The Third: Greedy

a waltz out of my thoughts


A lot of time had passed since Joohyun and Seulgi had first met in the music room. They are now university students in the same university, together with some of their high school friends.


Joohyun, Joy and Yeri are all under the Journalism Department, while Seulgi and Wendy are both in the Music and Fine Arts Department.


Greedy! Oooh! You know that I’m greedy for love..


The speakers in Joohyun and Seulgi’s shared room were currently blasting Ariana Grande’s classic bop, Greedy.


Baby you got lucky cause you’re rocking with the best! And I’m greedy! So greedy!


The two best friends were supposed to be doing their homework, yet here they are, shouting the lyrics along with Ariana Grande while dancing with all their might, as if holding a private concert in their room.


Damn, I love this song! Kang Seulgi! Why did you choose such a distracting song?” Joohyun managed to ask in between heavy breaths.


“I don’t know! This song has been stuck in my head since this morning! I just had to play it.” Seulgi replied while still dancing around in their room.


“This song has been stuck in my head too! It’s like really catchy and groovy.” Joohyun excitedly claims. Mostly excited about another opportunity of confirming that Kang Seulgi is indeed her soulmate.


“Yeah, I know right? It’s like the national anthem these days! Everyone in my department has been singing only this for the past few days, and I’m not even exaggerating.” Seulgi tells Joohyun.


“Oh. I see.” Joohyun deflates at this. “I think I’m tired of listening to this song. In fact, I’m starting to hate it.”


A lie. It’s still stuck in her head.


ing soulmate. Joohyun thinks to herself. I need to talk to Joy and Yeri.


The following day, Joohyun decides to consult with Joy and Yeri during lunch time.


Joy and Yeri was their gang’s ultimate satan duo. The duo had already known since high school that they were soulmates, although no one in their group really knows how they found out.


They both claimed that talking about it was way too cheesy and that they were not into that cheesy crap. The people in their gang didn’t really care enough to force the two to tell them anyway.


That was until Joohyun got desperate. You can dare say the she got greedy.


“Hey, satans.” Joohyun calls out to the two after their 11AM Analytical Reading and Writing class had ended.


“Sup, granny!” Yeri replies back.


“I know it’s Wednesday and you have your usual..” Joohyun pauses and thinks of what to say next.


Sataning session.” Joohyun continues. “But can you please have lunch with me today? I actually need you two.” Joohyun says desperately.


Joy and Yeri then proceeds to give each other confused looks at first but then both shrug and agree to Joohyun’s request.


“Fine.” Joy says. “But you gotta treat us to lunch.”


Joy and Yeri sit down at the table first while Joohyun follows along with all of their food.


“Alright, here’s your lunch.” Joohyun gets straight to the point. “Now let’s talk about my problem.”


“Shoot.” Joy says.


“How did you find out that Yeri’s your soulmate?” Joohyun asks.


“Oh my god, Joohyun. Is this about Seulgi again? You bothered us for this cheesy crap again?” Joy complains as Yeri just munches away without a care.


“Oh come on! Just answer the question this time so I won’t have to ask again. Please?” Joohyun urges.


“Fine.” Joy gives in. “Well, it was kinda easy finding Yeri.” Joy starts.


Actually, it was very easy finding Yeri.” Joy chuckles as Yeri suddenly stops eating and begins to blush.


Joy takes a glance at Yeri as if asking for her permission to continue but Joohyun waves a hand at them and interrupts.


“Well, go on?” Joohyun impatiently says.


“Alright. So back in high school, Yeri and I didn’t know each other at first.” Joy begins again. “So when I got LSS to some weird, seemingly made up song, my first instinct was to Google it.”


“Mhm. Well, that has never happened to me before. For some reason, I think my soulmate only seems to listen to popular songs. But yes, continue.” Joohyun says.


“Anyway, I obviously got no results when I Googled the lyrics stuck in my head. A few days later, I found out the reason why I couldn’t find the song stuck in my head from a mutual friend of ours.” Joy explains.


“So I told this mutual friend of ours, Chaeyoung, that I got this really weird song stuck in my head and I told her the lyrics.” Joy pauses, trying not to laugh.


Okay. Then what?” Joohyun then notices Yeri beginning to turn into an actual human tomato.


“You see, the lyrics had a name of a person in it. Kim Yerim. So when Chaeyoung heard the lyrics, she immediately told me that she had a friend named Kim Yerim and you know the rest!” Joy smiles and hugs her human tomato.


Wait. What?” Joohyun says, confused. “What kind of song would have Kim Yerim in it?”


“It was a made up song!” Yeri blurted out. “I like singing, I’m YR, this is the remix. Kim Yerim in the house!, a lot, okay?”


Upon hearing this, Joohyun and Joy burst out laughing.


“Hey! Why are you laughing with this granny?” Yeri points her finger at Joy.


“Come on, babe. Lighten up. It’s really funny. And you know that I love it when you sing that song!” Joy gives Yeri’s cheek a peck and hugs her to pacify the now angry human tomato.


“Pfft. You’re lucky I love you.” Yeri says as she settles into the embrace of the giant satan.


Joohyun looks at the two happily and feels a bit envious of their luck in finding their soulmate.


Should I try that out then? Joohyun thinks.


Nahh. I would never have enough confidence to pull that off. Besides, the soulmate thing only works on songs that are not forced to your brain. Joohyun figures.


Well she’s right about that. Only Kim Yerim would have enough confidence and love for herself to actually get a song about herself stuck in her head.


“You know, you should just confess right?” Yeri snaps Joohyun out of her thoughts.


“W-what?” Joohyun stutters.


“What do you mean, w-what?” Joy imitates Joohyun.


Oh come on, Joohyun! Just get it over with. I’m sure she likes you back! I’m getting tired of seeing you so obviously pining over Seulgi and shooting heart eyes at her all the time.Joy reproaches.


“I-I do not shoot heart eyes at Seulgi!” Joohyun denies.


“Joohyun. Please. Everybody knows that you like Seulgi. Even our high school’s therapy dog knows that you like her!” Yeri exclaims.


Seriously? What is it with our school’s therapy dog? Joohyun thinks to herself.


“Look. Guys, it’s not that easy. She’s my best friend!” Joohyun states as a matter of fact. “One wrong move, she’s gone from my life. I don’t think I can handle that.” Joohyun says with a hint of sadness in her eyes.


“We understand.” Joy says as she and Yeri share a knowing look.


“We’re just concerned about you.” Yeri follows up as she reaches for Joohyun’s hand.


“I know, and I’m thankful for you guys.” Joohyun smiles. “Don’t worry about it. I’m fine.”


“Well, for the record, soulmate or not, we think you and Seul belong together.” Yeri tells Joohyun.


Joohyun just smiles at that.




Because she too, from the bottom of her heart, hopes and believes that she and Seulgi belong together.

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429 streak #1
Chapter 7: These 2 dorks are so cute 😂
1056 streak #2
Chapter 6: 😂😂
Chapter 7: it took 5 years to realize each other. thanks chungha & wendy for the idea to bring these two idiot friends together 😂
Chapter 7: Ahhhhhh i think this is one of my favorite soulmate aus already!!!! I'm laughing so hard at Yeri's self composed song and Seulgi's y music. Kskskjss they're all so cute. But Chungha and her plan is really the unsung hero here. Lol. Thank you for this!
Chapter 7: They were so cute omg.
Chapter 6: Lol at the this whole chapter.
Chapter 5: Slowpokes! Woman up and confess smh.
Chapter 4: I think Joohyun should follow Joy and Yeri’s way. If it can work with them, for sure it can work with her and Seulgi too.
Chapter 3: I wonder if Seulgi has any feelings towards Joohyun.
Chapter 2: Cute first meeting.