Lain saw she was in a place that was unfamiliar. Different men surrounded her. Looking around she saw a glass. Quickly jumping up she grabbed the glass broke it and got ready to protect herself.

“Calm down tiger!” said a boy that was only two years older then her sitting next to what seemed like the leader who was in his mid thirties.

Lian’s body was all beat up and trembling right and left. “Look at this princess she looks like she has some bark.” The boss finally spoke out. 

End Chapter Four
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foamtwt #1
They met and had such a perfect moment :(
But she had to die? :'(
Anyways, I loved the story.
Please write a sequel to this story it is so good. I love your writing
Love it <3
well depending on time and what people want I could do a sequel........ but i want to work on my other stories firs. Comment and tell me if you want me to write a sequel.....
Yeah sadly it is... From the very begining she was fated to die.... Its sad I know but kiseop will never know that....
ghiseop #7
is that really the end.?? awww...~~~ how sad :((
gonenuts4strbux #8
protective kiseop <3333<br />
please update soon! :)