The Fourth: Dear No One

a waltz out of my thoughts


It’s a Friday night and the gang decides to attend a concert that is going to be held at their university’s concert garden. The concert was meant to be a part of the celebration for their university’s 47th year of existence.  


Inside the concert garden were also various booths with different activities. The satan duo decided to explore and play the different games to try and win all the plushie prizes they were giving away.


While the two were going around, Joohyun, Seulgi and Wendy chose to lay out the picnic blanket they brought somewhere near the stage and positioned themselves for the concert.


The concert started and various bands from their university performed. There were also some guest artists who performed like Joohyun’s high school friend turned recording artist, Chungha and a young and upcoming soloist, Kwon Yuri.


Chungha surely wowed the crowd with her show-stopping, self-made choreographies and catchy songs.


On the other hand, Yuri was definitely popular with the ladies and made all their hearts flutter with her unrivaled charisma and powerful dance moves.


At one point, Wendy roamed around and got the three of them some beers to help them loosen up and enjoy the concert to the fullest.


It was a fun night overall and the gang wouldn’t have spent this Friday night any other way.


As the concert was nearing its end with the last performer on stage, all five of them had settled down on their picnic blanket once again, enjoying the last few minutes of the show in peace.


Yeri was clutching onto all the plushies they had won from all the booths while leaning into Joy’s body behind her as she sits in between the giant’s legs.


Joohyun and Seulgi were sitting side by side with Joohyun resting her head on the slightly taller woman’s shoulder while Wendy was peacefully minding her own business on one corner of the blanket.


“Did you guys have fun tonight?” The last performer screams into the microphone.


"Yeah! Wooo!" The still energetic crowd roared.


“It’s already our last song and since it’s already almost Valentines’ I’m gonna try and end this night on a sweet note.”


A series of groans and boos from all the singles in the crowd followed.


The last performer, known as the charismatic vocalist, Kim Taeyeon, chuckled at this. “Hey now, this next song is not only for those who have already found their soulmates.” Taeyeon explains.


“Actually, this is more so for all the singles out there! Where my single fellas at?”


Wooo! All the singles in the crowd cheered, including Joohyun and Seulgi.


If the gang noticed that Wendy didn’t join in the cheers, they didn’t make it known.


“Alright! Without further ado, here’s the last song, Dear No One.


The crowd then erupted into cheers for the gorgeous vocalist whose voice was clearly made for angels.



I like being independent

Not so much of an investment

No one to tell me what to do


I like being by myself

Don't gotta entertain anybody else

No one to answer to.



Taeyeon starts singing and the crowd immediately sings along with her. This song definitely familiar to most, if not all, the people present in the concert.


Well, this is definitely me. Joohyun thinks as she listens to the lyrics of the song.



But sometimes I just want somebody to hold

Someone to give me their jacket when it's cold

Got that young love even when we're old


Yeah, sometimes I want someone to grab my hand

Pick me up, pull me close, be my man

I will love you 'til the end


Well, that ain’t me. I don’t want a ing man. Joohyun violently reacts in her very gay mind.


I just want Kang Seulgi. I just need Kang Seulgi. Joohyun pleads desperately to whatever being is up there as she turns to stare at her best friend’s face close to hers.



So if you're out there I swear to be good to you

But I'm done lookin' for my future someone

'Cause when the time is right you'll be here,

But for now, dear No One,

This is your love song


Seulgi sings along with the crowd and feels her heart beating loudly in her chest.


She’s a true romantic and had always believed in the concept of soulmates ever since she was young. This song definitely strikes all the right chords within her.


If she was being honest, whenever she hears this song or any song for that matter, she can only think of one person.


That person being her best friend, Bae Joohyun. A true goddess inside and out in Seulgi’s eyes.


If she was being more honest, the thought of the girl beside her being her soulmate has definitely crossed her mind. A lot of times actually.


She thinks about it so often hoping that it might come true if she believes in it enough.


She wants to be the one to hold Joohyun at night while she sleeps.


The one who’d wrap Joohyun’s tiny frame with a jacket whenever the girl is cold.


The one who’ll grab Joohyun’s hand tightly every step of the way and grow old with her someday.


She so desperately wants the girl to be her soulmate but she knows that it could never happen.


How could a goddess like Joohyun even be my soulmate? Me? Joohyun’s soulmate? Never. Seulgi often thinks.


So instead of telling Joohyun the deepest desires of her heart, she opts to watch the girl instead in silence.

Only, as she turns her head to look at Joohyun, the said girl was already looking at her.



Dear No One, no need to be searchin'

Dear No One, this is your love song


The song ends along with the concert and most of the people have already stood up to start leaving but the two best friends were still in the same position, seemingly with no intention of moving.


“Hey lovebirds! Quit it with the eye. You can take that back your dorm room.” Yeri was the one to break the two out of their trance.


Yeri’s teasing causes the two girls to blush and break their intense staring contest.


“As if the two of you are any better, you might as well have had on my picnic blanket.” Wendy tries to save the two best friends from dying of embarrassment.


Seulgi was the first one to recover of the two. She immediately holds out her hand for Joohyun to take and proceeds to pull her up.


Ew, gross. You better wash this one. I’m not bringing this home. Wendy says as she picks up the blanket and tosses it over to the evil duo.


“Shut up, Canada. Don’t think that you’re off the hook. You have a lot to tell us. You didn’t even bother telling us that you weren’t single anymore!” Joy said, feigning hurt.


“Yeah! Who is she? Don’t even deny that it’s a she. We know you’re gay as hell.” Yeri says immediately before Wendy could even interrupt. “Name the woman! We need to find out who you cursed to fall in love with you.”


“Bold of you to assume that I can’t charm my way into a girl’s heart, Kim Yerim.” Wendy claps back at Yeri.


“To clear things up, yes, I have found my soulmate. And yes, I am no longer single. But as for the name, you’ll find out soon enough. Now if you will excuse me, I have some matters to attend to. Good night, gays.” Wendy leaves with a wink.


“Well, since I still gotta go and burn Miss Canada’s blanket, Joy and I will be heading off first.” Yeri says and the two of them starts to walk away.


“Good bye, lovebirds! Remember! Stay safe!” Joy shouts as she looks back at the two people who were still stunned at their friends’ craziness.


“I’m telling you, those two are soulmates. I’m betting on it.” Joy says as she turns to Yeri and takes out her money.


“I know. I’m also betting that they are soulmates.” Yeri replies as she takes out some money as well.


“Babe, that’s no fun. We gotta be on opposing sides. Come on! Bet on the other side! Anyway, even if you lose, you’ll still scam the hell out of me.” Joy complains.


“You’re right.” Yeri smiles evilly. “Fine, I’m betting that they are not soulmates.”


“I still believe that those two belong together though, soulmate or not.” Yeri finishes.


“Babe, you’re so cute. But I don’t think it’s necessary to state what everyone already knows.” Joy says as she slings a hand over Yeri’s shoulder and pecks her cheek.


Meanwhile, the two lovebirds were finally left alone and are getting that much needed break from their crazy friends.


“I can’t with them.” Seulgi shakes her head as she and Joohyun start walking home.


“I don’t wanna think about them anymore!” Joohyun shuts both her eyes tightly and clings onto Seulgi’s arm as they continue to walk.


Even after knowing Joohyun for years and being subjected to the girl’s love for skinship daily, Seulgi’s heart could never get used to it.


Her heart still races each time Joohyun would initiate any form of skinship with her. Heck, Joohyun doesn’t even need to be in the same room as her for her to experience this.


The mere thought of Joohyun still has her feeling like it’s the first time she’s seeing Joohyun again.


God, I’m in too deep. There’s no saving me from this. Seulgi thinks as she tries to calm the wild beating of her heart, afraid that the girl beside her would hear it.


“Hey, what’s bothering you? Why are you so quiet?” Joohyun asks with concern lacing her voice.


“A-ah. It’s nothing. I was just singing Dear No One in my head. It got stuck in my head after the concert.” Seulgi says as she scratches the back of her head.


“Oh. Me too, actually. I didn’t particularly find the song catchy or anything. But I guess Taeyeon really sang that one so well for it to be stuck in my head.” Joohyun shrugs.


Or maybe your soulmate was in the concert. Damn, what a lucky person. Seulgi thinks bitterly to herself.


“M-maybe your soulmate was in the concert too. Don’t you wanna go and find out?” Seulgi asks Joohyun even if the thought of Joohyun being with someone else hurts her so much.


“Seul, there was like over a thousand people who attended the concert. And I doubt that all of them are from our university. Most of them probably heard about the concert and just came to see Chungha, Yuri or Taeyeon.”


“Aren’t you curious? Don’t you wanna find your soulmate already so you could start spending the rest of your days with them?” So I can try to move on from this one-sided love already too. Seulgi continues in her thoughts.


Why are you so worked up about this?” Joohyun asks, already starting to get annoyed. “Do you really want to get rid of me that much already?” She pouts.


Of course not! You’re my best friend, Hyunnie. I just want you to be happy. That’s all.”


“You don’t have to worry about that, Seul. I am happy.” Joohyun says as she lets go of Seulgi’s arm to unlock the door to their dorm.


“I like the way things are right now. Between us. I really don’t know how I’d feel about another person coming into the picture.” Joohyun continues as she walks inside their room first.

Seulgi remains silent which prompts Joohyun to ask sadly, “Aren’t you happy anymore?”


Of course I am! Don’t ever think that I am not happy with you, Hyun.” Seulgi says.


Good. Now, go take a shower and let’s go to sleep. You still got that trip with Wendy for your camping thing tomorrow, right?” Joohyun says as she drags Seulgi and pushes her inside the bathroom.


“Alright, mom.” Seulgi teases.




God. You’ll never understand how happy you make me, Hyun. Seulgi thinks to herself as she shuts the bathroom door and leans her back against it.

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429 streak #1
Chapter 7: These 2 dorks are so cute 😂
1056 streak #2
Chapter 6: 😂😂
Chapter 7: it took 5 years to realize each other. thanks chungha & wendy for the idea to bring these two idiot friends together 😂
Chapter 7: Ahhhhhh i think this is one of my favorite soulmate aus already!!!! I'm laughing so hard at Yeri's self composed song and Seulgi's y music. Kskskjss they're all so cute. But Chungha and her plan is really the unsung hero here. Lol. Thank you for this!
Chapter 7: They were so cute omg.
Chapter 6: Lol at the this whole chapter.
Chapter 5: Slowpokes! Woman up and confess smh.
Chapter 4: I think Joohyun should follow Joy and Yeri’s way. If it can work with them, for sure it can work with her and Seulgi too.
Chapter 3: I wonder if Seulgi has any feelings towards Joohyun.
Chapter 2: Cute first meeting.